
Never Alone (DFE)

There are countless tragedies in the world. Many people suffer from despair and darkness alone their whole lives. Living without any hope or dreams, all they need is someone to offer their hands, just once. No need for needless sympathy or consolation, just give them a warm hug once and tell them, things would be alright. And if you could save them, if you could be their salvation - "Josh, were you thinking about your all those weird monologues again?" "It's nothing. I just remembered some old things" "Heh-heh. Josh is weird" - Maybe you could save yourself too.

deadfisheyes · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"It is the end, Sylvia...Your reign has ended."

The silver-haired girl just indifferently stared at the man in front of her.

Various cuts and bruises engulfed her whole body and blood was dripping from her chest where the Holy sword had pierced her. Even though her life was ending right before her, she showed no signs of struggle or pain.

The Demon King Ragnarokes.

The strongest existence in the world.

The one who might bring the end to the entire world.

He was the strongest of all of the Demon Kings ever. He had four Demon Lords under him. Each was the sign of insurmountable power and uncontrollable terror.

However, here one such existence was lying defeated in front of a human.

Demon lord Sylvia was the fourth and the last of the Demon Lords the hero had defeated. He had already vanquished the three other Demon Lords before fighting her.

"Now there would be no more Demon Lords, no more wars..." The hero stared at her with determination blazing in his eyes. "Peace would finally come once I defeat the Demon King."

As he said, he strengthened the grip of the sword on his hand as he started to prepare for the final blow.

The Demon lord Sylvia just stared at the hero.

She looked just in late teens, eighteen or nineteen, just the same age as the hero. At the age when she should be enjoying the peak of her youth, here she was, lying on the ground covered with blood, taking her final breaths, cursed by the whole world.

Till the end, she said nothing to the hero who was the reason for her death.

She just kept silently staring at him, but even then her eyes were like void, completely empty.

Maybe that is why, an eerie silence surrounded the Hero party even after defeating the last of the Demon lords.

"Haah..finally..." The Elf Archer sighed and sat on the ground exhaustedly.

The rest of the party members also started to rest and prepare for the last confrontation.

The hero gazed at the faces of each of his partner as if to engrave their faces to his mind as he once again stood up, staring at the tall black castle looming in the distance.

"Now, its finally the time for the final battle..."


"Phew" I sigh.

After countless hours of struggle, I had finally finished the whole game.

[Another World Mayhem]

This was the name of the game I had been playing from the last month.

Stumbling upon it in the attic while I was cleaning the house one final time before moving out, I had thought to play it just to relieve some of my nostalgia.

However contrary to my expectations I had became quite engrossed in the game itself.

The world of the fantasy, the superb plot, the quirky hero and his comrades and the gorgeous battle scenes had caught my eyes.

Even after completing the game, I still couldn't help but think of the it.

"It's a little pitiful though..."

I murmur after remembering the battle with the Demon lord Sylvia.

The only human among the demon lords, a young girl completely disconnected from the world, a person who was completely indifferent to everything, the Demon lord Sylvia.

Unlike the other Demon Lords who were demons and had been fighting humans because of the war between the humans and the demons, she was a complete human but even then, she waged wars against the all of the races and terrorized the whole kingdom.

Even when her death came, she showed no emotion on her face, as if her life didn't matter to her at all.

As my thoughts wandered about her, credits started appearing at the screen.

[Artist : One]

[Programmer : One]

[Director : One]




When I thought that I had finally completed the game, surprising me, another line of text appeared on the black screen.

[There is another interactive mode of playthrough for the players who have completed the whole game. Do you wish to try? - Y/N]

Looking at the screen, a smile involuntarily escaped my face as I once again grabbed the controller.

"Lets go..." I whispered and pressed the button.

This was the last thing I remembered before losing my consciousness.

Well another one of my stories written just to escape from the reality (lol I am pathetic). It is more of my hopes and wishes. I hope someone in this world could smile because of it. Hehehe~

deadfisheyescreators' thoughts