
Never A Bride

"I want you to tie me up and have your way with me." - Volume 1: Bourbon and Bad Decisions For thirty years, Adele has evaded men who she deemed unworthy of her heart and body as advised by her grandmother. However, there was nothing she could do when temptation came in the form of a sexy prince she was too drunk and high to remember if she had sex with. Elliot Grayson was the youngest prince of the British royal family. He was as handsome as he was mysterious and unbelievably misunderstood. The night before his ex-girlfriend's wedding, he consciously married a coldhearted beauty he met at his cousin's wedding in Las Vegas. She was by far the sexiest and most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He couldn't say no when she asked him to marry her in her drunken state. Elliot wasn't going to let her slip away, he was falling for her and was going to do whatever in his power to ensure she doesn't find out the truth about what really happened that night in Las Vegas. -------- {Please read the auxiliary chapter entitled, 'Never a Bride' before proceeding to the story} Check out my other novels: Blood Bound to Elias [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's Connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ***** The cover art does not belong to me; the rights go to the original owner!

DollyRoma · Urban
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26 Chs

Voga Italia Moscato

Brianna got up from the seat and pecked her husband's lips before looking at Elliot with a shy but modest smile though she was screaming in her head, 'Oh, my god! He looks even better up close!'

"My love," Daniel started, wrapping his arm around Brianna's waist as he introduced, "This is my third cousin, Prince Elliot Grayson." He looked at Elliot, "And Elliot, this is my wife, Brianna Dalton."

"Carmichael," Brianna added with a smile as she offered Elliot her hand. "Brianna Dalton-Carmichael."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Elliot politely responded as he took her hand, briefly kissing it.

Brianna's knees bucked, and butterflies erupted in her stomach as she suddenly felt hot enough to melt into goo. It was only for a short while, but his soft lips pressed against her skin gave her tingling feelings unfamiliar to her hammering heart.

Brianna could feel the hateful gazes burning into her body from all sides. Such a small gesture from Elliot drove the women lusting over him crazy with jealousy.

"Don't be so formal," Brianna started. "We're family!" To everyone's surprise, she wrapped her arms around Elliot's waist, resting her head against his muscular chest.

A satisfied sigh left her lips as she deeply inhaled his minty scent. 'He smells so good,' Brianna moaned in her head. 'And he's so well-built!' She could feel all his muscles through his suit.

Elliot didn't know what to do; the hug was a surprise, so he awkwardly patted her on the back.

Brianna didn't remember there were currently other people in the world until she heard her husband clear his throat. She nervously chuckled as she released Elliot, and to avert the attention from herself; she pulled Adele from her seat, forcing the confused raven-haired woman in front of the prince.

"P-Prince Elliot," Brianna stuttered, feeling a certain thrill from simply saying his name. "This is my friend, Adele Ricci."

'The sexiest woman of our generation,' Elliot thought as he stared at her. 'I wonder if her voice is as beautiful as her face.'

Before Elliot could say anything, Adele only said, "Hi," before quickly sitting down. Her heart was thumping out of her chest! Adele already acknowledged Elliot was good-looking; she didn't think seeing him up close would have this type of effect on her too.

Before anything more could be said, the matriarch of Daniel's family tapped her empty champagne flute glass with a small spoon before saying, "Would everyone, please find their seats."

Elliot sat next to Adele and returned her earlier greeting, "Hi."

The raven-haired beauty briefly looked at him before focusing on anything that caught her eyes first to keep herself distracted.

"How are you?" Elliot questioned. He wanted to hear more of her voice.

Adele looked at him with a straight face as she asked, "Why are you talking to me? Is it sex that you want?"

Elliot was taken aback by her words; he didn't expect her to be so blunt. His ex-girlfriend was even too shy to say the word sex! Adele was truly nothing near his ideal type.

"Do you assume that every guy who talks to you wants to have sex with you?" Elliot questioned. He folded his arms across his broad chest, "Aren't you being too narcissistic?"

"I don't think so," Adele responded. She turned her body to face him properly and leaned closer to him to seductively whisper, "Aren't you just dying to throw me on this table and have your way with me?" Her voice lowered further as she went closer to his ear, "Though, we'd draw less attention if you fingered me under it instead."

Adele successfully messed with Elliot's head. He didn't know how to handle bold women since he was used to women stuttering and blushing intensely when they talked to him.

Before, he wasn't thinking about how Adele would look under him...naked, but now...'What is wrong with this woman?' he wondered.

Seeing the dumbfounded expression on Elliot's face at her teasing, Adele chuckled as she sat properly in her seat. With a smile, she watched the waitress pour a liquid into her champagne flute that was as clear as water.

'Is it a Voga Italia Moscato?' Adele thought. It was one of the only wines she knew that resembled water. With a curious expression, she brought the flute to her face and sniffed it.

Adele kept calm as she called the waitress, thinking it must be some misunderstanding or a mistake. "Excuse me."

The neatly dressed waitress came over to her, "Yes, Miss Ricci?"

Adele's lips spread into a friendly smile as she complained, "I think you accidentally poured water into my glass."

"I didn't, Miss Ricci," the waitress responded. "Your mother gave us strict orders to serve you only water during this banquet and for the duration of the wedding celebration."

Adele's eyes fell on her mother seated near the other end of the table. The Brazillian woman already had her eyes fixed on her daughter and wore a smug smile as she sipped on the pink Moscato in her flute.

'You little bitch!' Adele thought as she stared daggers at her mother. She took a calming breath before saying to the waitress, "I'll double whatever she's offering you."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I-"

Adele cut her off, "I'll triple it!"

"Miss Ricci," the timid waitress tried to start again, but Adele cut her off after removing her diamond necklace.

"This is a 24-carat diamond riviera platinum necklace worth US$30000." Adele smiled as she offered it to the waitress, "I'll give it to you for a glass of red wine."

The waitress still didn't look convinced, so Adele pulled Elliot closer to her by his arm. "And I'll give you him for a day."

The waitress' eyes fell on Elliot's handsome and confused face. Her cheeks reddened, and her heart threatened to make a hole into her chest as her breathing quickened. All this time, she tried not to look directly at Prince Elliot; he was too intimidating!

"I'm sorry, Miss Ricci, but I can't!" the woman tearily said before running off.