

As long...... well as long I can remeber I been haunted by my dreams. Dreams that are so real I can smell the flowers, feel the flames of the fire and know love. To be honest it was just dreams that filled my sketch books and note books alike, till a long night at work. That resulted in a lot more then I could ever imagine. starting with a wounded man kissing me to hide from men in black.

J_R_Rockefeller · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter One

"This makes him the second guy this year," Charlie shook her head in disbelief.

"He said that," taking a sip of my tea, I really didn't want to repeat the story again. After all it wasn't that long ago, I had to explain it to my mom, why she got a notification that his relationship status went to single. "He said that ' he was more invested in the relationship then I was. That if he was the only one going to put in the effort, then it would be better if we take time apart.'" Air quoting everything, he would be the fourth guy that has said that to me, this year.

"Wow, wow, you guys have only been dating for more than a few months."

Shrugging my shoulders, I looked into my tea as if it would replay the last day. "Yeah, but to be honest really, with school and work, it was around." Doing some mental calculations, it was actually less than a month and half. "Don't even know how we actually started dating. Just one of those things that just happened and only really hung out at the library, classes, or he would come at work every once in a while."

Charlie simply shook her head, her blonde hair brushed against her shoulders. "That's pretty sad," her blue eyes narrowed down at me, definitely judging me, then again the other guy said the exact same thing. That also I was also known as cold hearted among some of the guys around campus.

Sighing there was really much to say, other than just shrugging it off. "I rather focus on getting an education and make sure I can pay for the bills. Even told him that when he asked me out and he said he was ok with that. If anything, he knew what he was getting himself into."

Charlie was one of the few people who could put up with my personality. She has been my roommate for a while, maybe that would be the reason, but she says that it was only part of it.

A few more minutes of talking to her, mostly her asking me if I would be alright, my break was over. Needing to go back to work for the next couple of hours. Saying 'bye' she said she would meet me back at the dorm.

Sighing, I won't lie, I was a little jealous of her, both of her parents were well off meaning they pay for her expenses, catch is she needs to keep a high average. On top of that she was gorgeous, with beautiful blonde hair, piercing blue eyes and was part of the gymnastic team.

Then there was me going to school on a scholarship, needing to stay in the top percentile of my classes, on top of that working at the local cafe to be able to pay for books, plus everything else. I was thin, but it was mainly because of not having a car and the campus was on a hill. Usually cladded in jeans with either a simple shirt. With my brown hair usually pulled up in a bun that always felt that it would fall out.

Few hours later, it was getting closer and closer to being able to run away. Able to go home and relax and try to get some sleep between some cram studying.