
Neulsom Studio

An old alley, a general store where you can feel more history than even the alley. One scenario book. If you write a scenario, you can film a drama just for yourself! ______________________________________ You can treat me to coffee via the link below: https://saweria.co/Xintu https://www.paypal.me/RYUSuke7

RYUSuke · Realistic
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39 Chs

Chapter 35 – Chapter 35 – #4.5scenario Sensitivity

When I entered the office, there were Kim Woo-hyun and Won Yu-chan who greeted me warmly.

"Siwoo, Dayoung, you worked hard. Was it difficult?"

"Noob, it wasn't hard."

"…But look at your face."

Worried about Kim Woo-hyun, when he looked in the mirror, his energy was clearly drained. On the other hand, Dayoung Woo's face was plump, which made me think that a gumiho that sucks the spirit might actually exist.

"Anyway, that's not the problem, I'll go on an expedition and collect the materials I brought and send them to you."

"Ah, thank you. You worked hard."

Scenarios are also scenarios, but now was the time to focus on work. I sat down and fixed my posture by holding my still sore balls.


After arranging the backed-up data, I made a briefing material by making a continuity to the composition. I was able to make it only after I ate until lunch and worked until the afternoon.


Attention was drawn to the meeting with applause.

"Hey hey, gather together, let's have a meeting."

They were seated at a long table in the center.


After dragging the whiteboard bulletin board and attaching the collected materials one by one, the briefing started.

"I've been to all of them, but first of all, what they asked for was the young sensibility of these days. So I'm thinking of making the correction a little thicker."

Kim Woo-hyun listened to his story while taking his notes.

"The ratio is going to be like this, what do you think?"

"Um… I think it's okay. Let me ask you one more time."

"Oki, then I'm going to make a phrase next, so I'll do it after I'm done editing. The composition is like this."

Long meeting. When I pointed out a lacking part, I made a note of it right there.

"How long do you think it will take?"

"Um…, Wouldn't it take a week if I couldn't do it? And they said I had to go alone."

I wanted to take Dayoung Woo, but it was difficult due to the company's requirements. It was because the weight of the work that came in was considerable for Kim Woo-hyun and Won Yoo-chan to do.

"Is that possible?"

"I think it worked out better. Shooting with my hand gives me a feeling of traveling and it's much better."

After the meeting, I went straight to work.

"Woohyun-ah, I'll go home first. I'm too tired today, so I won't be able to work anymore."

"Ah, yes yes. You worked hard."

Kim Woo-hyun stood up and even sent me off.


On the first floor stairs, I tapped him on the shoulder and said.

"Woohyun-ah, thank you for trusting me."

"Ah, I'm more grateful because you work hard."


It's a cheesy word, so I took it out on purpose when we were alone. It was necessary to receive infinite trust from Kim Woo-hyun. Because we need the trust we have built up in other episodes to come in the future.

"Then let's go."

I shook his hand to say hello and got on the bus heading home.

_ _ _ _

One day I needed a good rest.

"Ah~, you're really pissed off for 2 nights and 3 days."

I put the laundry back and lay down on the bed for a while, and then I fell asleep. I woke up at dawn rubbing my eyes, hung up the laundry I had been turning because I wanted to, and took out cup noodles from the cupboard and poured hot water over them.


I had to stretch in the living room because I was tired.


After yawning in succession, I went into the small room with the hot water cup noodles. After turning on the computer, I moved the videos I had backed up on my laptop.


While watching YouTube and emptying the ramen, I checked the uploaded videos one by one. The sound was jagged because there was no separate slate. It was also difficult to find an editing point.

"I still have to do it…"

Dildo play, outdoor nudity play, and pretending to be lovers.

I cut it apart and started editing. By the time the editing was over, the sun had already risen.

"I'll use this for later…"

Edited files are saved separately.

[Woo Da-young]

After going into the file and organizing the videos, I took other materials that I had pulled out.

[Adult sensitivity education video]

It looked like a plausible official letter from my point of view. After carefully packing it in my bag, I set out for work. This Thursday morning was a reasonably sunny day. The sky was dotted with white clouds, but the day was not as hot as expected. It seemed like a cool breeze was blowing. By lunchtime it will be steaming hot again.


When I got off the bus and arrived at the company, I saw no one but me.

"Haam. Oh, I'm sleepy."

I was tired even though I had just washed and came out. I sat down and was correcting the points that were pointed out yesterday, so I went to work one by one to fill the seats.

"Yuchan, let's smoke a cigarette."


I took Won Yoo-chan, who had bought a lot of food, and went down to the first floor for a cigarette. After smoking a cigarette and picking up some of the food Yu-chan Won had bought, I felt my stomach fill up.


Kim Woo-hyun, who came next to the partition, handed over a piece of paper.


"This is a list of things I rented this time."

There was quite a bit of equipment, not only drones, but also cameras and microphones.

"Ah, thank you."

After lunch time, the rented list was delivered quickly.


After unpacking and checking the equipment one by one, I connected it to the computer and finished adjusting the balance to suit my taste. It was a company of only four people, but there was a mountain of work to do. Still, there was time to rest, so I approached Dayoung Woo at that time. Said as she leaned her arm against the partition of Woo Da-young, who was doing sound editing.

"Hey. A cigarette and a pizza."

"…What are you saying, you know I don't smoke."

"Adult Sensitivity."

He opened his eyes at the word and looked at me.

"Are the results already out?"

"Uh, you must have been in a hurry too. Listening to the people in charge, they said we need to produce results quickly."


It was operated with national money, but there was no way the results would come out in just one day. However, thanks to the low discomfort, I was able to pass without much trouble.

"I want to talk about it."

"Oh, yes. What is it?"

Climb the stairs and open the roof door. The third floor was rented out, so there was no one at the moment, and the rooftop also had only abandoned items. I smoked a cigarette and said.

"Once I passed. Look at that."

Woo Da-yeong reads the materials she handed over.

"I liked your portfolio. If you don't mind, I'm going to take a picture today and send it tomorrow."

"…Can it be done in one day?"

"Yeah, just in case you didn't know, I put together a continuity."


U Da-young pondered as she crossed her arms.

"Can you do it in one day?"

"I can do it. Whoa."

U Da-young, who was watching her cigarette smoke, nodded her head.

"Okay, I'll believe it and try it. I made the portfolio so hard, but if I say no… It's kind of like that."

"Huh? Well, I wasn't going to film it if you said you didn't like it. I'm not forcing you to do it."

Udayoung put a small smile on her lips. Then, turning her gaze to the side, she said shyly.

"Thank you, though. I can tell from seeing you work."


"To be honest, you and Woohyun are the busiest people at Neulsom Studio."

The scenario she had planted in her was working properly. Of course, besides the scenario, the images I had accumulated were creating synergy.

"But I hate it every time you do it. I want to do more, but you can just film this and stop filming."

"…That, is that okay?"

"Yeah, because I've earned enough money. I'll give it to you as soon as it's deposited."

She was Woo Da-young, who made a somewhat regretful expression at those words. It is because she has attached her affection to this channel as well in several filmings.

"Come on, let's go in."

She dumped the butt on her floor, rubbed it off with her foot, and went inside.

"Then come to my house right after work."

She spoke before entering the office.


As she listened to Dayoung Wu's answer, she went back into her office. She goes into the bathroom and urinates and looks in the mirror, but her face, which had been so pale until yesterday, was back quite a bit. The stiff balls and the prickly pain of the prick seemed to be fine now.

"I thought you were getting older, but you weren't?"

She's only 27 years old, but compared to the 20-year-old newcomers, she's pretty much what you'd call her. After washing her hands and finishing her work, she was about to leave, but Won Yu-chan caught her.

"Hyung, how about a drink today?"

"Why do you always ask for a drink? Let's stay tomorrow."

"Ah~, I'm hungry now."

"Let's eat tomorrow, Yuchan. I'll live tomorrow."

I left Yu-chan, who felt sorry for me, and headed home. Kim Woo-hyun and Woo Da-young had a date today, so I will come when the date is over.

_ _ _ _

Dayoung Woo.

Chi profit.

Kim Woo-hyun opened his mouth in front of the meat on the grill.

"How was the tour?"

"An answer? Um, that was fine."

Rather than thinking that she did the research properly, the memory of having sex like crazy for 2 nights and 3 days lingered. I didn't want to do it, but I couldn't control the thought of it.

"Really? Wasn't it difficult?"

"Hey, it was hard, but still…"

On the first day, it was hard to keep moving after inserting the dildo. It was hard in a different meaning, but the meaning still worked.

"Siwoo works really hard."

I brought up another story to get rid of my thoughts.

"Extremely… How to say, should I say that I work hard…?"

"Is that so? You said you were too lighthearted before."

At Kim Woo-hyun's words, which contained her smile, she pouted her mouth.

"I thought it was like that too~. But after working together, it turns out it wasn't like that…"

No matter what he did, the way he did it with passion was enough to change Woo Da-young's mind. Kim Woo-hyun said, placing the cooked meat on the plate in front of her.

"Isn't it? But he's really good at his job. And if you get to know him, he's also a fast friend."

At her boyfriend's words, she nodded. I suddenly remembered what we had said while holding each other naked in the bathtub, and our faces blushed. After eating, I was running out of time, so I headed to a nearby cafe.

"Woohyun, are you going to go home today?"

At that, Kim Woo-hyun smiled.

"I think I'll have to go home and do my overdue work. Since I have some free time on the weekend, shall we go see the sea?"


"Yeah, they say there's a restaurant in Incheon. Let's go together."

A date set up on the weekend. I had almost given up on dating because I was so busy with work, but now I thought I would be able to go on a date. She held Kim Woo-hyun's hand and smiled widely.


_ _ _ _

As soon as I got home, I washed and went to sleep. It was a short sleep, but I felt refreshed as if I had a good night's sleep.


She yawned briefly and came out wearing only her panties and started preparing for the shoot.

"Because it's an adult's sensitivity… Even to me, it looks like shit."

Looking at the official document I made, I was amazed, not admired.

"It's time to come after the date is over."

Ding dong.

As soon as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang.


Admiring my foresight, I opened the front door on the first floor.


Four things to do while reading:



- enter Collection

-And give the power stone.

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