
Networking in a cultivation world

"There's always somebody better than you." A heaven-defying genius, a maniac who eats calamities for breakfast, the reincarnation of the devil himself, a literal jack of all trade, master of them all. The universe is big enough. So, what do you do when there's people like that in the world? Pray that god doesn't pick a fight with them? Hope that you and your love ones doesn't get annihilated in the crossfire? There's only one way to beat them. Networking. Let's see what are y'all gonna do when the entire world works for yours truly.

Edock · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Who Dares?!

"I mean, it's better than nothing."

"I suppose that's the right thing to do."

"Ok, so while the guy in the outer city asks around. Any young masters with an informat in the area?"

"I'll check"

"I'll check too"

"I have a branch store in the capital. I'll see if they heard any rumors about the Peng clan."

Very quickly, new ideas were thrown out, and the about 400 souls that were available started working behind the scenes once more. They knew that they would want everyone to do the same for them if they got into a risky situation like Peng Tian.


Back in the room...

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..."

Peng Tian was panicking, reality was starting to sink in, his family wasn't here, this wasn't River Wind city, he didn't know anyone here, and to top it all off, he was told to stay in the room by his only reliable support. It was the first time in his life where he was in actual danger.

'Why? How? Things happen too fast, I'm not ready for this!'

'911? Wait. no.'

'Um, um, fuck!'

Suddenly, waves of helplessness wash over him. His originally panicked mind

"Ok, ok, what can I do other than wait?"

Peng Tian started to look around. The room itself isn't very big, around 10 by 8 meters, 3 windows, a door, and a supporting pillar in the middle of the room.

'Grandpa said to not leave the room, unless I'm gonna die, I shouldn't have to go out, but just in case.'

He began to test the sturdiness of the room. The reinforced door was out of the question, but maybe he can break out of one of the windows.

'Training, don't fail me now'

[Five Elemental Unarmed Style Martial Art]

All martial arts are based on the element.

Null represents positions.

Water represents attack speed.

Earth represents receiving attacks.

Wind represents nullifying attacks.

Fire represents attack damage.

Metal represents redirecting attacks.

Yang represents aggressiveness.

Yin represents passiveness.

The first section of the Five Elemental Unarmed Style Martial Art consists of 216 moves. The 1st move is null element, 2nd move is water, 3rd earth, 4th wind, 5th fire, 6th metal, the 7th are null again, and so on.

Peng Tian has currently mastered it to the 36th move.

'Let's try this first'

'25th position! 29th move!'

A palm strike clashed against the window.


A small crack was clearly seen on the window. His palm hurts a bit, but it was doable.

'Using the 35th move two times should be able to break it.'

With this, he also got a clue about the enemy. The window was really too fragile, even someone at the Qi condensation stage like Peng Tian could break it. Peng Fan shouldn't have reinforced the already stronger door if it was about not letting the enemies break in.

'They aren't allowed to break stuff.'

To confirm, he pressed his hand on the door and inserted a part of his soul.


[Red Wooden Door]

Rank: grade 2 human

Description: A wooden door with five rank 2 anti-pick locking restrictions.

'As I thought, grandpa only reinforced it to stop them from picking the lock.'

Now that he's starting to know about the enemies. Peng Tian calms down.

'What do they say again? 'Know the enemies and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles' was it?' A random thought popped out to comfort him.

'Ok, ok, maybe things are gonna be fine after all.'

Knock knock knock


Peng Tian kept his silence and also activated a stealth skill.

[Mist Walker Stealth Skill]

Rank: grade 4 human

Description: Create an illusion of having the user turn into a cloud of mist.

Requirements: none

The current strongest stealth skill with no special requirements in the Soul space's market with the price tag of 200 points.


The protection necklace his mother gave him activated.

Just an instant after he activates the skill. A wave of soul force hit him like a truck. The protection necklace fizzled out before breaking instantly, and before he was knocked unconscious, he was able to send a message to the Soul space.

'DO IT!'


Black Breeze City, within Blood Eagle Alliance's main headquarter's meeting room.

With the exception of the three main seats, the room was packed full of people, with each one having the status of a city lord. They were talking amongst themselves.

"Hey, why do you think the leader called us here?"

"No idea, maybe it's about the new resource distributions?"

Once this sentence was said, everyone showed their true greedy faces. The alliance was made purely for benefits in the first place. The word 'resources' and 'benefits' are a very good motivation for all of these men to get into a fight without backing off an inch.

Suddenly, the main door opens with a savage looking old man walking in. The man was naturally the leader of the Blood Eagle Alliance, Huan Jun.

The man didn't even go to his seat before saying "Let's get this meeting started, shall we?"

Some people couldn't help but point out "Wait, where's the Head Elder and Vice-Leader? You can't start this meeting without them."

"Oh, you mean these old fossils?" Said Huan Jun with a hint of madness. Two white haired old men walked out behind, their eyes devoid of life.

"He-head Elder?!"


"T-this is?! Bloodless puppets?!" One of them realized their condition.

Bloodless puppets is the evil art of draining the victims bodies of all their blood and refining them into mindless corpses. The puppets will only be able exert one-third of the force in their prime, but this technique is still widely used by those of the evil alignment.

Many have already realized what was happening "Huan Jun, don't think that you'll be able to get away with this, do you think that you can beat all of us with just you three?" But as they were saying this, they were also looking at each other suspiciously. They know that no matter how deranged Huan Jun was, he was still the no.2 expert of Greenland county. He must have made some preparations for today to speak out so confidently.

And lo and behold, several dozens of black robed men suddenly burst into the room. Huan Jun eyes flashes with cold light "Surrender, or die."

As all of them are grandmasters, the city lords in the room instantly recognized the men in black.

"The Blood Stream Sect!"


Different Spiritual Qis exploded and clashed violently. All of the city lords used their life-saving treasures and techniques to run away with all their might. One of them however, has a different objective for running away.

'I must inform the city lord about this.' Some hints of a yellow colored wing phantom appeared behind his back as he started killing and rushing his way out.


Peng Tian woke up in the familiar dark void and the glowing gray floor. Many souls were sitting around looking at the black screen above in the void.

"W-what, how did it go?" He whispered, his mind still ringing.

"Oh, he's up"

"Guys, he's up!"

All of them were notified, but only a few of them got up, the rest of them were still sitting on the floor.

"Nonono. You guys don't have to get up, how did it go tho?"

"Well, the plan worked, kinda, but your body..." The soul that answered looked up at the black screen. "...as you can see."

Once they knew of the opponent's restriction, a plan was formed, unless Peng Fan got into trouble, Peng Tian would be safe in the room from any physical harm, but there was still the threat of mind attacks.

Some techniques are able to turn Spiritual qi into soul force that are able to go through walls. Actually, this kind of technique is one of the hardest ones to defend against no matter who you are. In fact, the only thing that made it possible for Peng Tian to survive was the corporative might of all the available souls in the Soul space and the treasure his grandpa gave him.

"Well, I suppose we can add countering mind attacks into one of the emergency last resorts then." A soul spoke out enthusiastically.

"But your body..." one of the souls lamented.

While they were able to counter the mind attacks, the brain of a human body just can't handle 400 minds at once.

"It's fine, I'm still here, which means that I'm not dead yet."

When the 6 souls died, their souls were also destroyed from the Soul space. Many didn't even have the time to say their last words before they were gone.

"By the way, have you got anything on the Peng clan yet?" He turned his head back at the souls that stood up.

"We currently have this..." Said a soul with glasses.

From what they know, the Peng clan was in the middle of a fight between the Patriarch Faction and the Supreme Elder Faction. Both of them have around the same level of status and power, with the rivalry between them traced back to more than 50 years ago. The conflict also seems to be escalating recently.

"Grandpa has never said anything about this though… Which side is he on? Is the one that attacked me from the other faction?" Peng Tian spoke gloomily.

"The thing is, it's very likely that your grandpa didn't choose a side." The soul answered.

"What?!" Peng Tian's face contorted in shock.

Even he knows that not choosing sides in a two-ways conflict means that you'll be the enemy of everyone. Not especially when the conflict has been going on for more than five decades.

"Why?!" He couldn't believe it. His grandpa wasn't an irrational person. There must be something more to this.

"From what we gathered about your clan, while normal Outer Elders do sometimes go out to manage some of the Peng clan properties in some rural counties. The thing is, your grandpa, as one of the strongest Outer Elders in the clan, should have been given a much higher position in the clan than just ruling some city, but we were able to get one of the old newspapers here."

A piece of newspaper materialized into the Soul space onto Peng Tian's hand.

On the corner of the paper was a picture of a woman with a face resembling his mother with the words below it that says:


The soul continued "She's...your grandmother. It seems that she offended someone she shouldn't have. After that, your grandfather didn't hesitate to bring her to live in a village and developed it into your River Wind city today. Enduring the criticisms and ridicules from the rest of the clan. He naturally couldn't have chosen a side, not that I think he would've wanted to...?!!" The soul explaining suddenly looked up from the newspaper as it was trembling.

The small 7 years old's whole frame was shaking, grasping the small corner of the newspaper, tears flowing down his face. He roars.




The black screen in the void was shaking. Shock waves could be felt through the screen as an aged voice came in from reality.



Lesson learned today#5: What music you're listening to really affects your writing.

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