
Netori System [Original]

https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [WARNING EXTREME R-18 SEX] In a modern world full of powerful beings a System is given to every human when they are born. Each System is different based on the System's special abilities and title. The origin of these Systems is unknown and remains a mystery. One high school boy named Jon is betrayed by his closest friend and is outcasted from this world. His life soon changes when he gains a new power that takes everything from everyone! He will get his revenge! In this world, only the strong stand above in their own hierarchy and corruption. Even mythical and legendary beings exist in this world hidden in secrecy. Jon will conquer every beauty in this world no matter what! >[Netori System activated!]Warning

GhostyGodZ · Urban
Not enough ratings
151 Chs

Unknown Ranker Pt.2

Jon's demonic golden eyes now begin to glow with a dark shadowy aura. An aura that made everyone around him tremble in fear, they were all sweating and shaking just by the sheer power and darkness of Jon's aura. It was like they were staring at death itself. Hell Incarnate. Evil to the core. Jon's fearsome dark aura was even making the ground below him quake and crack. Hyssie, Kirito, Silver, and Rizer all start sweating and shaking in fear, they gritted their teeth and couldn't believe how powerful Jon had become! A demonic shadow was seen behind Jon. Even the girl Royals were shocked and afraid of Jon's powerful aura.

"All of you step aside and get the fuck out of my way," Jon coldly said with bloodlust in his demonic golden eyes. He wasn't going to spare anyone today, but right now he only wanted to get his plan going, he would first meet with Asuna, yet she was nowhere to be seen, he also needed to see if he should accept the quest he was given by his Netori System. 'Then again taking revenge on these mongrels isn't such a bad idea either,' Jon cracked his knuckles with a sadistic confident grin.

"Tch! You are the weakest low-tier in this academy! You don't even have a fucking System! Why the fuck should I listen to you!!! Insect!!! No, you are lower than an insect!!! Now learn your place!!!" Rizer screams out as he goes to punch Jon right in the face. He had enough of Jon's confidence and defiance to the Royals.

In seconds, faster than light, Jon grabs Rizer's wrist and breaks his arm! It was like he almost teleported Super Sayian style!

*CRUNCH! CRACK! POP!* The violent sound of Rizer's arm being dislocated echoes across the garden area of the academy.

"AHHH!!!YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" Rizer yells out in hellish pain that he almost starts crying and coughs out blood, his whole body was shaking in extreme pain. Rizer gets down on his knees and angrily looks up at Jon, he was kneeling like a commoner not a royal

"LET GO OF MY FUCKING ARM!" He roars as his blue eyes start to glow and flames form around his biceps and forearms. Rizer had quickly activated his System, it seemed to be an Elemental System.

'Hm, the flames forming around his arms must be mana,' Jon still squeezes Rizer's arm almost ripping it off. Rizer's flames had no effect on Jon! Jon stood still unfazed as he crushed Rizer's arm

"Is that the power of Rizer's system!? Fire magic!? How is that low-rank weakling not set on fire!? How was he able to break one of the Royal's hands!?" Scream out nearby students in complete shock.

"I SAID LET GO OF MY FUCKING HAND!!! YOU MONGREL!!!" Rizer unleashes all of his flame magic against Jon's face and entire body. He didn't care if Jon was burnt to a crisp! He really wanted him dead, he was pissed as hell that someone with a low rank as Jon would actually stand up to him and break his arm!

Jon stood still as Rizer's flames magic blasted his body. A sea of orange and red flames engulfed.

"HAHA TAKE THAT BASTARD! SO MUCH FOR A UNKNOWN RANKER! YOU ARE JUST A FAKER RANKER!NOW DIE" Rizer laughs confidently with his hands spread out in the air like a madman. Rizer's egotistical and sadistic side was showing as clear as day. He kept blasting flames out of his hands at Jon like a madman.

Suddenly Rizer's phoenix flames around Jon transformed into a sea of shadows! Was this the power of his new skill of the Netori System! He had transformed Rizer's flames into shadow flames!

"This doesn't even hurt. Is that all you really got?" Jon said as his piercing golden eyes stare down Rizer through the shadow flames.

"T-THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!?" Rizer screams to the top of his lungs as his body shakes in fear of Jon not being affected by his phoenix flames.

"Anything is possible for me," Jon raises one hand and shoots back Rizer's transformed demonic flames. A sea of shadow flames engulfs Rizer's entire body!

"AAAAAAH!" Cries out Rizer in sheering pain as Jon's shadow flames devour his body.

Rizer gets down on the ground and coughs out blood.

"Jon! That is enough!" Screams out Asura, her sapphire eyes start shaking in fear of her older brother.

"It is never enough. Who else wants to fight me?" Jon walks past Rizer without looking at him or even acknowledging him.

"Tch! Let's see if you can take all of us on!" Silver cooly takes off his jacket and gritted his teeth. He was going to go all out. He wasn't going to lose to Jon! For so long he wanted to kill Jon! He knew that there was a power dwelling inside of him! The twist of fate!

Sera walks in front of Jon, "Are you are also going to take me down?" She puts up her hands in a fighting stance.

"Holy shit it is the Queen of Prestige Academy!" screams out nearby students.

"What rank is that kid!? Don't tell me he is God Rank!?" gossip more students. "Wasn't he the one who broke the orb of truth at the ceremony!"

Jon looks straight into Sera's fearsome emerald eyes, 'Tch. This is the only person on my level,' He cracks his neck.

[You have gained 2+levels for defeating Rizer in combat!]

'So I get points from fighting as well, nice. I wonder how much levels I gain if I fight against Sera,' Jon slides back his legs. "I won't hold back Sera even though we are friends,"

"I don't know if we even friends anymore after this! You have harmed so many royals! What happened to you Jon!?" Sera screams out with a face full of worry and confusion.

"I am not weak anymore," Jon said as he unleashed his shadow aura.

Jon had two choices right now. Go all out and take down the royals in front of everyone or go with his first plan.


I am planning to make this novel pa treon exclusive so just $10 to join before its all gone. You will be able to read already 30 advanced chapters 10 of them are R-18! Biggest Pa treon deal will come out tomorrow!

https://www.pa treon.com/ghostybones

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