
Netori System [Original]

https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [WARNING EXTREME R-18 SEX] In a modern world full of powerful beings a System is given to every human when they are born. Each System is different based on the System's special abilities and title. The origin of these Systems is unknown and remains a mystery. One high school boy named Jon is betrayed by his closest friend and is outcasted from this world. His life soon changes when he gains a new power that takes everything from everyone! He will get his revenge! In this world, only the strong stand above in their own hierarchy and corruption. Even mythical and legendary beings exist in this world hidden in secrecy. Jon will conquer every beauty in this world no matter what! >[Netori System activated!]Warning

GhostyGodZ · Urban
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151 Chs

The Truth of that 'Night' [COPY FOR PATREON DEAL]

"Leave my fucking house! Or I will fucking kill you!" Jon's father points his Glock-50 handgun at Jon's head.

"Like that will do anything against me. Put down that fucking gun and get the fuck out of my sight, " Jon said without any fear in his golden glowing eyes. Mira and Kanae begin kissing each other and then kiss Jon in the mouth after being creampied by him! They were still both butt-naked as they kissed Jon! Jon holds their slims waists and kisses them back, these sexy mature maidens really loved Jon after he took thier virginities! They saw him as a god.

"You will get out of my house! Even if I have to kill you! I just will call the cops! Call my lawyers! They will cover me!" Jon's father clicks the safety trigger of his Glock, he wasn't bluffing.

Jon swiftly snatches the Glock from his father's hands and points the barrel at his forehead. "You are nothing anymore. This is my house now," He activated his Mystic Eyes and made his dad go back into his office. He gave the command to make his father act like the mongrel he is. Meaning his father's mind was transformed into that of a mere mutt.

"Yes of course master! I will never disobey you again!" Jon's father gets on all fours and walks on his hands and legs like a dog. He crawls slowly away like a bitch back into his office. "Hehe!" Mira and Kanae laugh at Jon's father's naked sad skinny body crawl away. They cutely had their mouths over their sexy pink glossy lips as they laughed at Jon's father's pitiful tiny dick.

"We are both going to take a nice warm bath together want to join?" Mira seductively whispers into his ears.

"I will join you two after I finish something," Jon cracks his knuckles as he quickly puts on his black t-shirt and navy jeans. Jon snaps his finger and deactivates his Sound Barrier skill. Before he wanted to go to sleep he wanted to find out the real truth of what happened with him on Rias on that 'faithful night'. It had only been one day since Jon had awakened his Netori System and he had gained so much power and skill in just one day! Jon had first cucked Hyssei by making out and ass fucking his own sister[Asura], then he cucked Silver by taking his older sister's virginity!, and now he had cucked his own father! What an epic day it had been so far! But Jon wasn't finished yet. He needed to know who else was behind the plan of getting him expelled from Prestige Academy. He wanted to know if Gold and Silver weren't the only ones who plotted against him!

'I know I have a new skill that I can buy called Mind Reader. I can use it on Rias to find out what happened when we were supposed to have 'sex'.' Jon brings up his Netori Shop on his Netori System and quickly buys the skill [Mind Reader]

[Mind Reader]: This skill is a telepathic one that can see what other beings are thinking and even can trace back memories.

Jon heads straight to his room and quickly locks his door. He then activates his Void Eyes to release Rias and Aneko from his void dimension within his right eye

"Gack!Gack! What the hell is going on!?" Coughs out Rias and Aneko as they gasp for air and hold their throats in pain. They had been inside Jon's void dimension which had barely had air in it.

Jon lays back cooly and sharply on his gamer chair, "I need to ask you some questions. Mostly about joining your peerage. And... Why you betrayed me," He said with a cold menacing glare. ________________

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[ My new novel Lust Mage comes out tomorrow] It will be posted on another account called GodZ so you can easily find it. That account will now have all my original epic harem novels on it! I will also be returning to writing to fanfics! Also there will be another account called GhostyXXX on this one uncensored hentai novels will be posted! HAREM SECT WON'T BE STOPPED.

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