
Three Months

David listened to her words and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I promise I will be loyal to you and will take care of you till the end," Stacy said again as she saw him turning silent.

David kept looking into her eyes with a complicated look on his face, he wanted to leave Rebecca and move in with Stacy however he was not sure as all of this seemed too unreal for him.

He didn't know if Stacy was telling the truth or not. She might just be playing with him for all he knows.

"I really love you..." Stacy said again as she looked him in the eyes.

David could see tears forming in her eyes.

'I should take the risk, I have nothing to lose. I loved Rebecca and she betrayed me like this, however, things are different this time. Stacy is in love with me, not the other way around.'

He placed his hand on her neck and was about to accept her offer when suddenly his phone started to buzz.

A frown appeared on both of their faces when they saw whose call it was. It was none other than Rebecca.

Stacy saw the caller and moved back, she just realized what she was doing, she was trying to take David from someone else. He was already married to Rebecca and now she was trying to take him away. An embarrassed expression appeared on her face as she realized this. She never wanted to do this, however, under the influence of alcohol and seeing how David was alone on New Year's Eve made her try on him.

"You should pick up the call."

Stacy said, she was feeling guilty the more the phone buzzed, she couldn't figure out how she should react to this situation, she knew the pain of other girls stealing her man. She herself was hurt when she heard the news about David getting married a year ago and tried to find other men like him however she was unsuccessful, for some reason David was the only guy in her heart.

David looked at her and nodded, he then looked at his phone and contemplated if he should pick up the call or not. He didn't know what awaited him on the other side of the phone, it may be Rebecca herself or it might be Rick and if that was the case then his day would turn even worse. He didn't wanna hear Rick at this moment when everything was going well for him.

"Pick up your phone or she might get stressed, don't worry about me," Stacy said and moved back and an even more guilty expression appeared on her face. Tears formed in her eyes and she sat down on the sofa while filling a glass of whisky.

'Why can't I have good things for me? I have got everything but the person I want the most in my life is with someone else!' Stacy sighed as she took the shot of whisky to drown some of her pain, however, it didn't help, and she started feeling even more worse. 'I need him...' A tear finally moved down her eye and she poured another glass of whisky.

David looked at her and then sighed, he then moved and picked up the call, he wanted to make sure everything was ok with Rebecca and she wasn't in some sort of trouble. Although he has started hating her after what she did to him, however for some reason he doesn't have enough courage to not pick her call up.

"David..." A teary voice came from the other side of the call and it was clear that it was Rebecca and she was crying. David could tell that she was hurt.

"Rebecca?" A frown appeared on his face when he heard her hurt voice. "What happened?" He asked, he didn't know why Rebecca was crying, he guessed that Rick might have hurt him or forced him, and if that was the case then he was ready to help Rebecca, she was his wife after all and he used to love her.

"Rick... I am sorry... Please can you come? Please... I will explain everything... Please I beg you..." Rebecca started crying and begging from the other side of the call, David could hear guilt in her voice and he had never heard her like this. Her troubled voice hit a sting in his heart and his coldness towards her started to fade.

"What happened?" He asked again, he wanted to make sure that Rebecca was safe and Rick hadn't done anything to her.

"Please come back quickly... I will explain everything..." She said and broke down crying.

"Ok, I am coming," David said and hung up the phone he then picked up his pants and buttoned his shirt quickly and only when he was dressed again did his gaze landed on Stacy who was sitting in the corner of the sofa drinking whisky as tears continued to drip down her eyes. A frown appeared on his face as he quickly moved towards her and took the glass out of her grip.

"You are drinking too much." He said and placed the glass back on the table, and then he remembered the words she said just now. He could tell that Stacy was in love with him and was now feeling guilty when she saw Rebecca's call.

Stacy moved her head and looked at him. "Go back to Rebecca... It's your anniversary today and I am sorry for the things that happened today." She said and moved her hand towards the whisky glass again, however before she could pick up the glass, David stopped her hand in the middle.

"I don't think you should drink anymore." He said while holding her hand and looking at her straight in the eyes.

Stacy felt his grip and looked at his face, her heart started beating faster and her face turned hot, more tears formed in her eyes and she stood up from her seat. Silence covered the whole place for a few seconds and then she moved into his embrace while kissing him on the lips.

"I am sorry." She said and moved back while looking away in shame. "I won't trouble you again." She said again. She didn't wanna bother him again and ruin his happy marriage life. She was already regretting the fact that she brought him here when he was already married to someone else and on top of that it was his anniversary today.

David looked at her and then realized that Stacy really loved him and was not acting. And then a sense of self-worth moved through his body, some time ago today he was having the worst day of his life and now somehow it has turned into one of the best, he has found a girl that loved him for his nature. He never thought that his nice guy nature would be loved by any girl.

"You didn't trouble me, but this was the best day of my life, I never imagined that a beautiful girl like you would love me so much," David said and moved her in his embrace to comfort her.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Stacy asked, she knew that she was trying to steal David from Rebecca in the heat of the moment. And now that the clouds in their minds were cleared by Rebecca's phone call, she thought that David might start hating her and she didn't want that to happen.

"Yes, I am telling the truth and I like you too, but I am already married," David said and then moved away from her, there was a reluctant expression on his face. He didn't wanna part from her and go back to Rebecca, however, he also wanted to save his marriage if he could.

Stacy listened to him and took in a deep breath, after that she wiped her tears and closed her eyes for a few seconds. "OK, I will wait for you." She said and opened her eyelids again. "I will wait three months and if you divorce her within this time then I will accept you and give you everything I have." She said again and looked at him with a determined expression.

David heard her words and stayed silent, he wanted to be with her, however, Rebecca was his first love and from the call he just received it seemed like she was in trouble and he couldn't ignore her like that, after all, they had spent a year together.

'If things stayed the same between Rick and Rebecca then I would leave her and marry Stacy instead.' David thought and clenched his fist, he then met eyes with Stacy and nodded. "Ok." He said and left her apartment.

Stacy looked at his disappearing figure and tears started to fall from her eyes again. 'Why can't I ever have good things in my life?' She took in a deep breath and picked up her whisky glass again. 'I can do anything for you David, just give me one chance.'