
Netorare: Consequences of Choice

What potential consequences could arise if the protagonist, who has been transmigrated into a game world, were to succumb to complacency and choose to disregard the events that take place within the game, particularly when faced with anomalous events? ----------------------- [ Author's Note: Simple Novel :) ]

Nariiiiii · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Michael (7)

The sun blazed majestically overhead, casting a warm, golden radiance upon the exclusive poolside gathering.

A spirited group of college students, still basking in the afterglow of their triumphant victory in the climactic basketball match, convened to revel in their hard earned success.

The atmosphere was positively charged, brimming with exuberant laughter and the animated banter of friends as they eagerly recounted the most exhilarating moments of the game.

Among these highlights, Vasquez's game changing shot stood out as a particularly awe inspiring feat, etching itself into the memories of all present.

The scent of sunscreen and chlorine mingled in the air, as the students lounged on colorful pool floats and soaked up the afternoon sun.

The cool water provided a refreshing contrast to the heat, inviting everyone to dive in and enjoy the gentle embrace of the pool.

Splashes erupted as friends playfully pushed each other into the water, their laughter echoing through the backyard.

The aroma of sizzling burgers and hot dogs wafted from the grill, enticing the hungry revelers to gather around the picnic tables. They eagerly piled their plates high with delicious food, sharing stories and toasting to their victory with cold, refreshing drinks.

The other students, exuding an air of relaxation and contentment, have nestled into plush seats, engaging in animated discussions.

Their conversations effortlessly weave through the tapestry of their current college experiences, delving into the intricacies of their academic pursuits and the exhilarating challenges of extracurricular events.

They exchange tales of formidable professors who inspire both awe and trepidation, while also sharing intimate glimpses into their personal lives, forging connections that transcend the boundaries of the lecture hall.

Andrei spoke with fervor and conviction, addressing someone nearby. "Yeah, Michael has been my closest friend since childhood. We've never abandoned each other, bound by a pact of brotherhood," he declared.

Upon hearing this, the corner of Michael's mouth twitched involuntarily. Jonas, sensing his friend's discomfort, patted Michael on the back and said sympathetically, "Just let him be, bro."

Andrei carried on, his voice imbued with an air of pride. "Ah, Jonas? He is an exceptional virtuoso in the realm of shooting games, particularly the illustrious DeirnoStrike. However, are you aware that I was once his mentor? Regrettably, he has now surpassed me," he lamented nostalgically, "Time truly does fly."

The listener, utterly captivated by Andrei's eloquent account, displayed an expression of sheer astonishment.

Jonas' veins bulged as he strode purposefully towards Andrei. Michael intervened, holding him back as Jonas suggested, "Let's teach him a lesson, Michael."

"It's probably not worth it," Michael advised, restraining his friend.

Andrei, sensing a disturbance in the force, paused for a moment but quickly dismissed the notion, returning to his beer with a contented grin.

Jonas exhaled a heavy sigh, his shoulders slumping in resignation as he made his way to an empty seat.

Meanwhile, Michael ventured towards the food table, piling his plate high with an array of spicy nachos. After pouring himself a glass of refreshing orange juice, he navigated his way back to where Jonas had settled.

As Michael took a seat and placed the heaping plate of spicy nachos on the table, a few minutes of silence passed while he savored the crunchy snack. Finally, he broke the silence, asking, "What's occupying your thoughts, Jonas?"

Jonas glanced at him before eyeing the nachos, grabbing a handful and munching on them thoughtfully. After swallowing, he said, "Last night, I played a cursed, pirated game, and I must confess, the experience was far from pleasant."

Michael's eyes widened in shock, and he questioned with a touch of incredulity, "Are the police after you?"

Jonas quickly interjected, "No, no, that's not it." He proceeded, his voice imbued with a palpable sense of disquiet, "It was the spine chilling jumpscare bro… that unnerving jumpscare." He sighed, "I barely managed to get any sleep."

Michael released a deep, measured exhale, a palpable sense of relief permeating the air around him. Upon witnessing this display of eased tension, Jonas couldn't help but react with a subtle, involuntary arch of his eyebrow.

Michael casually reached for a generous handful of nachos and asked, "Why do you subject yourself to such a cursed game?"

With a wry smile, Jonas admitted, "My insatiable curiosity got the better of me," as he too grabbed a handful of nachos and began to savor them.

Suddenly, Jonas steered the conversation in a new direction. "On the topic of cursed games, Michael, have you continued playing that Netorare Game?"

Michael responded, "Only occasionally."

Jonas acknowledged his response with a slight nod and elaborated, "The game's popularity has surged recently, and with it, the number of cheaters has increased. To address this issue, the developers have devised a rather unique method of punishment."

Michael furrowed his brow, a puzzled expression crossing his face as Jonas continued to speak. "You see, it's actually part of the game's secret endings. When a player is caught cheating, their selected character becomes the target of a hideous, nightmarish creature. The cellphone screen turns a sinister shade of red, and there's no way to return to the home page unless the device is forcibly shut down. However, that's not the most horrifying aspect."

Jonas paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of his words to sink in. "Should the player be audacious enough to persist, the monstrous being will speak the player real name, sending chills down to their spine. Without any warning, the game will begin to lag, and then, suddenly, the player will be banned forever. There's no second chance, no opportunity to plead the player case. It's highly probable that the game's administrators will block the user's IP address, ensuring that they can never return, even under a different account."

Michael was utterly astounded, pausing for a moment to reflect upon the peculiar punishment devised by the game developers, as explained by Jonas.

In the meantime, Jonas glanced in Andrei's direction, observing him guffawing boisterously as he conversed with a group of nearby individuals.

"Jonas is genuinely a remarkable fellow," Andrei declared, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I can't help but reminisce about the time I assisted him in delivering a love letter back in middle school."

Jonas silently mused, 'This rascal must be somewhat inebriated.' He then turned his attention to Michael, a sudden inspiration striking him as he subtly adjusted his glasses.

"Michael, are you simply letting go of what happened after Andrei abandoned you for Professor Dave?" Jonas inquired, his gaze fixed on Michael.

Michael pondered for a brief moment before he could respond, but Jonas interjected, "He's near the pool, you know what I mean?" A sly grin crossed his face, only to vanish as quickly as it had appeared.

Michael's gaze shifted towards Andrei, his eyes narrowing as he mustered a sinister grin, one that had been skillfully coaxed out of him by his friend.

Turning to Jonas, he expressed his gratitude with a refined tone, "I appreciate the reminder, Jonas," as he gracefully rose to his feet.

With a cunning smile playing on his lips, Jonas responded nonchalantly, "Not an issue at all."

Michael crouched low, his body taut and poised like a predator stalking its prey. His eyes narrowed, fixated on Andrei in the distance, who was laughing carelessly as he enjoyed his time in the nearby pool. Michael inhaled deeply, his mind racing with precise calculations and anticipation.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the area, signaling Michael's swift and decisive movement. He surged forward, his speed akin to a bullet, leaving behind a fleeting mirage in his wake.

Andrei's instincts kicked in, sensing the imminent danger. He whipped his head around, his eyes wide with surprise.

"What the—" he managed to utter, but before he could fully comprehend the situation, Michael was already upon him.

With a vice like grip, Michael encircled Andrei's abdomen, pulling him tightly against his own body. "Bullet Strike," he murmured menacingly, his breath a sinister whisper that sent a shiver down Andrei's spine.

Together, they hurtled through the air, their bodies entwined, before crashing into the pool with a thunderous splash.

In that instant, every man in the vicinity recognized the unspoken signal, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Laughter erupted as they leaped into the pool, each eager to join the aquatic fray.

Christian executed a spectacular cannonball, sending waves crashing over the others. Jonas, seeing no reason for further hesitation, dove in with abandon.

As the college students frolicked in the water, their laughter reverberated through the air, a joyful symphony that harmonized with the approaching dusk painting the sky above.