

Euniquelyme · Fantasy
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2 Chs





I can hear the sound of her soft voice. My baby. My little child. Sad to say this is the last time that I'll be seeing her beautiful face and hearing her sweet voice.

"Hush child. You don't want to wake the monsters, do you?" I cooed.

After a while she stopped crying and just stared at me. A small smile spread across my face as I stared back at my baby. Oh how I love to stare at her beautiful face and look into those grey eyes of hers. She got those blue grey eyes from her father, Drew.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I stood up from the bed I was sitting on and strode off to see who's knocking.

"You ready?" My husband, who apparently was the one who knocked on the door, asked me.

"Do we really have to do this?" I answered while walking towards the bed where I left our baby.

"We don't have a choice and you know that. *sighs heavily* I also don't want to do this to her. She's so... fragile." I heard Drew's voice broke at the end of what he's saying.

Drew hugged me from behind 'cause i'm still facing our little angel and he also knew that tears were pooling down my face right now.

"I-i just can't bear the thought of not seeing her... ever... again" And there you go people. I broke down and cried my heart out. Drew on the other hand fought the urge on doing the same. He's doing it because he wants to be strong for the both of us. I always admire his self control. I love this man, really.

"Pumpkin, look at me." He said softly and held my chin when i turned around.

I looked directly into those blue eyes of his. Pain was very visible there which mirrored mine. He gave me a sad smile and kissed my forehead.

"I also can't bear the thought either. But what can we do? If only we had other options. *sighs* You should get dressed now. We only have a few hours before the battle." Drew said. He kissed me with full of passion and love. He broke off the kiss and he moved closer to our daughter.

I just fell silent and absorbed everything that's happening. I came to one conclusion and that is I'm leaving our child. A sob escaped my lips but I prevented myself in breaking down, again. I looked at Drew as he held our baby in his arms cautiously like she is a glass that is gonna break once you let go of her which is true. I'll miss those times when we were together, complete, happy.

I sighed and got up. I need to get ready for battle.

A few minutes later...

I am hugging now our baby for the last time. I fought the urge to breakdown for the nth time.

"It's time" Drew uttered as he kissed our daughter's forehead.

"Lane" Drew called.

"Yes Mr. Jefferson?" Lane asked rushing towards us.

"Please take care of our princess. Care for her like she's your own child and love her like how we do. Tell her everything when she turns 18 so that she'll live a normal life before she knows the truth. At least she'll experience being a normal girl. By the time you tell her the truth, bring her to Never-never land. You know where to go after that." Drew

"Yes sir. I won't let you down." Lane

I held our little angel tightly and uttered, "I love you princess"

"Please take good care of her lane." Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I gave my baby to her.

"I love you little one" Drew murmured to our daughter.

"Goodbye, Drew and Jane" Lane

"Goodbye, Dear best friend" me

And just like that, they vanished into thin air.

"Let's go. We have a war to finish." Drew

"Yes. Take care okay?" Me

"Of course. I won't worry you too much. Take care too alright?" Drew said as he hugged me.

I just nodded in response. After a while, we were already on our way to the battlefield. We're gonna finish this once and for all.