
Nero of Naruto

A soul born in Naruto world with wishes. Wishes Neros power of DMC 5 . His father is Vergil sparda and Mother is Tsunade Senju See how Sparda powers shake Naruto Few thing before you proceed 1. I am writing this novel as a novice. English is not my main language . Its purely for fun . And i am basically writing for myself. 2. people who love read , People who hate get lost. 3.People who have actual suggestion welcome . People who rant fuck off becasue ill delete the comments so dont Bother.

Nero_sparda · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Haiashi after hearing is shocked at how cunning his son in law is. Right now he is feeling pity for any enemy that crosses him.

Just then he hears a crying sound inside he knows. Hinata is awake. So he goes inside with Hiashi. To comfort hinata.




Next day, Hokage office

Envoy : Hokage I want an explanation as to how my lightning ninjas have gone missing in your village.

Hokage: I am sure that they returned to your village. Or else we would at the least found a lead of their whereabouts .

Envoy: I want you to let me search the clans , so that I can confirm they are not kidnapped. As it will be declaration of war with lightning village.

Hokage: Mr I cannot allow you to search other clan. As that is being disrespectful .

Just then . Hiashi Hyuga enters. He looks at the Envoy and Says.

Hiashi: Hokage their lightning village attacked my clan last night . They tried to kidnap my daughter.

Envoy was shocked and but quickly tied to turn the tables said

Envoy : So your clan killed my ninjas . Hokage is this your sincerity.

Hokage: please Mr calm down, Hiashi where are the ninjas.

Hiashi frown: Why are you asking about them when my daughter was attacked . What are you going to do to him . Is my clans pride nothing for you.

Hokage: I don't want to start another war Hiashi you should understand.

Hiashi: you are really not fit to sit on that position.

Hokage frowns: where are they Hiashi, I am ordering you as villages Hokage to return the ninja to him.

Hiashi : I don't have them hinatas fiancé is punishing them in public.

Hokage is confused than suddenly his eyes widened. There is only 1 person who goes against him , 1 person who doesnt care for his opinion Nero Sparda.

Hokage : who is your daughters fiancé.

Hiashi: Nero sparda

Hokage shows a helpless expression . While envoy is scared. Sparda clan is a big taboo for lightning village. Because the experience with them has been painful.

Envoy : Hokage I will take my leave . We will consider this matters closed.

Hokage nods. He knows full well lightning village will never dare to start war against leaf if Sparda is involved. Unless they are left with no choice.

Envoy quickly leaves the office. But as soon as he steps out of Hokage building . 4 devil force appear and surrounded him.

Devil leader : Come with us .

They grabbed the envoy and disappeared.

Hokage saw this from his office.

Hokage: Hiashi I guess sparda clan used you to make my reputation even lower right.

Hiashi: you are right.

1. Your reputation will take a blow . Your reputation was already bad because of Danzo . But now when people find that you chose to side with lightning village envoy instead of a top clan of your village . The clans will completely lose faith in you.

2. Hyuga will also get a good reason to withdraw ninjas from your side. And officially have engagement with sparda without consequences

3. Sparda will show to village and clans that even though they are separate force in leaf . They are still the founders of village . And will fight if they are in trouble.

4. Last it will give another official reason to humiliate lightning village

Hokage leans on chair and closes eyes

Hokage : did he tell you to tell me those reason to me

Hiashi: why do you say

Hokage: Because only that boy can have such cunning mind. He has his fathers strength but not his father love for leaf.

Hiashi snorts: you are right . He is not his father Hokage. Maybe it's time you stepped down while you still have choice left . You wouldn't want it to come to a situation. Where you are dragged down from your position.

Hiashi then leaves .

Hokage sighs and Helplessly mutters: is this the punishment for my crimes




Leaf village market place

Devil forces brought envoy . He saw his ninjas . But when he saw them he almost vomited.

Their dicks were cut off . They were naked. Only 1 person was alive he was a Genin

In back of Genin. 5 more ninjas were being dragged by gennin . Each of their head were in others ninjas ass . Only genin head was free and so he was alive.

Devil forces had already destroyed envoy spokesman chakra and made him a waste.

Devil forces- Young master Nero has offered you to return to your village . And generously offered a reward. Envoy was happy . But next sentence made him fall in biggest nightmare.

1. Your head will go in ass of that genin there . And you will be dragged by him to your village

2. That genins head will be stuck in your ass and you will drag them to your village

Which do you choose. You have 10 sec .

The envoy was pale . Now he know why Devil force was called a nightmare to his enemy.

Entire market was full. Various clans head have also come to watch. They had though they had already seen the brutality of Devil force but today they realized exactly why they are called Devil force.

Uchiha , Hyuga etc all were watching .

After 10 sec of no reply. Devil force just stuck genins head in envoys ass . Before letting him go they also cut his dick and made to eat it.

(Mortal combat brutality)

He was then healed and given food and water so that he can reach lightning village.

He travelled while dragging 5ninjas .one was in his ass.

News soon spread to all villages of Brutality of Devil force .

This scared them . Ninja world was a cruel world. But what sparda clan do to their enemies is play with their fear. Every time some enemy attack them they display it to world what they did and to whom . And then they let them return.

When you strip a man from his manhood. He lost his dignity. And when you destroy his chakra you also shatter his confidence of recovering. And lastly when they make people eat their own dicK in public . Is when they shatter the mind of his enemy and ask him spread this fear in world. Which make people afraid to take mission against them. This was a method invented by Nero .

Lightning village became a laughing stock again. It wanted to start a war but didn't dare to as they knew . It would mean huge loss for them. They are still recovering from 3rd war




Hokage office

Hiruzen : I called you here for your advise. Things have got to this point. Clans are now unhappy with me . Hyuga has publicly announced that they will be like Sparda . And take mission representing family not leaf.

Homura : the situation is indeed critical . I really don't have anything except try to lay low and don't provoke any clan anymore.

Koharu: what about Uchiha . Itachi Uchiha had approached you about the coupe his family were planning against leaf.

Hiruzen: it's past now after sparda revealed its strength they don't dare anymore.

Koharu: we can divert all the hate by using Uchiha

Hiruzen: How

Homura : This is why Danzo was needed

Hiruzen : Maybe I should just step down . I am old . It's time someone else take the burden. Tsunade will be a good choice .

Homura : You cannot let sparda clan have a Hokage

(This 2 jackass are just afraid tsunade will kick them out of council)

Hiruzen : Tsunade is a senju by birth

Koharu: She abandoned the senju surname . She is a sparda now.

Hiruzen : looks like I have no choice but to free Danjo. Maybe Sacrificing Uchiha can bring stability to village