
Nerd queen

Jane was always an introvert, antisocial type of person, she hardly make friends, her only friend was her books and herself, but she had an big crush on Collins the most popular boy in school

cutest_miss · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

everyone seems to be staring at me since when I entered the canteen, but I pretended I didn't notice, I just picked up a tray and ordered a fruit salad with yogurt, when I was done ordering my lunch I went to the only empty table I could find, I eat alone so I didn't expect any friend to show up later, suddenly I felt a cold shiver waking my every nerve, I gasped, struggling to breathe, as I turn to look at where it came from, I saw Chloe holding a glass with a big satisfied grin

"you thought you were so tough aw, that's what you get when you try to stick your nose in my business," she said, pushing my remaining yogurt to the floor, before catwalking away with her friends, all eyes were on me now, I ate the remaining salad on my plate, struggling to swallow it before running out of the canteen,

thank God it was Friday, unlike Other kids I don't always have something fun to do, my siblings had gone out to meet their friends except me, I wasn't a fan of video games or movies, so I turn on my radio to dance to songs that I found danceable when I was tired, I took my shower, wearing my white big t-shirt and jeans, before picking up one of my novels, The Odyssey by Homer, Greek stories were one of my favorites,

while reading, my mind couldn't help but think about the moment when Collins talked to me, I couldn't help but imagine other things like him kissing me on that spot and asking me to go out with him,

"dinner is ready Jane, come join us," my brother interrupted me, just when I was imagining something good of me,

I wore my flip-flops going downstairs to join them for dinner,

good evening pa, good evening ma, hey there sis, wats up bro," everybody answered me except my sister who is just too focused on her phone, she hadn't taken a bit of her sandwich since when I got here if she is not taking pictures, she making videos of herself or making video calls about what they did last time and what they will do another time, I wonder how she always has good grades when she has an addiction, I mean I have a phone too, but I only use it to browse my school homework or to browse anything knowledgeable,

"Okay, since I can't keep the good news to myself, and since your father can't find the right time to tell you," she said the last part slowly making my dad roll his eyes groaning in the process,

"We are going to go for a family day at your grandparent's house," she smiled finger clapping, but the straight face we gave her made her face and hands drop as well, I don't like the idea, for one reason they have a creepy utility room and only people who visit them old like them, and she makes us wear knitted clothing,

"what's wrong with you guys," she seems shocked by our expression

"And what good about the news you told us," Susan said shrugging her shoulders

"that your grandparent asked us to come to their family day party," mom said bringing out her eyeballs, sometimes it's scary when she does that,

"Mum you are so difficult to argue with," Susan responded rolling her eyes, finally picking up a sandwich to eat,

"so you guys should arrange we are gonna go there tomorrow,"

"tomorrow... Mum, I have something to do tomorrow,"

"well you can postpone it, I'm sure it's not that important," my mom said shrugging her shoulders,

"How are you supposed to know that," you could hear the anger when she spoke to my mum,

"Susan when will you ever do what I asked you, without complaining, take a look at your sister why can't you learn to be like her," my mum also probably angry as well,

"because that's the point I don't want to be a nerd, how can get pushed around by everyone," she said, giving me a look before leaving for her room of course she's right even I too don't want to be like myself, too bad I don't even know how to change myself or be what I want to be,

why does she always have to talk back when I'm talking, she just walked out like that, why does she like to piss me off," my mum asked my dad who has been quiet drawing the whole situation like always,

"calm down honey don't get yourself all worked up,"

"but can't you see," she continued to give my dad reasons,

"she's just a child I'm leaving her teenager years, don't get too stressed about it," my dad responded giving her a pat on the back, the rest of the minutes spent during dinner was silence, till was done eating, I could finally go to my room,

I shook my bath, putting on my blue pajamas before laying on my bed,

I couldn't help but think about calling again I hope I get another chance to be near him again,