
Neon Genesis: Humanity's Last Struggle

This novel is my new work about a boy who is named as Neon. He is humanity's last hope but no one is aware of that! He is constantly bullied, but later discovers something which changes his life forever. This is the year 2150 where Earth is in danger and is attacked by alien and to fight them we need special warriors called as Battle Warriors who use the unknown power called Neon. Yes, both the name of our male lead and the power they use is Neon. Is there some connection between them or is this pure coincidence. Join me in this amazing adventure!

1st_Manga_KING · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

The Letter And Rescue Team

"Sorry... I couldn't protect you Ana...", he suddenly started crying again and the reason was he read the letter left by Ana that was written in the wall and the letter said....

" Dear Neon... I hope you will be well... I'm sorry I wasn't able to say a last bye to you but the situation was dire and I had to go! But don't worry, I'm not in any trouble. It's just that I'm going to a safe place where I can be much more safer. Some of my teammates will be here soon in a few days, I hope you go with them and behave properly. So now I am going Neon... I hope I will meet you soon!"

And then after reading this Neon started banging his hand on the ground and said," Dammit! Dammit allll!!! I hate this. If only... if only I was stronger.... if only I was stronger I could protect Ana...!!"

He kept on hitting his hand on the hard ground as if he was trying to punish himself for being so weak.


"Haaa... Haaa... it feels as if I will suffocate... what is this pain that I'm feeling? Is it because... is it because Ana is no longer with me?" Tears were boundless and kept on flowing down his cheeks.

But then he suddenly stopped crying.

"No! I shouldn't cry. She said she is safe which means she is waiting for me. I have to try my best to meet her. I have to train hard and become strong enough to meet her!!"

He, after thinking this, suddenly rose from his sitting posture and stood upright.

"Yes, I will, no no, I must become strong enough to protect Ana and destroy all the enemies. Ana, just wait for a little bit more, I will come and rescue you."

And then he slowly kept the hand and the sword at one place and started meditating.

And while meditating he was thinking,"Ana was able to control some weird power... she called it Neon... and gave me the same name! So... if I can cultivate it then... I will slowly get stronger and become the strongest and protect Ana!"


"So... this is where Alpha 1 landed. This planet is totally ruined!"

"Don't say that S-15, this was our home planet before..."

"Ya... S-11, it was previously our home planet but look at it now! It looks like a junk piece as if all of its life force was extracted from it."

"Hmm... but why would Alpha 1 come here to hide? And the Blood Orb, I really want to see it!"

"Yes me too! I too wanna..."

Two members of the rescue squad were chatting when suddenly another member shouted," Be Quiet S-15,11. We are about to enter Earth's atmosphere. Get ready!"

"Yes miss!", S-15 replied with a lot of respect which was followed up by S-11, "Yes Maam!"

Then they both run and take their places and respective positions and get ready to enter Earth's atmosphere.


"Huff... huff... 996... 997... 998... 999... and 1000! Finally! I completed 1000k push-ups!" Neon was completely drained in sweat. He was now much different than before. The once so frail boy who was a bit weak physically was now strong and well built with great abs and muscles. It was as if he had an extraordinary increase in his height as well and that too in just 7-8 days!

"So next item in today's schedule is..."

And while he was about to recall the next item, he saw a large space ship enter the Earth's atmosphere! It was somewhat lit with fire and was glowing a lot!

"Huh!!? What is that?"

On seeing the space ship he asked a pretty obvious question which any confused person would ask on seeing a space ship for the first time.

The battle ship was slowly entering the deeper parts of the atmosphere and on seeing that Neon immediately hid behind a rock as if he was acting on reflex and instincts.

The battle ship now neared the ground and slowly landed on the ground. And from the ship 4 unknown people came out.

"Friends...? Foes...? Who are they? Are they friends or enemies? How should I find it out?"

Neon was shocked on seeing the ship. But he was much more shocked on seeing those people coming out from it and due to that he wasn't able decide whether they were his allies or someone who would hurt him.

"Alpha 1 come in... Alpha 1.... Alpha 1 ... are you there?", one of the members was trying to contact Alpha( Ana).

"S-15, you lead her and take her with you, I will take S-38 with me..."

"Very well, you take S-38 and I take S-46. Let's go in opposite direction to search her. I don't know what my we aren't able to contact her."

"Yes let's go..."