
Neon Genesis: Humanity's Last Struggle

This novel is my new work about a boy who is named as Neon. He is humanity's last hope but no one is aware of that! He is constantly bullied, but later discovers something which changes his life forever. This is the year 2150 where Earth is in danger and is attacked by alien and to fight them we need special warriors called as Battle Warriors who use the unknown power called Neon. Yes, both the name of our male lead and the power they use is Neon. Is there some connection between them or is this pure coincidence. Join me in this amazing adventure!

1st_Manga_KING · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Neon was now sleeping inside the cave whereas Ana was out gazing at the stars.

"It's been so long since I had talked to some boy this way."

She was in her own world and thinking about Neon. They were practically of same age but at the same time didn't know about this.

"Hmm... now I just need to wait for the rescue squad to come and pick us up."

Ana was waiting eagerly to go back to the battle ship and reunite with her teammates.

She was continuously watching her surroundings too. She knew it very well that in another planet there are many dangerous things which no one knows about. There are many unknown mysteries and many unaccepted laws which is quite different from that of their own planet earth! But when she realised that she was in Earth, she somehow felt a sense of safety.

However, the planet Earth was destroyed long ago. All the humans had evacuated the planet and no human existed here now. The air was toxic, no trace of water and almost no plants could be found. And when she recalled these all information she was puzzled as to see that Neon was here.

"How is that even possible? Isn't he affected by this air and this atmosphere?"

She kept on thinking but didn't find the answer to her question. She said,"Hmm.. there is a possibility that his immune and respiratory system has been advance. Or... did he cultivate the power of NEON?"

"But it's impossible to survive for more than 10 days even if you have cultivated Neon, unless....."

She paused as she heard a noise coming from the sky above.

"Huh!? Wait... did they arrive? So fast?"

She was shocked. She thought it was impossible for the rescue team to arrive so quick to the planet Earth since it was almost one million light years away from their main battle ship. The rescue team is usually stationed at the main battle ship and hence to travel one million light years they would require a minimum of ten days!!

"How? Did they develop a new technology or...", she was still puzzled and kept on thinking until she saw something.

"What the heck? Why are they here?", was what she said as she hid herself behind a rock. She saw a symbol which she recognised and hence hid herself as the symbol belonged to an enemy.

It was a symbol of a black shark.

"What the hell...!!!? Now what do I do? How to escape? How did they know that I was here? Did they track my signal?"

She has many questions and no answers. She, being quick witted and extraordinarily amazing at decision making, immediately moved inside the cave and wore here clothes which were actually a form a battle suits.

"I don't have time. I need to escape from them. There are too many of them and if they catch me they will....", was what her mind told whereas her heart was telling her to stay and fight them and prevent them from hurting Neon.

"What do I do? If I try to escape, Neon will be left behind and he might get hurt due to them. They might even kill him!"

As she thought this tears ran down her eyes.

"Huh!? I'm crying? Why? How is that even possible? Weren't my emotions... dead?"

Only Ana and her best friend Alpha C-10 knew about the disease that Ana had. She was mentally ill and internally too. She wasn't able to show her emotions clearly as some of her hormones didn't function properly and even she didn't feel anything.

But now she cried which was the biggest shock that she felt. And when she trying to think back for the reason of her crying, she found that it was Neon. For some reason, Neon made her regain some of her emotions. It was as if Neon could cure her fully and provide her ample amount of fun.

She thought about this but again remembered that the enemies were nearby. Hence she decided to fight them until her last breathe and try to protect Neon.

"I will fight the enemies and prevent them from reaching Neon! But... if they kill me and find out that I didn't have the Blood Orb then... then they will try to search the whole planet since searching a planet is much more easier than searching in void."

She further thought,"And if they once start searching for it, they will not stop unless they have found it. And Neon might get into trouble since he is here too."

"Never mind... I can at least delay them from reaching Neon... and I think for some reason Neon is different. He even wielded the sword. He might have some secrete and hence I believe you will survive."

With tears in her eyes she moves forward to battle the enemies.

And while she went there, she took a fake stone with her and put some neon inside it to make it glow red and confuse them. She thought that with this they would believe the fake stone to be the Blood orb and leave the planet. Hence she started the battle with them...

And it took not more than 15 minutes for the battle to end. The ship too vanished and all the enemies too disappeared...

Neon woke up from his sleep to find Ana and found a sight which gave him a shock...

There was splash of a lot of blood not too far away from the cave and there were traces of battle left.

"Nooooo..... Ana..!!!!!!", he screamed! And that scream was because he found nothing left in the battle field other than Ana's broken Sword and her ripped off right hand."

Neon went close to the battlefield and picked the hand and cried loudly while hugging the hand. He for a while looked at the sword too and started crying even louder!

After a while he calmed down a bit but his eyes were bulged out. It was as if he had lost all his emotions and had only hatred left.

He came back to the cave with the sword and the ripped arm.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you Ana...", he suddenly started crying again and the reason was he read the letter left by Ana that was written in the wall and the letter said....