

Yuki, a 15-year-old student, is having trouble dealing with the loss of his father, attempting to find normalcy while a large piece of his life is no longer there along with his robotic companion, Trivy. Everything changes however when he finds out the truth of his father's demise, which drives him to obtain enough strength and credibility in order to find his own justice. Will Yuki find the justice that he seeks, or is it even justice at all? Side Note: I will try and update Cover Art for the most recent Volume that it is currently on

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41 Chs

What is Justice?

"I guess this is what he meant by justice—well, I don't want any part of it, I just want to find the bastard that killed him" Yuki thought as he stood in the blocked doorway of his future.

Yuki had already formed his own opinion on the abstract, and although it was bright within the eyes of many, it was absent within the windows of his home.

Even though this concept brought security to him as a child, that security did a complete 180 in a matter of a few seconds.

The inform of the demise of the father was something that developed into rage within the coffin, something that revived the carcass, but for how long will it take before the stench grows?

"Why are you here, Maria?"

"Oh, I came to drop off Yuki here."

"Hmph—I take it you're a student of Class B, Yuki?"

"I guess…"

"Great, another spoon fed brat added to this class…" a thought that passed through Jerome as he sized up Yuki.

"Well, you're late, Yuki, do you have your nomination card with you?"

"How'd you know he was nominated?"

"A student who passed the recommendation process wouldn't come late."

"Yeah, here." Yuki hands Jerome the nomination card, with a slight attitude of adolescence.

Jerome pays it no attention until he soon sees an unexpected name that forces a double-take.

Shock was an understatement of his internal expression that couldn't possibly escape the cage system given only to the most ruthless POWs.

"The Director nominated him?!", Jerome thought, "Just who the hell is this kid?"

"Alright, come in and take a seat." words Jerome didn't expect he would say when he first approached the tardy student.

Yuki walks past the fury of his newly assigned teacher and into the classroom, Jerome soon follows and leaves Maria in the presence of silence.

"He must've been talking, he really hates being interrupted…" final words left that broke the silence within the hall, the last scene of peace before a rigorous journey.

Yuki is met with immediate intimidation from a student posted in a front-row seat, although the tactic was nothing more than a glare, it was much more effective than demands of a fearful deity.

Yuki was surprised by the swiftness of a size up that was met with nothing more than a striking yellow-eyed stare of dominance that combined perfectly with the arrogant smirk poorly covered by his clenched palms.

"Everyone, we have a late student, but he is new to this class just like the rest of you. Yuki, please introduce yourself."

Yuki rose from his decided seating location placed in the bullseye of the classroom and said "Hey everyone, I'm Yuki, and I'm 15 years old" with a monotone and careless expression of annoyance and boredom.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah." Yuki doesn't hesitate to conceal himself from the audience.

Jerome was vastly confused, why would the director give away his prized nomination card to a boring ass brat like Yuki?

He simply couldn't understand the reasoning behind this anomaly that sat a few rows from the teacher's desk.

"Now, since everyone introduced themselves, it's my turn. I'm Jerome Murasaki, I will be your teacher here in Youth Classroom B, and I will teach you all the fundamentals that will help you become a great agent here at the IJA. I am your teacher, I am NOT your friend, so you must address me as Mr. Murasaki, Sensei, or Teacher, or whatever your appropriate title is for Teacher. This class will not be easy and you all will be living here within the Youth building as well, I will show you all your living areas later. I hope I won't have to fail any of you and I hope you all will be prepared for graduation by the end of this class. Now, since I'm done with that, our first assignment will be simple—" the last few words transitioned from dominance to mischief, something that greeted all the students with discomfort.