

Yuki, a 15-year-old student, is having trouble dealing with the loss of his father, attempting to find normalcy while a large piece of his life is no longer there along with his robotic companion, Trivy. Everything changes however when he finds out the truth of his father's demise, which drives him to obtain enough strength and credibility in order to find his own justice. Will Yuki find the justice that he seeks, or is it even justice at all? Side Note: I will try and update Cover Art for the most recent Volume that it is currently on

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41 Chs

Thoughts of the Sensei

Torturing these kids was more than enough for me, knocking an arrogant prick down a level brings a smile to my face.

Especially a self-centered brat who doesn't think the world could be snatched out of their mouths faster than a simple snap from a magician's fingers.

All these brats need a wake-up call, and today is just the beginning of that.

Yuki was it? How was he given the nomination from the director when he couldn't even keep up with a simple jog, what the hell did the director see in that slug?

I guess this was near the end of the endurance test, it's time to see who's in shape to start class and who's behind on the first day.

I slowed down, a stop similar to the use of emergency brakes on a high-speed chase, and looked for the first student in the distance.

The first one was already in sight, and surprisingly enough, he hasn't been fazed since I first blew the goddamn whistle.

I couldn't tell if he was a privileged baby or a trained killer, his eyes were as transparent as a thin layer of lotion.

His name, Ichi Shogayaki, a name that anybody who hears it automatically knows of the dreadful family that carries it.

A family of assassins, the most famous contract killers in the world, and he was simply a hellspawn.

It was quite obvious that his hands were dipped in blood prior to his first day of class, and that experience came with a cocky smirk, which didn't sit well in my gut knowing an asshole like him came in first place.

I'll have to test his limits further, just to see just how far ahead he is to the rest of the class.

Second place, a girl that goes by the name of Anastasia Volkov, and the look in her eyes were similar to the hellspawn, but it came with a vastly different presentation.

She didn't carry herself with pride, but more with silence.

She went through the recommendation process, and that's pretty much all I know about her, she's simply a walking ghost.

The surname sounds familiar, but not large enough for me to care.

The second runner up was Alex J. Williamson, another student who was honed through the recommendation process.

I knew more about his background than the last one though, nothing that raises red flags off the report.

His background was nothing more than the average adolescence, high school athlete with sub-par grades, nothing lower or higher than C's and occasional B's.

Whatever he was, or still is, he's obviously more than just a brainless jock, he carries himself with more than that.

His running form is perfect, he isn't prideful about his exceptional athletic feats either. He strolled past me as I completed my analysis of him, well whatever's on the surface for now.

Fourth Place was another student who survived the recommendation process, his name was Takahiro Harada, and his inconspicuous life was similar to Mr. Williamson's before enrolling in the youth program.

He was quite tall for his age, seventeen, he was an experienced boxing phenom at the age of fourteen, but fourteen came and went for the child, his championship junior high reign was cut short due to an accident.

His father, who was also his teacher, grew ill and lost his ability to walk, and pretty much his control over his body, this dragged Mr. Harada away from his potential fame and into a caretaker position, something that shouldn't have been placed on a child to begin with.

He can't have regrets now though, I won't allow it, he'll just have to successfully become an agent at the end of this class to still hold onto whatever future he envisioned for himself.

Fifth Place was a girl by the name of Ramani Rashak III, her history is more defined than the other two, she was experienced in combat, and comes from a family of royal guards within Torya, a distant country from Kashitama.

Her experience will place her in the upper echelon of the class, well, that is if she truly knows what she's doing, if not, then she'll just have to figure it out like the rest of these brats.

She better hope she knows what she's doing.

The sixth-place contestant was Sofia Genovese, another nomination kid.

Her family is quite powerful in the underworld, a notorious crime family's seed somehow found itself within the IJA youth program, was it blind obedience, or was it rebellious in nature?

Nonetheless, she's another student I'll have to keep an eye on, the potential is quite strong if she can remain focused on what's important, which certainly doesn't include her family.

Seventh place was Morna Walsh, another recommendation, which draws the number of recommendation students at 4 compared to 3 nomination students.

I didn't know much about her past though other than her glaring aspirations written in bold on her papers along with her hobbies and quirks.

Things I usually don't care for, and in fact, I still don't care for.

She can like whatever she wants, I don't care, as long as she's able to become an agent by the end of this process, that's all that matters.

Who the hell actually enjoys golf anyway?

Eighth place is a descendant of an excellent agent, Asami Kowal.

A nomination kid, who clearly has potential deep in her veins.

I'm certain she received excellent and rigorous training from her father, knowing him, I'm shocked she isn't half dead by now, Her father is one of the 12 Division captains of the IJA, and quite literally, one of the most powerful agents within the agency.

She didn't carry herself with strength though, more so with timidness.

I couldn't understand how someone with a teacher like that didn't even place within the top five of the endurance test.

This will probably continue to eat at me until she somehow proves her potential.

I'll be waiting till that day comes if it ever does.

Ninth place is another recommendation student by the name of Paul Robinson, a native of Kashitama who looked as bland as his name.

He could easily get lost in a crowd, and somehow, made me bored just looking at him tiredly jog past me.

He wore sunglasses, was it to hide his true intentions, was it to conceal his eyes from his enemies?

Whatever it was, I didn't like it.

It could just be his boring appearance though, and me reaching for a reasonable source for my dislike of him already.

Let's just move on already, just analyzing him grew tiresome by the seconds.

Tenth place was Olivia Taylor, another student with an illustrious background.

Her father and mother were both agents, her father outranking her mother, but her mother being of more international importance than her father.

Her mother was a world-class fencer, and also an agent for the IJA who worked more as an informational agent than an active role like her father.

Her father was the captain of the 9th division of the IJA, holding similar status to Kowal's father.

How can this much potential be sitting in the lake rather than splashing for the docks?

It was unbearable for me watching these brats with all the training they need in their laps and wasting it on participation trophies, I want someone who wants to win no matter what.

I can care less for second place.

Eleventh place is Reed Ramirez, another student who went through the recommendation process, which is quite surprising to me, so many made it through the trials of hell this year.

I already know a bit of Ramirez's background, he comes from the slums of Gandro, and his brother, a wanted criminal who is more elusive than snow in July.

His neat matte hair covered the scars of poverty, and I can't really guess why he would enroll to be an agent of justice when the closest apple fell into a ditch. If he passes, none of this matters.

Twelfth place was another prized relative, Vivian Hall.

Her age was alarming, being that she was four years younger than the class average.

Her mother, an agent within the IJA, not as highly ranked as the other two previous child proteges, but nonetheless, an excellent agent.

She's quite intelligent for her age as well, probably the only thing that carried her (along with her nomination card) into Class B.

Vivian's poor endurance may have just been a disadvantage from age, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'll keep an eye on her throughout this course, to see if she truly has the potential of an official IJA agent or just another stuck up brat.

Thirteenth was Lucas Schultz, another recommendation student with no real background that didn't jump off the reports.

His preppy privileged appearance didn't help him much either, I don't have many expectations for a student who placed thirteenth in the endurance test, even though his success through the recommendation process balances that out.

He was an enigma though, a question that didn't want to be answered, the real issue was whether or not I truly cared.

Fourteenth place, a prince in the flesh, Gamal Babafemi of Netro, a distant land filled with wealth and royalty.

He was more out of place than Ichi Shogayaki, and not in a good way.

Even though he pitifully came in fourteenth place, pride still remained on his face, something that probably never left his side since his birth, a true annoyance indeed.

The real question was where was the late prodigy of the hour?

Where was the one with the most exclusive nomination card in the world, and did he even deserve such an honor?

Why was he not within fifth place at the very least, how could the director give his card away to a child with no potential, and possibly no talent? What was it?

I couldn't understand what he was thinking of giving his nomination card away as if it were more worthless than pocket lint.

Sixteenth and seventeenth place were coming up the hill, and the two were expected to be dead last given that they reacted late to the whistle.

Two trash swimmers unworthy of a shred of respect, these kids couldn't even jog right. Their form was horrible and their confidence was shot, how the hell did these two misfits even make it past the recommendation process.

Kaso Densharu and Kumo Huang, it was truly a pitiful sight. Just behind them was a large shape that rose from the horizon like the sun on a Saturday morning.

There, what I saw was nothing close to a pitiful sight, in fact, it was quite intriguing to say the least.

I saw the child prodigy of the hour carrying the most unhealthy student in this course, it was truly a sight one wouldn't expect in their lifetime.

I assume that the lard wasn't strong enough to finish the endurance exam, and the enigma protege was willing to throw away his standing within the class just to help this worthless piece of garbage continue, I couldn't condemn the actions because they were of no ill will.

If anything, I applaud the action to say the least, he truly didn't care for his standing within the hierarchy of the class, he was more worried about Mitsugi continuing his welcome and not falling out of the course on the first day.

I see now, is this what the director saw in this child, is this the potential that was brimming when the director entrusted him with his prized nomination card?

"I couldn't leave them behind…" Yuki softly said while carrying half the weight of a cyclops.

"Look! We're almost there!" Kumo shouted

"If it wasn't for Yuki, we would've got lost." Kaso said.

"Why did you come back for me?" Mitsugi asked.

"I couldn't just leave you behind, then I'd feel bad…"

This child—this child will be an excellent agent someday…

"Yuki, why did you go back to help Mitsugi?"

"Um—I dunno, I just acted, I didn't really think about it…"

"So you willingly went to 17th place and you don't have a clue why you did so?"

"I guess…"

His cluelessness towards his own decisions was something that could make anyone laugh, and it was more than enough to brighten my day.

He needs to work on his confidence and self-awareness, but indeed, he will be a fine agent once he passes this youth program, Director.