

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Eastern
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40 Chs

The Never Ending Misery of The Weak

"Are you sure you don't need to wear silk clothes?" Jiho handed In Hyuk his clothes.

"Why do I need silk clothes for a prison guard job?" In Hyuk replied, taking the clothes after finishing washing up, dressed in pants.

"What happened to your hand?" In Hyuk noticed Jiho's hand covered in a bandage.

"I got hurt cutting wood. Jeong Hui Uncle bandaged me; now it's okay," Jiho explained.

In Hyuk examined Jiho's hand, "Jeong Hui Uncle returned?"

"Yes, pay him a visit sometime," Jiho suggested.

In Hyuk nodded, "Mmm," and left, gripping his sword.

He took a deep breath, suppressing nervousness, and entered the prison gate where other guards had already gathered. He greeted the officer and joined the line.

After a while, another officer with short brown hair and a black uniform emerged from the inspection room with black uniforms.

"Wear them. Change in that room, hang your clothes there, and retrieve them after your shift," the officer instructed.

"Yes," they responded in unison.

As the officer turned to leave, he remembered, "Ah, I'm Son Dok Gu. If you have anything to inform, come to me."

"Yes," they all replied simultaneously.

As In Hyuk changed into his uniform alongside the other guards, Someone commented

"Owwwwwee, you have a great body. You should have taken the test for commanders next week," remarked a guard with long, straight hair and sharp features.

Ignoring the comment, In Hyuk stayed silent, swiftly changing into his clothes.

"I'm Gi Ung. What's your name?" Gi Ung asked with a bright smile, undeterred by In Hyuk's cold shoulder.

"Ji Hun," replied In Hyuk as he emerged, sword in hand, having completed the attire adjustment.

Gi Ung, impressed, turned to the other guards, saying, "Isn't he so cool? Just look at his face."

However, a stern look from one guard prompted a hushed response, "Aren't you talking too much?"

The guards assembled, with Gi Ung being the last due to his slower pace.

"Come quickly!" the officer yelled. "I don't have that much free time."

Gi Ung rushed outside, leaving his clothes in disarray. The officer briefed them on their duty, pointing out the prison cells they were to guard. Gi Ung and In Hyuk were assigned to the same cell, with night shifts stretching for one day one night on their first day to test their stamina.

At the dawn of the next morning, when no one was around Gi Ung grimaced, "My legs ache from standing all day." He glanced at In Hyuk, steadfast in his position. "Wahhhh, are you made of iron or what?"

In Hyuk replied, gaze fixed ahead, "Don't talk. We should maintain silence on duty." Gi Ung shot him a sulky look.

Morning unfolded, fellow guards relieved their shift. Gi Ung and In Hyuk proceeded to change their clothes.

"Finally, we can go home," Gi Ung exclaimed, then turned to In Hyuk. "Where do you live? Are you married?"

In Hyuk remained expressionless and silent. Exiting, Gi Ung hurriedly followed.

"I live in Saba. My father works as a vendor. I aspire to be a warrior in the war, but my physique isn't that great," Gi Ung shared as they walked.

At a forked road, In Hyuk halted and inquired, "Which way will you go?"

"This way," Gi Ung pointed, happy that In Hyuk was engaging in conversation.

Expressionless, In Hyuk uttered, "Go safely," and headed in the opposite direction. In Hyuk felt relieved they didn't share the same path, while Gi Ung couldn't shake off the sadness.

On In Hyuk's second day at work, he and Gi Ung were guarding the cells.

A senior Eunuch in his sixties, adorned with many gem rings and wearing an Eunuch gat with a decree in hand. He ordered all the guards, including Jiho, to open the basement cell and release the prisoners.

In Hyuk was shocked to find women, teenagers, and elderly individuals in the basement, leading him to wonder why they were imprisoned there.

They escorted the prisoners through the forest, following the Eunuch, who sat in a palanquin carried by guards.

The eunuch abruptly halted in the heart of the forest, a secluded spot. In Hyuk surveyed their surroundings, questioning the choice of the stopping point.

"Where are we?" Gi Ung whispered in In Hyuk's ears.

The eunuch, displaying the decree without unfolding it, stated, "By the King's order, we must execute trespassers," instructing the guards to carry out the grim command.

In Hyuk's eyes welled up with tears; sadness, coupled with shock, hit him hard. He froze at Eunuch's order.

"They are just destitute souls searching for refuge, with nowhere to call home. They pose no threat to government affairs, so why are you taking their lives?" In Hyuk wanted to shout and question the Eunuch, But as he was deep in thoughts of stopping this merciless act the prison guards unsheathed their swords, unleashing a brutal onslaught.

Inadvertently, In Hyuk took a step towards them, his visage mirroring the agony of witnessing such brutality.

Gi Ung swiftly seized him, shielding the gruesome scene and whispered, "Do you want to die?"

Observing In Hyuk's distressed expression, Gi Ung surmised, "He must be new to this place," recognizing that, unlike himself, In Hyuk was experiencing this horror for the first time.

Gi Ung had learned from childhood not to entangle himself in any situation, regardless of the circumstances.

After killing them, the guards began digging the ground, burying the bodies in silence. In Hyuk stood motionless, watching the macabre scene unfold in the darkness, no one noticed his tears. Gi Ung fretted, fearing In Hyuk might act recklessly.

Turning towards the eunuch, In Hyuk scrutinized his face, attempting to discern his intentions.

Once everything was concluded, the eunuch handed a decree to In Hyuk, commanding, "Burn it." In response, In Hyuk stared at him with disgust but no one noticed in the darkness.

It was dawn , the officer said to In Hyuk and Gi Ung "You two are dismissed"

In Hyuk and Gi Ung made their way home, the decree still clutched in In Hyuk's hand. As they walked, Gi Ung glanced at In Hyuk's face.

"Don't ever get involved in anything like that. I'm not scolding you; I'm saying this out of concern," Gi Ung advised before continuing toward his home, leaving In Hyuk to walk slowly.

In Hyuk continued, each step weak and slow. After a while, he gazed at the decree and unfolded it.

"Considering that trespassing without any purpose is not a grave sin, and the trespassers have already been severely punished. They are ordered to be freed without any fine," the words on the decree revealed.

Overwhelmed with emotion, In Hyuk couldn't contain himself any longer. He sank down, leaning against a tree, and began to wail loudly. Anguish and anger fuelled his cries as he pounded the ground in frustration.

"Why? Why? … They don't deserve to die like that."

In Hyuk came back home, went to bed, and covered himself under the blanket. Jiho asked upon seeing this, "Aren't you going to eat? Eat before you go to sleep."

"I am not hungry," mumbled In Hyuk.

Jiho thought he must be tired and let him be. The whole day passed, but In Hyuk didn't get up from his bed.

Jiho exclaimed, "In Hyuk! Eat something. It's already dark outside."

Upon this, In Hyuk rose and took his sword. Jiho grabbed his hand as he was going out. Jiho questioned, "Are you not going to eat something?"

"I have a little headache. I will eat later," replied In Hyuk in a solemn voice and came out.

As In Hyuk and Gi Ung were guarding the prison, Gi Ung looked at In Hyuk's pale face.

"He wouldn't last long," thought Gi Ung. Although he was affected by what happened and remained silent all the time, he knew how to shake off things.

Gi Ung kept looking at In Hyuk silently as they walked home after their shift. But that was not just for one day. It took weeks for In Hyuk to feel better.

"You look better today," said Gi Ung, smiling at In Hyuk.

In Hyuk looked at him and smiled. Gi Ung felt so warm by his smile. It was the first time Gi Ung saw him smiling. But It was quite a short smile.

"He will get used to it," thought Gi Ung as he sighed.

After finishing their shift, In Hyuk strolled towards the forest.

Gi Ung inquired, "Aren't you heading home?"

In Hyuk replied, "I'm meeting a friend today."

Gi Ung nodded, "Alright, take care."

In Hyuk reached the spot where prisoners were buried. He settled beneath a tree, closing his eyes and remaining there for an extended period.

Later, he made his way to the Dal Teahouse, observing the patrons. A dishevelled teenager, appearing around fifteen, sat alone.

"I don't need another worker," the owner insisted to the boy , offering In Hyuk tea.

Convinced the boy was perfect for job, In Hyuk rose and joined his table. "How about working for me?" he proposed.

The boy chuckled at In Hyuk's attire. In response, In Hyuk presented a pouch of coins. The boy opened it, his eyes widened at the substantial amount.

Determined, the boy declared, "Yes, I'll do whatever you ask."