

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Eastern
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40 Chs

The First Victim: Victim Or Offender

Raehyun and Injae entered the University wearing backpacks, heading to their class as the first session was about to begin.

After class, Injae called Raehyun multiple times, but he didn't respond, deeply immersed in his thoughts.

Injae, frustrated, hit him on the head with a book and asked, "Did your girlfriend cheat on you? What are you thinking about?"

Raehyun, startled, replied, "If my girlfriend cheats on me, I won't waste my time thinking about her."

Injae, putting his books in the bag, asked, "Will you help me with study?"

Raehyun bluntly replied, "No."

Injae questioned, "Why?"

Raehyun responded, "You're not going to study; you'll just waste my time."

Injae protested, "Hey, how could you say that to your friend?"

"Then work hard and prove me wrong. Don't just barely pass exams," Raehyun retorted as he walked out of class.

Injae scoffed, muttering, "That arrogant jerk."

Raehyun dialled In Hyuk's number, but there was no answer. "It's lunchtime; why isn't he picking up? Maybe he's in a meeting," Raehyun thought, putting his cell phone back in his pocket and continuing to walk through the university alley.


Dong Hyuk spoke with Chan Young on the phone, who suggested, "Why not ask your cousins for help? I heard one is studying in a Police University."

Dong Hyuk replied, "We don't get along, never talked. Plus, they have a righteousness issue. Asking them for help is not the answer."

Chan Young advised, "If something happens, call me right away."

Dong Hyuk chuckled, asking, "You're not worried about me, but about yourself, right? You're no Superman. Why should I call you?"

Chan Young said, "Who knows if I could be of some help."

"Okay, I understand. See you tomorrow," Dong Hyuk said, hanging up.

Suddenly, someone hit his head. "Thud" echoed in the house. The cell phone fell from his hand as he tried to support himself on the wall, eventually collapsing on the floor. His head started bleeding. He saw long legs in front of him before falling unconscious.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself on a chair atop a plastic cover on the floor. His head felt heavy; attempting to straighten it, he noticed someone spreading more plastic. Attempting to move, Dong Hyuk realized the drug administered earlier left him immobile.

The man, In Hyuk, turned and asked, "Are you awake now?"

Shocked, Dong Hyuk gasped, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Punishing you," In Hyuk replied coldly. "I told you to repent, but you show no guilt."

Dong Hyuk exclaimed, "Are you crazy? I'm your cousin!"

In Hyuk, displaying disdain, bent forward and sneered, "My cousin? A person like you?"

In Hyuk fetched a chair from the kitchen, seating himself in front of Dong Hyuk and placing drugs on the table.

Dong Hyuk desperately screamed, "Help me! Someone, help me! Someone is trying to hurt me," but he soon ran out of energy, weakened by the drugs.

In Hyuk interrupted, "Stop screaming. No one is coming to help you. Moreover, I am not here to hurt you; I am here to kill you."

Struggling to get up from the chair, Dong Hyuk fell to the ground. In Hyuk seized him by his coat and returned him to the chair.

Breathing heavily, Dong Hyuk asked, "Do you think you'll be okay after killing me?"

"Right, because I am going to make it look like a suicide, like you did with Seoyeon," In Hyuk replied.

Dong Hyuk's heart raced as fear trembled through him.

"She was just a minor; how could you do that to her?" In Hyuk added, his eyes filled with sadness.

With no way out, Dong Hyuk conceded, "Okay, I understand. I will turn myself in. I will apologize."

"It's too late. I gave you a chance, but you blew your chance," In Hyuk said coldly.

"Right, I was regretting everything. I was thinking of turning myself in," Dong Hyuk admitted.

In Hyuk responded, "Weren't you going to deal with me yourself?"

Dong Hyuk questioned, "How do you know that?"

In Hyuk leaned in, pointing to the watch on the wall where a tiny invisible camera was installed, "Because I was watching you all the time."

"Okay, since you are dying, I will answer your last question," In Hyuk offered.

In fear, Dong Hyuk asked, "How did you get in?"

In Hyuk's eyes teared up with disappointment; it wasn't the question he expected.

He said, "Until the end, you are not even a little bit guilty. You are still thinking about yourself. There are so many victims; how come none come to your mind?"

In Hyuk took a deep breath and explained, "Right, I will let you know if that's what you want to know. I came in through that fire escape," pointing to the roof, "You were busy enjoying your crimes and never noticed it, right?" he added.

In Hyuk rose, lifting the drugs and compelling Dong Hyuk to swallow them forcefully.

Dong Hyuk screamed and resisted, some drugs fell to the floor, and he spat some on In Hyuk. Slowly succumbing to the drug's effects, In Hyuk administered injections to his left arm, then tidied up.

Seoyeon's photos were laid out, and a USB with evidence placed on the table.

Erasing all traces, he took the trash and exited through an iron staircase connected to the roof fire escape.

Dong Hyuk was still alive when he left.

Raehyun anxiously awaited In Hyuk's return. When In Hyuk entered the house wearing a black hoodie, he was surprised to find Jiho standing by the door. Inquiring, he asked, "Haven't your holidays ended? What are you doing here?"

Raehyun, with a stiff expression, countered, "What about you? What were you doing outside until this late at night, and why won't you pick up my calls?"

In Hyuk responded, "I was busy with work."

Raehyun pressed, "What work?"

In Hyuk explained, "I had to check on Han glide automobiles to confirm a product. We received a tip that they are messing with the products they have been sending."

Raehyun questioned, "At this hour, with this dressing?"

In Hyuk asked, "What do you actually want to hear from me?"

Raehyun remarked, "You know, you are acting so weird."

In Hyuk calmly replied, "What's so weird?"

Jiho looked at In Hyuk for a while and said, "Nothing," then left the house to head back to Police University. He remained nervous about In Hyuk's behaviour, glancing back at the house door before continuing to walk towards his car.