

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Eastern
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40 Chs

Return To The Palace

The lamp slipped from Jiho's hands, his gaze fixed on In Hyuk in utter disbelief.

In Hyuk called out, "Jiho!" while advancing, but Jiho, overwhelmed with fear, retreated from his brother, who was now drenched in blood.

Jiho's eyes shifted to the royal Eunuch, triggering a flood of memories. The sketch he had seen belonged to the palace Eunuch. Another sketch surfaced in his mind.

"No way, this can't be true. Did you also kill the minister?" Jiho questioned, his realization leaving him bewildered. "You can't be a killer. How could you?" Tears streamed down his face as he confronted In Hyuk's grim appearance.

In Hyuk approached Jiho with deliberate steps, his plea echoing through the tense air, "Jiho, listen, I can explain everything."

"How?" Jiho's voice thundered, "How do you explain a murder?"

"They're not human; they're monsters deserving death," In Hyuk asserted, his tone escalating.

Tears welled in Jiho's eyes as he choked, "But how could you take a life?"

In Hyuk, fuelled by anger, retorted, "He killed nearly twenty innocent people. He deserves this."

Covering his face, Jiho whispered, "You don't have to become a murderer. God will judge them."

"No one," In Hyuk declared with intensity, "No one will ever judge them. Have you witnessed their suffering? If I don't act, who will?"

Jiho, desperate, countered, "They might change, become good, do good deeds."

In Hyuk scoffed, "Do you truly believe that?"

Jiho hesitated, the reality of unchanging circumstances evident since their exile.

In Hyuk seized the moment, asserting, "See, you don't have an answer."

In-Hyuk!" Ji-Ho exclaims in frustration.

"The world will change. Equality between the rich and the poor will be acknowledged," declares Jiho.

"No, never. Replied In Hyuk "You're mistaken," a hint of sneer gracing his face.

"People like him," he points his sword at the fallen royal eunuch, blood seeping from his neck, "who mistreat the impoverished should be eradicated from this world."

He inhales deeply to solidify his decision, "Every time such injustice occurs, when they oppress the poor, I will avenge those silenced voices."

Amidst the perilous circumstances, they overlooked the inherent danger of lingering in this place for an extended duration.

Jiho, unsuccessful in convincing his brother, cast a gaze towards In Hyuk, his eyes reflecting a blend of emotions, tears streaming down his face.

In a desperate attempt to escape the harsh reality, Jiho fled, his sole desire being to distance himself as much as possible.

Amidst his tears, the world around him became a blurry haze, leading to an inadvertent stumble that only intensified his sorrow. His anguished cries reverberated through the silent forest, accompanied by the rustling of leaves stirred by his fleeing footsteps.

Jiho tumbled once more, collapsing to the ground. Overwhelmed by the harsh reality, he wept uncontrollably, his cries echoing in despair. Seated amidst the turmoil, his hands traced patterns in the soil, lost in profound contemplation, tears streaming down his face. After a prolonged period, he rose with feeble steps, embarking on a slow journey. The night had waned by the time he reached home, greeted by an imposing gathering of guards. A shiver coursed through him as Commander Jung Hee, a formidable figure in Kim Jung Woong's Army, stood at the threshold.

Jiho stepped back as Commander Jung Hee approached, bowing and saying, "Your Highness."

Disbelief struck Jiho; "Is he not here to kill us?" he pondered.

"Your Highness, they are waiting for you inside Commander Jung Hee informed.

Hesitant, Jiho followed his lead, realizing he had no other option.

The Prime Minister Jung Myeong, adorned in his official garb and sporting a long beard, entered the Queen Dowager's chamber. He respectfully bowed before her and took a seat.

"The Palace entrances are secured, but if news of the King's demise spreads, chaos will ensue with power struggles. We must act pre-emptively," he advised.

The Queen Dowager, already informed of the King's demise, uttered, "Search for the two Princes."

The puzzled Prime Minister Jung Myeong inquired, "Two Princes? I don't quite grasp your words."

The Queen Dowager, with a composed demeanour, displayed portraits, stating, "The Crown Prince Kim In Hyuk and the Second Prince Kim Jiho, sons of the late King Kim Jung Hoon."

The Prime Minister Jung Myeong chuckled while examining the portraits. "But they were supposedly killed by King Kim Jung Woong. Are you suggesting a revival?" he remarked humorously.

"That was a falsehood," declared the Queen Dowager. "They were never actually found. To ensure no opposition to the King, Jung Woong fabricated this claim."

"Is that so?" responded the Prime Minister, studying the portraits once more.

"But if you fail to locate them, I will align with the most powerful faction," the Queen Dowager declared, simultaneously a threat and a subtle indication that he should fervently seek the Exiled Princes.

The Prime Minister Jung Myeong, burdened with only daughters and unable to secure his son's ascent to the throne, faced an implicit ultimatum.

Expressing his displeasure yet maintaining composure, the Prime Minister affirmed, "I will exert my utmost effort in locating them."

Jiho stepped into the room, revealing In Hyuk seated at a table, accompanied by a figure shrouded in a majestic robe. The back of this person faced Jiho until, with a deliberate turn, the commander revealed his identity—Kim Jung Min.

This was the ruthless leader who orchestrated the demise of Jiho's entire family. Instantly, a wave of shock gripped Jiho, and tears welled in his eyes, inadvertently reopening the haunting echoes of the agonizing screams from that tragic day.

Jung Min rose, offering a respectful bow, "Your Highness." Jiho, astonished, widened his eyes in disbelief, casting a disdainful look at Jung Min. "Please, take a seat," Jung Min invited with courtesy.

Jiho, catching In Hyuk's avoiding gaze and solemn expression, seated himself beside In Hyuk.

"We are here to escort you back to the Palace," Jung Min conveyed as he settled into his own seat.

In Hyuk and Jiho, attempting to grasp the unfolding situation, exchanged questioning glances with him.

"The late King Kim Jung Woong has passed away, leaving no heir to ascend the throne. I've been tasked with locating you and bringing you back to the Palace," Jung Min elucidated.

Jiho's hand thrust forth in a surge of anger, poised to articulate his emotions, but In Hyuk swiftly intercepted, seizing Jiho's hand to quell the impending words. "We would like to talk privately," In Hyuk interjected, interrupting the charged atmosphere.

Jung Min, sensing the tension, rose and gracefully offered, "Then I will excuse myself."

"Not you," In Hyuk clarified, rising considering the voices can penetrate out. "We'll step outside. You can keep an eye on us."

Jiho, bewildered, gazed at him. In Hyuk took hold of Jiho and guided him to a substantial tree. Beneath its branches, Jiho wrested his hand free from In Hyuk's grasp.

"I refuse to return with those who took my family from me," Jiho asserted.

"And do you believe they'll spare us if we resist?" In Hyuk countered, a weight in his words. "Refusal means death. They seek control, turning us into mere puppets to rule the palace."

Jiho, his life's value diminished by tragedy, still couldn't bear the thought of endangering In Hyuk.

"But they killed our parents," he exclaimed.

In Hyuk, resolute, responded, "Once we ascend to the throne, we can overcome our adversaries."

After careful deliberation, Jiho reluctantly concurred.

In the carriage's departure, the gazes of villagers, Him Chan, and Seulgi followed them. Jiho, unable to bid a proper farewell, cast a final, longing glance through the carriage window at them.

The officials stood before the Palace, eager to enter and assess the King's condition. Aware that the King's health had sharply deteriorated since ascending the throne, they suspected his recent decline indicated an imminent demise. Their aim was clear – they sought to take over the throne.

The majestic carriage rolled through the grand Palace gate, drawing the attention of officials.

As the carriage halted, Jung Min emerged, clutching a sword, and declared, "There comes the Royal Prince!"

In Hyuk descended confidently, while Jiho followed, his demeanour revealing a palpable fear. The revelation startled everyone.

The Prime Minister Jung Myeong, who had been obstructing officials from entering the King's chamber, welcomed the princes with a respectful bow "Your Highness," he uttered, a glimmer of relief in his eyes.

The Prime Minister Jung Myeong signalled, and after a brief moment, the royal physician emerged from the King's Chamber, clutching the monarch's robe, delivering the news of the King's demise.

Despite the suspicions of a preplanned event, the officials felt powerless, as the army sided with the Prime Minister Jung Myeong , solidifying his position.