

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Eastern
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40 Chs

Confronting The Tempest

Jiho's words cut through the tension, "You've surpassed all limits. You are The King of this land!"

In Hyuk rose from his throne "Are you defending criminals?" He descended the stairs with an air of authority.

"You're a criminal yourself. What sets you apart from them?"

"I am" In Hyuk paused, then declared, "Eradicating evil to bring peace to the country."

"Why not burn the world and build peace yourself?" Jiho exclaimed. "There's a devil inside everyone, including you."

In Hyuk's anger flared. "Don't compare me to them, they deserved it."

Jiho glanced aside before fixing his eyes on In Hyuk. "This is my final warning. Next time, I won't overlook your crimes," he declared, walking away. In Hyuk clenched his hands, watching him from behind.

Rumors circulated about Grim Reapers appearing in the Capital and hanging Chang Min on a tree, but many doubted their credibility.

In the court, In Hyuk commanded, "Investigate Chang Min's death thoroughly, leaving no traces behind. It's undoubtedly a murder. Anyone responsible for his death will face severe punishment."

Chang Min's father, withered and enraged by his son's pitiful demise, felt relieved by the King's decree.

The royal inspectors began the investigation, but the lack of clues hindered any progress.

In Hyuk sat in the Pavilion, contemplating, "How could Jiho disagree after witnessing all the tyranny?"

Beside him, Da Won observed In Hyuk's frowning face all day and suggested, "Your Majesty, why not send the second Prince far away in the army to prevent him from interfering with your decisions?"

In Hyuk stood up and glared at Da Won. "How dare you."

Da Won quickly knelt with his head down. "I apologize, Your Majesty. Please punish me for speaking nonsense."

In Hyuk turned away sombrely. "He's my only family. Despite our differing opinions, he's my brother. How could I send him away?"

In Hyuk sighed, adding, "You may rise, but refrain from making suggestions that could cost your life."


Prime Minister Jung Myeong inquired, "Did the second Prince investigated The Black Night?"

Ki Moon responded, "Yes, My Master."

"Then he must have discovered the misdeeds of the Defense Minister's son, which I remained unaware of," The Prime Minister mused "It's possible that he was involved in the killing."

Ki Moon interjected, "That's impossible, my master. We were outside the capital when the Defense Minister's son was murdered."

"Do you think he ordered someone to kill him ?"

"I doubt it. He wasn't aware of the situation before visiting the village."

Prime Minister Jung Myeong squinted, trying to understand. "Then who could have killed the Defense Minister's son? Whoever did he must be crazy enough to hang him from a tree."


Jiho exited his chamber, finding Ki Moon waiting for him. Ki Moon followed closely as Jiho walked ahead.

"Prime Minister Jung Myeong suspects His Majesty," Ki Moon asserted.

Jiho halted, "Did he mention anything?"

"No, Your Highness. It's a mere assumption. Initially, he suspected you. Now, I believe he's directing his suspicion towards His Majesty."

Jiho resumed walking "He's seeking an excuse to dethrone In Hyuk."

Ki Moon questioned, "Where are we heading?"

"To Boom Guesthouse," Jiho replied, pausing before expressing concern, "Do you not find it risky to accompany me? If your master discovers you're withholding information about me, it could risk your life."

"It's fine," Ki Moon assured. "I'm content serving you; that's all I need."

Jiho glanced at Ki Moon, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat before stepping into Boom Guesthouse.

Inside, he observed Yoona engaged in flirtatious banter with a young royal. Spotting Jiho, Yoona instructed the young royal, "Go to the room; I'll join you shortly."

Approaching Jiho, she asked, "What brings the handsome man here?"

"Find someone who can provide comprehensive information on Capital matters. I'll pay you handsomely."

"It's work again," she sighed. "I'll look into it . How about coming inside to enjoy some drinks?"

"I'm not that free," Jiho replied, departing from the guesthouse.

Jiho began meeting with royals for diverse information, also attending court matters as a royal army general to monitor In Hyuk's moves.

Intent on uncovering In Hyuk's next target, Jiho wished his brother would halt the bloodshed.

Aware In Hyuk would persist, Jiho aimed to intervene before he took the next step, prepared to confront his brother.


The Queen sought an audience with the King outside his chambers.

"You may enter, Your Highness," conveyed Eunuch Byung Ho.

In Hyuk stood with a warm smile to welcome her. "Have you arrived, my Queen?" he asked, inviting her to sit at the table. She took a seat across from the King.

In Hyuk instructed the servants, "Serve the Queen freshly made Jasmine tea."

"It's okay, Your Majesty. I just wanted to talk and see your face."

Noticing the solemn expression on her face, he instructed the servants to leave.

"Do you have something to discuss with me, My Queen?"

"It's not a serious matter; I was merely wondering why Your Majesty is avoiding me."

In Hyuk chuckled awkwardly and explained, "I haven't been avoiding you, My Queen. I've been occupied with state matters."

"If you're concerned about me being influenced by my father's directives, rest assured I would never do such a thing."

In Hyuk's smile vanished, and a serious expression took hold of his face.

"I simply desire occasional moments with you, to converse. I only ask that you regard me as your wife, not merely a tool for power control." She conveyed her feelings earnestly.

Hyuk felt guilty hearing her remark and questioned, "How did you know I hesitated to get involved with you?"

The Queen responded, "You accepted concubines before marriage secretly. I suppose it was to secure someone else for the Queen's seat in case my father tries to take control of state matters. Am I mistaken?"

"You're correct. As expected, you are wise. I apologize for not treating you better. While I may not fully trust you yet, I acknowledge my mistake and will strive to improve my behaviour."