
Negima: Dark Designs (Slow Updates)

His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue move on no matter what. The next World he ended up in, however, has a few things he will not deal with. What is he to do? Nothing. Mind his own business while he tries to salvage what he can and protect a few things. But a slight problem as he was not given a new place in history as normal. This time he reincarnates as a main character. Family means nothing as he does not know them himself. If they leave him be, he will leave them be as he recovers to leave. Memory serves that Earth itself has small problems from foolish organizations. For these mages carry a very large threat, he will kill them and destroy their souls no matter what the others think. I do not own any rights to Negima characters. Their is no profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A House and Ambush?

Max purchased a house outright. With cash, he exchanged from gold previously when going through town. The paperwork and everything would take some time to process, but he moved in the same day with a bribe. "It was listed under "Emergency Processing" to get it done faster. A spell was placed on the realtor to make sure everything went through with no problem.

Even the name on the paperwork had Maxmillion on as a first name. Spells already working to have it change legally all over the country faster.

"Alright, time for protection spells." Max sat in the center of the house and grabbed hold of the magic in the area. Slowly a Wayward spell fixed to the house on the outside. Then the actual Trespass Alarm spell went next. "This is a really good spot for mana gathering."

Wayward Spell: This would cause people who were not particularly looking for the place to find it. No solicitors for the most part. People with a strong magical presence or willpower would still find it of course.

Trespass Alarm Spell: This would send him a mental alert to whoever enters his property.

"Alright time for traps." Max refocused his hands into that of a pyramid. In between his fingers, the view of his home could be seen. Several key points were given in the Wormhole or Whirlpool trap. "Good enough for now. Now time to build my strength again."

Wormhole Spell: This would suck a person into dark space and peel the flesh apart. Leaving nothing but memories and mana.

Whirlpool Spell: This would suck a person into never-ending water. Slowly zapping the strength till they gave up. The body would then float in a small vat of water. The nicer trap.

*Vortex!* The mana for up to a mile swirled and disappeared. Max did not care if anyone came knocking. They would just die from the traps. While he took the mana in, the formations bolstered the spells as well.

"Such pureness." Max felt content as he felt the change. His body moved up to the next level. The 10 stat points were spent on his Dexterity & Intelligence.

High Sorceror → Advanced Sorceror

Name: Maxmillion (Negi) Springfield

Class: Ancient Sorceror

Realm: Advanced Sorceror

Str: 10

Con: 30

Dex: 15

Int: 45

Wis: 40

Cha: 15

'Much better. More of my brain has sped back up to closer levels for me to use more spells. Search the net any for the right herbs to boost my muscle recovery up next.' Getting up after a few hours refreshed, Max headed to one of the empty rooms and conjured up some training equipment. 'Time to work out for now!'

His body really need some tuning up!


-Next morning-


With a simple spell, Max was cleaned up from his workout hours later. He locked up the place and ran to work. It would be an hour before class start. The time was spent running through the area for a workout and to mark a few areas of interest.

A few hotspots to drain and remove undesirables.

In the last 30 minutes, he shot toward the Academy. He spotted the male teens from the previous day. They chitchatted as they made it toward their destination. So far they were doing ok and very relaxed.

The little mana used on them the previous day remained within their bodies. Enough to purify the young bodies and promote growth in the right avenues. Which pushed out the more dangerous thoughts.

Max took in those thoughts to fuel himself in the process. He was such a nice teacher that way!

Reaching the cut-off area, they parted after speaking fondly.

"Haaa, what a very windy place." Max spotted one of his students not far from him. It was the shy student, Nodoka Miyazaki. Her black bangs hid her face from sight. She was part of the General Library Committee and Library Club. "Child.... stop."

"Eep!" She freaked out by his tone. Max walked over and bent down to get eye level with her. "Ye..ss es!"

"Yesterday you almost fell from having too many books in front of you. Do not let it happen again, or I will remove you from the club and committee. Understand?" She nodded quickly. "Good. Now walk with me."

"Ok." Nodoka answered quietly.

The walk was a little too quiet.

"You have a few friends, but you do not think so yourself. If you keep acting like this, you will hurt them and yourself." Max said as calmly as he could. "Open up just a little more, and you will be surprised what happens. And what amazing things you can see."

He continued to ramble on the entire time they walked. Nodoka was listening but did not say much. One of the things he was also doing was placing a spell on the girl. One to acquire the information she knew in the library, the other to give her a small nudge to her confidence.

"That is all from me, for now." Max said upon reaching the door to his classroom. "I have taken your time from you, go and handle whatever you have to do. Do not mind being late for my class."

"Yes." Nodoka shot off in a rush. Max did not have it in him to tell her not to run in the halls.

"Hmmm." Max felt a pair of eyes on him. But not human ones. It was the same one he felt yesterday. Turning to the left, he focused and cast a small spell on his eyes. 'Oh, it was the robot. Meh.'

Max gave a wave before entering class. No reason to not start messing with the bot.

Near his desk, was Sayo in a new uniform and Mana Tatsumiya.

"Well.. this is.. something. You both are early." Max moved over to his desk and sat down. "So what is it?"

"You brought a ghost to life and that is something. A few people have put bounties on you already." Mana said quickly. "I did not take them due to the low price."

"Good on yah, it would be a shame to kill one of my students." Max smirked and turned to Sayo. "What did the dean say?"

"He didn't say much. But was very touchy. It felt weird. It was not till I screamed and Ms. Shizune came in that he collected himself." Sayo had a very embarrassed look on her face. Her long hair moved to show a few bandages on her. "I bumped into a few things. Kept forgetting that I could not phase through objects anymore."

"You can, if you are doing what I told you." Max grabbed her hand and circled mana through it again. A check showed she did as instructed but only for an hour. "Increase the time you do so and remember the sensation of what it felt like to go through things. No sense for you to lose that ability."

"Right!" Sayo went to take her seat as a few other students came in.

Mana stood near his desk still.

"You are not worried about the bounty. I do not know if you are foolish or courageous." Max passed a contract over to her to read over. Grabbing it, she felt the powerful magic inside. "I... will read it carefully." Head down, Mana walked back to her seat.

The students filled in quickly enough. Some giving Max a once over, Asuna and Konoka staring longer than most. Ayaka came in slightly tired for once. She pepped up seeing Max.

"You made it, that is good." Ayaka said cheerfully. "Heard you didn't have a place to stay."

"I have my means. Bought a house not to far away." Max said standing up and writing the assignment on the board. It was instructions to review the last few chapters before reading the lesson from yesterday. "Evangeline Mcdowell, come up front for a moment."

The little vampire moved up not worrying about anything. Max passed her a sheet for her to review over it. It contained the method to remove the curse she was under for the majority of the day. Her hands shook violently reading it over.

"Study this well, later of course." Max instructed. She tucked it away in her coat pocket. Seeing everyone getting to work, Max walked around checking them all over.

No one needed help or asked any questions.

*Thunk!* Shizune came in closing the door behind her. Slightly bothered but she got to work fast enough. Max did not bother her as she walked down the aisles.

Making it back to his desk, Max went over the next chapter and made some notes on what he believed the girls would have trouble with. At least three different sheets. One for the advance, one for the average, and one for the struggling student.

"Umm Max.." Kaede called walking up to his desk. "Can you explain this part?"

"Of course." Max corrected her problem with a few verbs. She turned the page to show something written down. Members of her clan are in town. They picked up the job of meeting him for questioning of sorts. "Do not worry, this stuff is easy. You have it figured out already."

Kaede pulled away and read Max's lips. He mouthed very easily that he would kill them outright if they made any threats.

"Thank you." Kaede sat down not knowing what to think. 'Why does he feel stronger than yesterday? What will happen when they try to meet him?' Worry for her clan gave her mixed feelings.

The class went on as normal. At lunch break, Max made his way to the roof.




"Haaa, even here it is nice." Max exhaled and swallowed the mana in the air. In seconds it was empty. "Oh, a visitor."

*Fwish!* A ninja of all things appeared. Then two more behind him on top of the entrance.

"Hello. We would like to discuss some things with you." The leader said.

"Do not feel like talking. I am a teacher, so my time is precious. You should leave, since you are trespassing." Max was bored at the weak little power they had. "Go away and set an appointment for another time."

"You dare speak to us this way?!" A ninja up top barked arrogantly.

*Pulse!* A wave of mana fluctuated in the air. Something appeared around Max before vanishing in a blink. It reeked of blood & death in the purest since.

"I speak how I please." Max spared a glance before looking back at the leader. "To think they send grunts to "talk" with me.

The leader's eyes squinted. He noticed the problem with his two followers. They stopped moving almost completely stiff.

*Thunk Thunk!* They both landed in front of Max who turned to enter the building. The bodies slowly turned grey as well as the clothes.

"They are stone...when?" The Leader did not go forward. The door closed causing both bodies to shatter. The dust scattered into the winds. 'I need to retreat!' Falling back, he went to report. Unknown to him his clothes had a little grey on them.

On the staircase, Max ran into Kaede and Fei Ku. Fei Ku came from a small island from what he could remember. Tanned skin, light-colored hair, and a demeanor of a cat. Part of the Chinese Martial Arts group. Memory served she was quite capable.

"You are fine?" Kaede asked.

"Of course. Just dealt with a few bugs. It will be dusty later on today. So be careful where you go." Max said as he walked pass. As he got closer, he locked Fei Ku down in his bloodlust. "Careful now, I might have taken your posture as a threat. No need to get yourself killed over pride."

"Ughh!" Fei groaned as her knees gave way. Kaede was close enough to feel it. She grabbed the wall to steady herself. "Did you.. did you kill the 3?"

"By the end of the day, the entire clan will be gone if not careful." Max left those words getting back to the classroom. "One must be careful, never know when they will come across a Basilisk. They might even make eye contact without realizing it."

*Appear.* The silhouette of a snake appeared and then vanished around Max.

*Vanish* A small wave made it seem almost real despite eyes stating no.

Name: Maxmillion (Negi) Springfield

Class: Ancient Sorceror

Realm: High Sorceror → Advanced Sorceror

Str: 10

Con: 30

Dex: 15

Int: 45

Wis: 40

Cha: 15

Spells: Growth, Wayward, Tresspass Alarm, Traps

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