

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
133 Chs


Jaxith has entered the warehouse after he heard John's growl and left Shisk behind him to find Irene as fast as possible.

When he crossed the main door he stopped to focus, he started sniffing while looking at the end of the warehouse at the other side, that's the exact location where behind it lies the stairs that lead to the basement.

"Fear, there's also dark energy.", Thought Jaxith while focusing on the wall at the end of the warehouse and with his extraordinary hearing sense he heard some cries of pain.

"Something horrible is going down there, but,...", Thought Jaxith before focusing on the smell again then looking at his upper left side, a large room that he can reach by stairs behind some wooden boxes.

"Irene is in that room, it's good that she's not in the basement, and she's alive too.", Thought Jaxith before running towards these stairs.

After a moment Jaxith was inside John's office, he took a quick look around with his eyes in the office before stepping closer.

"That must be the office that the guard told me about, which means.", Thought Jaxith before stepping in and looking more carefully to finally spot his sword behind John's desk, he approached the sword calmly before holding it up, finally the black titan is back to its owner.

Jaxith examined his sword carefully from every edge to ensure that nothing happened to it before slowly hovering his left hand over the golden insignia at the base of the shining black blade just above the hilt, he touched it calmly and his right hand slowly checked the grip of the sword before finally lowering his sword.

"Everything is good, now most importantly.", Thought Jaxith before looking at the metal door where Irene and Emelia are held inside.

He moved towards the door with a relief on his face, she's alive and close, knowing her she must be afraid, but it's over.

Jaxith reached the door and noticed chains and a lock over the handle, he activated his negative abyss and pulled the chains strongly with his left hand to break them completely! There were another few chains though.

"Huh?", Said Emelia with surprise while looking at the door.

"Someone is here, please be Jaxith.", Thought Emelia in hope.

Jaxith on the other side threw the chains aside with his left hand while still holding his sword in his right hand before his eyes widened and he stopped and focused.


Those were faint growls, if Jaxith's senses weren't strong he wouldn't have been able to feel them, he slowly turned around and looked around carefully while focusing with all his senses.

The growls started disappearing but there was that heavy breathing, Jaxith can hear the breathing.

"I can't risk opening the room while I don't know what's around, it may lead to Irene getting caught in action and getting hurt, I need to detect exactly where that thing is.", Thought Jaxith calmly while looking around, he started focusing more on the smell and closed his eyes.

"Up!", Thought Jaxith while opening his eyes and looking upwards and immediately something destroyed the ceiling above Jaxith who immediately used his negative dash to get away!

Jaxith now is standing before the office door and the thing that broke the ceiling is in his place in front of the room where Irene is located, the dust was too much around him for Jaxith to see clearly but he was nearly the height of Jaxith.

"I need to pull him away from this room.", Thought Jaxith while waiting for that thing to appear but again the thing growled loudly in a terrifying voice!

"WHY DON'T YOU DIE?", Said the thing in a harsh voice before leaping out of the dust at Jaxith who immediately used his sword to block this attack and was pushed outside of the room with the door getting broken in the process.

both of them fell off the stairs and Jaxith managed to kick the beast away from him at the entrance of the warehouse, Jaxith now did the tricky part, he's away from Irene in an open space, he stood up and looked at the abomination before him and wasn't even able to understand what that thing is.

The yellow demonic eyes and noble torn clothes, new muscles were formed and the bone structure was different and stronger, the two arms were totally violet and the hand palms were a bit bigger than normal human hands, several small bone plates were protruding out of his backbone like some sort of defense along his back, his teeth was a bit larger than normal humans and of course dark energy was sensed from him, that's John!

"What's that thing?", Thought Jaxith, he clearly didn't see something like that before.

John looked angrily at Jaxith before putting his hands over his head.

"KILL THE HUNTER, KILL THE HUNTER, KILL THE HUNTER.", Said a lot of voices inside John's head before he looked angrily at Jaxith.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING!", Shouted John before leaping at Jaxith and using his right arm to scratch Jaxith's face but Jaxith arched back and noticed that the claws are actually longer than normal humans and could be lethal, John tried to use his other arm to grab Jaxith but he activated his negative abyss and dashed backwards, now he's completely outside the warehouse.

"Although they are torn, based on his clothes that must be the noble's son, John Rascliffe, what the f*** did he do with himself?", Thought Jaxith while walking to the side as John walked out of the warehouse too.

(Jaxith and John are going to engage in a very hardcore battle right now but first we need to understand more about John, is he a bad person or is he just the victim of his father's influence or maybe more?)

At Feinburg, Reldret's capital, precisely at the infamous alchemy academy, the place where the most prestigious and skilled alchemists learned in, the academy includes the best alchemists across the continent to teach the students who also came from every place seeking knowledge in this great edifice and so, only the capable and noble students can afford such a luxurious education that can't be found in any other place on Plistura.

This was John's first year as a student, he was about 19 years old, he was following his dream to become a great alchemist and help his father, he wanted to make him proud by being the best alchemist, although he can't be a dark caster and use dark energy but still he believes he can be useful to his father and Blamore.

During the first few weeks, John was struggling with his lessons, the alchemy professors here have tons of information about each single ingredient and he was getting confused through all of this and doubt began to creep into him and that he would not be able to succeed in achieving his goals.

"To make it clear, dear students, all the relweed species have toxic nervous effects and the only way to use them without making your potions toxic is by adding a suitable catalyst that antagonize the effect of the specific relweed species you're using.", Said the professor who was giving the current lecture, all the students were writing while listening to him, John was doing the same but he can't get the fact that he's not completely getting it out of his mind.

"Fine, if the relweed has nervous toxic effects then why I should even use it in a potion then add a specific catalyst to antagonize its effect?", Thought John while looking at the drawings of the relweed in his notes.

"That's it for today, if you struggled with the lesson you know where to find me, see you next week.", Said the professor before gathering his things and preparing to leave.

"Indeed, as if I'm stupid enough to go and ask about something that I'm sure he'll think that I'm a retarted to ask about it while being in an academy like this.", Thought John while closing his notes and sighing, he looked at the professor who was going to leave but before he leaves one of the students called for him while walking out of her seat, she has long black hair and her clothes weren't good looking like the other girls around, she stopped the professor and started a conversation with him that John wasn't able to hear because of the noise around him as the students started chatting with each other after the professor finished his lecture.

"The same girl, she always stand with each professor and keep talking with them, I won't complain, in fact she's the most remarkable student since the lectures started three weeks ago, she's interacting well with nearly every question that the professors ask, she must be very passionate about alchemy for sure, and I thought that I'm passionate about it.", Thought John while looking at the girl who was completely immersed in her conversation with the professor while showing him something in her notes and the professor himself was looking at her with surprise.

"Having a thing for the villager, Rascliffe?", Said a voice from behind John sarcastically, John sighed and turned to the student sitting beside him, another noble male.

"I'm starting to get afraid that you may end up dead if you didn't make fun of someone for every hour, Philip.", Said John while smiling and looking at Philip.

"That's me.", Said Philip proudly, John looked back at the girl.

"That's more than a thing you had there.", Said Philip.

"Shut up, I'm just curious that she's always like that.", Said John before looking at Philip.

"You mean being awfully obsessed with alchemy." Said Philip.

"I don't think it's weird actually.", Said John.

"If stalking the professors aren't weird then yes of course.", Said Philip sarcastically and a close student heard them and laughed.

"You're just unreasonable.", Said John before looking back at the girl.

"You said something about being a villager.", Said John.

"If the clothes isn't enough evidence then let me tell you what I've heard about her, she's one of those rare students that get a free full scholarship, she's the only girl by the way, a chance like this for people like her is literally a treasure, probably that's why she's so weird like that, she knows that this is a chance she can't miss.", Said Philip.

"You know that this not weird, don't you?", Said John.

"She knows that alchemy s**t very well, but still weird, she's not socializing with the girls around her and always alone, if that's not weird for you than that's your problem, man.", Said Philip, John remained silent for a moment while looking at the girl who ended her conversation with the professor and headed back to her seat.

"I think that she may be able to help me with some topics, what's her name?", Said John.

"One of the girls told me that her name is Cristina.", Said Philip.

"Thanks.", Said John.

"You're welcome, lover.", Said Philip sarcastically before John turned to him and looked boldly.

"What?", Said Philip, John just sighed before looking back at Cristina who was writing more things in her notes.

"Cristina, that's a good name actually.", Thought John while smiling calmly and looking at Cristina.

The courtyard of the academy, the students were having their normal break before continuing their different lectures, some of them were chatting together, others were studying together while others were having a quick meal.

John was standing with some of his noble friends, they were chatting about different things before he noticed that Cristina was sitting alone on one of the benches nearby.

"John!", Said one of the nobles around John, it looks like he called him several times but he wasn't listening.

"Yeah.", Said John while looking at him.

"You seem distracted.", Said the noble, John's friends were looking at him in worry.

"You sure you're well?", Said other noble.

"I'm fine, guys, just zoned out.", Said John calmly.

"Whatever, we're going to get a meal, want to join us?", Said the first noble.

"No thank you, I'm not hungry, actually there's something that I need to take care of.", Said John.

"Suit yourself, if you need anything you know where to find us, see you at the auditorium.", Said the noble.

"See you.", Said John before his friends took their leave, he looked at Cristina then took a deep breath before walking towards her.

Cristina was sitting on the bench, she was inspecting different types of plants before her while eating a simple sandwich in her other hand, she was completely occupied.

John reached her and stood beside her while looking at her, her black her was in a bun, her clothes although being simple she's still pretty in them, yet she's always alone like that according to Philip, socializing with nobles must be very hard for her, the life style itself is different, that's why she maybe avoiding dealing directly with them, she was still not noticing John.

"Ahem!", Said John to get Cristina's attention, she was surprised and some of the plants fell on the ground.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I caught you by surprise.", Said John while kneeling to gather the plants that fell, she looked at him strangely before immediately kneeling to help him but he stopped her.

"It's my fault, I should have introduced myself more proberly, here, take them.", Said Jaxith while handling the plants to Cristina who was silent and still shocked, John looked into her hazel eyes and saw the innocence in her eyes, he didn't see something like this before, Cristina politely took the plants from him.

"Thank you.", Said Cristina in a low polite voice.

"Can I have a sit by your side?", Asked John calmly while looking at her, she looked at him in surprise after his request.

"If you won't mind of course, I don't want to be annoying.", Said John politely, she's a bit weird, she's just not able to socialize with other students because of them being nobles and she's just a common villager, she's also afraid to even talk.

"N-no, I-I mean yes, of course.", Said Cristina in hesitation before pushing herself to the side of the bench so John can sit.

"Thank you.", Said John before sitting down.

"Sorry again for disturbing you like before, I really didn't mean to surprise you like that but I noticed that you're so immersed in your notes and the plants so I wanted to have a little conversation with you, I hope you can accept my apology.", Said John politely.

"N-no, no need to apologize, I'm just not used to talking to people here.", Said Cristina in hesitation, she's still nervous.

"I need her to open up more if I want to learn something from her.", Thought John.

"We can start with my name, John, John Rascliffe.", Said John politely with his right hand over his chest and lowering his head a bit before raising it, Cristina looked at him in surprise and her face was a bit red, she's not used for this polite attitude especially from nobles.

"No need for this politeness, John, I-I don't mean that you should be impolite b-but I mean that you're extra polite with me and that's not necessary, oh sorry, I'm misbehaving, right?", Said Cristina nervously and in hesitation.

"Fine, she's weird, even for a villager.", Thought John.

"Calm down, Cristina, no need for all of this tension, I'm just a normal person trying to start a conversation with a smart lady like you.", Said John politely, Cristina stopped to gather her thoughts.

"Okay, since I know your name you need to know mine, wait! Did you call me Cristina?", Said Cristina in surprise.

"Yes.", Said John.

"But that's my name.", Said Cristina.

"Indeed.", Said John.

"How did you know it?", Asked Cristina politely.

"You're well known around, of course I would know you.", Said John.

"Well known around? I barely talk to anyone, what does he mean by well known? Could he be meaning the part of being the only non noble around?", Thought Cristina.

"Well known for what?", Asked Cristina.

"Listen, if you're uncomfortable with this conversation we can completely end it, I don't want to make you get a negative attitude on me in the first impression, anyway, to comfort you, I called you smart from a moment, and that's why you're known, your presence is clearly noticeable and you have already left a great impression for the professors and of course, your colleagues, until now you're unmatched in the lectures, and that's why I was seeking your help.", Said John politely, Cristina's face blushed a little from getting a compliment, she's not used for all of this.

"I can't tell her that the main reason she is known for is because of being from common people among a community of nobles in a prestigious academy like Feinburg alchemy academy, she won't trust someone who thinks of her that way, she even doesn't need any extra reason to panic.", Thought John.

"O- okay, although it's not that special and I'm sure that there are a lot better than me but thanks.", Said Cristina politely.

"You're welcome.", Said John politely.

"Welllll, you said you need my help, I'm happy to help a polite person like you.", Said Cristina while trying to smile in a non awkward way.

"Indeed, I'm actually struggling with the first weeks and I don't feel that I'm doing well lately, I get confused easily by the different types of plants and their classifications although I really love alchemy.", Said John.

"Now I understand you, you need my help with some lessons.", Said Cristina while looking enthusiastic.

"Exactly, of course if that will make you uncomfortable then I won't push it and completely respect your boundaries.", Said John politely, Cristina was mesmerized by John's charming attitude, a polite handsome noble that's not talking about how great his family is and how much money does his father make a week, there's something different about John and Cristina couldn't refuse his polite request.

"O-of course, h-here, take this, sorry I only got this for now.", Said Cristina while cutting her sandwich into two halves and giving John a half.

"No need for apology Cristina and also there's no need to share your food with me, I completely respect you without anything.", Said John.

"Actually you're the first person I have a long conversation with in here and maybe since a long time, so accepting this is important for me, oh, I-I'm not trying to push you, am I?", Said Cristina nervously.

"No no, I get what you mean, thank you.", Said John while taking the half of the sandwich.

"And you should try and socialize more with your colleagues, you will feel even better.", Said John.

"I, I'll see what I can do.", Said Cristina before looking behind John.

"I think the next lecture is going to start, the others are entering the hall.", Said Cristina, John looked back and it seems she's right.

"Well, I think I'm not that lucky." Said John with a faint smile.

"Look, we can go to the Feinburg's great library tomorrow, I can show you some useful things there and also I'll bring a wide collection of important alchemy plants so you can learn more practically, I think that will be better if you can't keep up with the professors.", Said Cristina enthusiastically, she gets really excited when talking about alchemy and John can see the desire and passion in her eyes.

"Of course, I don't mind.", Said John.

"Fine, tomorrow afternoon after the final lecture, I'll meet you at the library.", Said Cristina politely.

"Consider it done.", Said John, Cristina slowly stood up.

"See you tomorrow.", Said Cristina politely.

"See you, and thanks for the sandwich by the way.", Said John.

"You're welcome.", Said Cristina with a little smile before walking towards the hall.

"Well, she's weird, but also Innocently cute, her attitude is amazing when she's confident though.", Thought John before looking at the sandwich in his hand, he looked at it before taking a bite then standing up before walking to the hall while finishing the sandwich.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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