

Jaxith, a monster slayer whose job is killing monsters for money, suddenly has a terrifying nightmare about a town nearby but the weird thing was a specific girl in this nightmare. The story goes on as Jaxith follow this nightmare until he finds Irene the young demon hybrid and starts protecting her from unknown enemies that gradually uncover some of his dark secrets. the story takes place in Plistura continent divided into six kingdoms with Reldret the head of the kingdoms regulating the relations between the other kingdoms, and the reason for that is due to long historical events. there is one large kingdom for elves called Yarnat, another one for dwarfs called Volgast, the four other kingdoms population are mainly humans and they are Reldret, Kozelsk, Legnica and finally Vidin, the main trading center in plistura, and that's where our story begins. Follow Jaxith and Irene as they face many dangerous situations and the secrets they're going to discover, a lot of enemies, few allies, betrayals and political schemes, will Jaxith be able to protect the young innocent hybrid that reminds him of his old good past? Or will he fail just like he failed before and became the monster he's now? Discord server: https://discord.gg/PQs2FMvt9W if you want to understand anything about the novel I'm available at discord

darkash · Fantasy
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133 Chs


"Now you're completely getting it.", Said Cristina enthusiastically to John, they're back again at the library but this time they're at the alchemy section not the botany, the same scene was held, books and herbs scattered on the table and food from the same restaurant as before.

"You were right when you said that I should work on my knowledge with botany, the last two days I focused on them and I really was getting better even with the lectures, and now I'm doing good with all those reactions through different herbs perfectly, all what's left is the practical training and that will start from the next month in the academy, I should be really thankful, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to deal with the academy, you're an actual life saver.", Said John politely.

"I-I'm just showing some things, you're a-already good and passionate about alchemy but you seemed a bit l-lost and needed just a push, so really I didn't do much but it was you.", Said Cristina in hesitation again, she gets tensioned from any talk except alchemy basically.

"No, you're the passionate one here, I thought I was passionate before I saw how much knowledge you have without even taking any lectures, you were already a few steps ahead than us and as I said before you're better than all of those professors in the academy, you simplify anything better and make it easier, and that's why I'll be happy to spend every possible moment with you in these meetings, if you got anything to add then I'm right behind you.", Said John politely, Cristina looked at him in surprise, she still can't believe what's happening, she's actually talking with someone for a long time and she has been knowing him for a few days, she didn't imagine that she would make any friends in her life.

"W-well, I t-think that the next thing to do to be even better is to start reading more about the beastial anatomy, that's even a tricky part for me as I didn't have the chance to deal with beasts, only plants.", Said Cristina.

"Beastial anatomy? But why?", Asked John curiously.

"Alchemy isn't just about using specific herbs under specific conditions during the reaction, but it also involves certain parts of some beasts that have other properties that provide to be useful along with the herbs or the roots we use, they're even harder to use without doing mistakes unlike plants as the organic parts tends to spoil easily if used improperly.", Said Cristina enthusiastically.

"And by reading more about it then we'll be even much further ahead than our class and even be better.", Said John.

"Y-yes, but actually I'm doing it just for knowledge.", Said Cristina, John was surprised before smiling.

"And that's what makes you the best around, as I said before, you're the most passionate one, you're doing all of this just because you love alchemy and you want to be good at it, not just to reach certain goals, that's what makes you priceless.", Said John calmly, Cristina looked confused again and didn't know what to say.

"Hey, get used to getting compliments from people around, at least from me, although I know that you will get more friends that will respect you just as I did, you shouldn't be shy or ashamed from your great personality, smart, respectful and helpful, you're ready to help anyone and don't hold any grudge against anyone even the ones that may hurt your feelings, just like the dumb ones that tried to harass you the last two days, you shouldn't worry about them now by the way, I talked with someone that will stop them completely, if anything like that happened again don't hesitate about telling me, I'm not letting you get hurt just because I asked for your help, that won't be fair, okay, Cristina?", Said John politely, Cristina didn't know what to say, but she was very thankful, she felt like there's someone ready to protect her for the first time since her parents died.

"I will do it, I'm really t-thankful for you, John, and I don't know w-what to say.", Said Cristina Shyly.

"I did nothing, Cristina, that's clearly what you deserve, I'm just doing the right thing, and I'm really grateful for the moment that I decided to ask you for your help, and no, not because you actually helped me without asking for any favor, but for letting me know someone pure as you.", Said John with a warm smile, Cristina again was mesmerized by his words she looked at him before looking around while again a faint smile was drawn on her face, John noticed it and was happy by that, there was something different about Cristina that made John insisting on knowing her better, she's different than the noble girls that John used to deal with all his life, their typical arrogant attitude was the same, the commoner girls like Cristina? They're all the same when it comes to nobles, they'll try everything to get any benefit, but Cristina is totally different, her innocent smile is the clear evidence for that, she doesn't want anything in return and she's just happy for helping and when he just stopped the girls from disturbing her she was very happy although that's her right, she didn't blame him or anything and when he helped her with them she was happy for just getting her right, and she's not faking all of that, her attitude and how she walks, her sensitivity is very high, John was happy for helping her because being a commoner and a sensitive person like her among noble students and also getting pickee up on could have led to disastrous psychological effects, John didn't know why he was thinking too much about her, he still couldn't understand why he's interested about her to the level of trying to get closer, he started feeling different but still he doesn't know what's that.

"Oh! I forgot something!", Said Cristina surprisingly before picking up her bag from the ground and getting a rounded object rolled by paper with both her hands, John smelled a nice smell from it.

"T-this is a c-cake that I made f-for you after we finished the lectures early today, I-I went home and made it before our meeting, I hope you l-like it.", Said Cristina Shyly before removing the paper around the cake and revealing a simple homemade cake with icing covering it and some sprinkles above, it was placed on a plate and was enough for more than two, she placed it before John politely.

"You didn't have to bother yourself.", Said John politely.

"T-that wouldn't be a-acceptable, it's a sign of gratitude for helping me t-this morning in the auditorium.", Said Cristina while looking nervously at John.

"I did nothing, believe me.", Said John politely.

"B-but still i-it means a lot for me, actually it may be d-dumb but y-you are,....", Said Cristina before stopping.

"Hey, I think you can trust me now so don't think that I'll say you're dumb according to what you say now, so don't fear my opinion at least.", Said John to encourage Cristina even more.

"Since you won't j-judge me then fine, actually y-you are the f-first person that t-treats me a-as a f-friend.", Stuttered Cristina completely, John noticed that her hands were shaking while trying to maintain her anxiety.

"Relax, Cristina, I didn't mean to make it that hard for you.", Said John calmly while putting his hands over her shaking ones to calm her, she was surprised by that and looked around and instantly John removed his hands to not make her afraid or feel strange.

"Look, why don't you tell me more about yourself while sharing that beautiful cake that you made together? Since we will spend more time together I think knowing each other better will be the right thing to do, I don't need to mention that if you're feeling uncomfortable about anything then no need to tell me.", Said John in a respecting manner, Cristina looked at him in trust before taking a deep breath.

"I was born in a village close to the capital in a loving family, I was the only child and they did everything they could to raise me well but life isn't easy, we were struggling with money to maintain the farm and our expenses so father didn't have any choice except for going to one of the nobles here that buys some products from our farm and asked him for help with our situation and he agreed and so we were in debt.", Said Cristina.

"Let me guess, you struggled with that debt.", Said John.

"E-exactly, after few months both of my parents went on a trip to sell some extra products away with their carriage, their trip usually takes a day or two, they left me as always in charge of the farm until they came back but it t-this exact time they, t-they,.....", Said Cristina before sadness filled her eyes and she stopped again while looking at the table.

"That's enough, I think I can get what happened, no need to make it any harder for yourself, you don't have to tell me what you're not comfortable with Cristina I told you that.", Said John calmly.

"I-I know, but even if it's hard I think I'm feeling b-better talking about it with you, they said that there was a d-demon attack on the carriage and they didn't make it alive, when I knew about what happened I felt b-broken, I was still 11 years old and suddenly I was alone by myself, what made things worse is that the noble came and asked for the money that my parents borrowed from him, I told him that I won't be able to collect it but simply he didn't care so I left and asked for the only person that I know who was my uncle but he refused to help me and he didn't even care that I'm alone now, the only person who was looking after me from time to time was a neighbor to us who was living alone by herself during that time, I t-tried my best but I failed to collect enough money even though I worked very hard inside and outside the farm, I tried everything but that wasn't enough, the noble didn't have any choice but to take most of our properties including all the animals, I felt w-weak and hopeless, I lost everything that my parents build in a few days after their d-death.", Said Cristina in a low tone, a tear fell of her right eye but she quickly wiped it to avoid looking weak in front of John but she was already looking so tensioned, she was clenching her fists as if she was barely holding herself from crying, John didn't want to interrupt her this time and decided to leave her say whatever is weighing her down.

"My neighbor, Miss Donna, she tried making it easier for me but there was nothing that could have made it easy, I went inside our home, it was empty, just me alone, I sat on the couch that they used to set at both its sides with me in the middle, I looked outside the window and saw the garden of my mom, I slowly walked t-towards it and found myself doing like her, watering the plants and taking care of their various needs, by the time I discovered t-that I was spending all my time maintaining the garden and working outside to get some coins to eat, I used my leisure time to read more about botany then I decided to read about alchemy and soon I found myself making simple potions and I started selling them, but during that time I found myself still alone, even Miss Donna left the village, I didn't make any friends and I was all alone, gradually I started stuttering while walking with people and I don't know why I b-became so nervous around them so I decided to keep it like that until a p-professor was passing by the village and heard about me making potions from simple herbs, he found me and talked with me before he told me that wants me to enroll in the academy and it's a waste that I won't use my skill especially that there are free paid scholarships for the skilled students who can't afford the costs of an academy like ours, I thought that it's a good idea and tried my luck and I was accepted, it was like a new chapter in my life started that day, I got the chance to start a good tuition and after graduation I could actually start my own business, that's why I'm so passionate about alchemy, alchemy saved my life from being meaningless, I know it doesn't sound like a good story to tell you but that's me, s-sorry for talking for too long about my d-dumb past, I was a-afraid you would think that I'm a weird p-person but that's me after all.", Said Cristina while looking confidently at John who wasn't able to believe what she was saying.

"Dumb? Weird? Do you even understand what you have been through? Cristina, you pushed yourself alone since your childhood, you're not even close to weird or dumb, you may look fragile but actually you're stronger than many people, you worked at a young age just to be able to feed and found your hobby through taking care of your mother's garden, you didn't have any friends cause you were isolating yourself from the outside, you couldn't trust anyone and that's why, your uncle refused to help you, a dishonorable noble didn't go easy on a young girl that has just lost her parents and discovered that she's alone, no you're not dumb, you're not weird, I wouldn't have been able to pull it like you, if I lost my father even now I will lose myself, don't be ashamed from yourself and if I'm the first person that you finally felt as a friend then that's my best achievement, I just hope that I won't be your last friend cause there are people that deserves a woman like you in their lives.", Said John with a smile, Cristina was speechless, she thought he maybe saying that just to calm her but no, his eyes were speaking truth.

"D-do you r-really mean that? a-am I not a s-strange person?", Said Cristina with a faint smile and teary eyes that was glistening with hope, she felt alive and normal, she felt like she can actually be like any other normal person, all because of John's way with words, he knew how to boost her self-confidence easily, he didn't treat her in a strange manner or as a noble treat a simple villager like her.

"I really mean what I said, you're just as normal as every person in our class, and for me you're even better than all of them, the few hours that we spent together until now felt much real than every person that I hanged out with until now, here take this.", Said John before getting a handkerchief out of his pocket and giving it to Cristina who shyly took it from John and wiped her tears.

"I know enough for now, let's try your cake, I don't want our meeting to get so emotional for you.", Said John calmly, Cristina just nodded with a wide smile, John found himself lost for a moment after that smile, she's an actual beauty when she smile, no, she's already beautiful but she gets more beautiful when she smiles, she's just hiding her beauty behind her worried attitude and always looking around in fear, he will change that soon, she needs to be more open but he needs to be careful because of her sensitivity, so if anything wrong happened to her and she felt offended by any means then she will regret opening up and will return to her isolated state.

"John? Did I do something wrong?", Asked Cristina in worry as John was zoning out, John noticed that he zoned out.

"No, no, you're good believe me, I just zoned out a bit, and stop worrying too much that you will make mistakes, even if you did we're humans after all, we make mistakes and learn from them, just don't keep yourself worried from making mistakes and hold yourself from interacting around, just do what you feel is right, okay, Cristina?", Said John smartly.

"Fine, I'll try.", Said Cristina confidently.

"Good.", Said John before grabbing a knife from the one of the plates they were eating in before cutting the cake in two halves.

"Together, as everything from now on.", Said John while placing a plate before Cristina.

"T-together.", Said Cristina while smiling, they started eating and John was amazed by how her baking skills were so good, she told him how she bakes since she was young and they started talking about different things and hobbies and laughing sometimes, everything was perfect between them and they spent the rest of the late afternoon just like that.

It's evening already, John and Cristina were outside the library after they finished.

"So, g-goodbye?", Said Cristina politely.

"Actually it's late this time, Cristina, it's much safer if I accompanied you to your house, and please without any fear or hesitation I won't let you walk home alone at evening, even at Feinburg things aren't always safe.", Said John politely while walking closer to Cristina who was surprised by his offer.

"Now which way?", Asked John.

"T-this way.", Said Cristina while pointing to the direction they will walk to.

"Then off we go, we don't want you to be more late than this.", Said John before they started walking together.

After about fifteen minutes from silent walking, Cristina was walking while hugging her books as always and her shy and worried steps are taking over her, she was looking around several times.

"Don't be afraid from getting seen walking with me, come on, I'm just a colleague walking with his colleague after helping him and it was getting late, let's talk about something else to ease your mind.", Said John smartly.

"O-oh, wellll, why don't you tell me something about yourself?", Said Cristina politely.

"That's actually better, it will show you how much you've passed with much harder life than me, I'm the only son for the highest noble in Vidin, I didn't have the chance to meet my mother cause she died before I even had the conscious to have any memory of her.", Said John.

"I-I'm s-sorry for losing your mother.", Said Cristina sadly.

"It's okay, I already got nothing to remember her by so don't worry, anyway, I was spoiled as you can easily expect being the only son, my father wanted me to do whatever I want and when he noticed that I'm somehow got it for alchemy he brought me a private tutor to teach me some basics before sending me here, don't expect anything more, it's just that simple and don't expect any noble to tell you nothing more about their lives except how good they live and all that repeatable talk, we lead a simple happy life and try to deceive ourselves that we're actually doing great efforts to live like that while actually it's our parents who does, that's one of the reasons I was interested in knowing you, being different than most of the people I've dealt with in my whole life.", Said John.

"It's not t-that bad actually, it's g-good to hear about your life and know you better.", Said Cristina politely.

"No it's not even good, while yours actually is inspiring, I bet that someone may take a liking in your life and write a book about it, maybe you could even be the one writing it in the future.", Said John while smiling, she smiled timidly before looking ahead.

"Here we are.", Said Cristina while looking at one of the houses.

"Are you living here?", Asked John.

"Yes, do you remember my neighbor that I told you about?", Asked Cristina politely.

"Yeah I do.", Said John.

"She moved here after she established her own business, when I got accepted in the academy I asked her if I could stay with her during the semesters for money but she refused taking any money from me and was happy that I enrolled in such a prestigious academy like this.", Said Cristina while they were getting closer.

"Well looks like there was a light after all, even for you, she does really care about you.", Said John.

"She's a good woman, I bet she will like you if you meet her.", Said Cristina.

"Maybe someday.", Said John before both of them stood outside the house front, it was a good looking house since it's in the capital.

"I guess it's goodbye for now.", Said John politely.

"I-if you want to come inside and have dinner with us we won't mind actually, I don't w-want to be rude after helping me.", Said Cristina while looking confidently at John.

"First of all, I'm the one repaying your kindness after you helped me, secondly, thank you but I have something to do back at home, but I won't mind doing it soon.", Said John calmly.

"F-fine, I just wanted to be m-more friendly.", Said Cristina.

"And that's what I want from you, I'll let you know some girls from the class and let you get engaged more with them and I'm sure they will like you, just be more open and self-confident in yourself, believe me you've a great heart and personality, don't ever think you're strange, and if anything bothered you, you know where to find me.", Said John before stepping back.

"WAIT!", Said Cristina in a bit higher voice to get John's attention.

"Did something wrong happen?", Asked John.

"You didn't ask about our next m-meeting.", Said Cristina enthusiastically, John smiled while looking at her, she's liking it too, she needs more friendly time because she found that she's missing that in her life.

"I'm free everyday after lectures, we can meet anytime you want, just tell me when it's good with you in the academy and I'll tag along.", Said John politely.

"Okay, sooo...", Said Cristina before stopping.

"Goodbye, Cristina, no rudeness between a friend telling the other goodbye, you can be more comfortable with that too.", Said John with a little laugh, Cristina smiled widely before nodding.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow.", Said Cristina while waving her hand to him as he walked away, she then remembered something, she put her hand inside the pocket of her simple dress and got the handkerchief that John gave her in the library, she smiled while looking at it before looking again at John who turned right to leave the district.

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:


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