
Negative -Girls: To Live And Die

A (not) rom-com of a (broken) immortal tutor and his (dying) female students.

Little_Foxxy · Horror
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75 Chs

Sohee's and Life's Celebration

Sohee goes limp and leans on the sofa tiredly, "It looks like we still lost."

"Hm, I don't think so."

She stiffened up as her purple eyes turn to me in disbelief, "Su--Sunbae has a plan in mind? Of course, Sunbae has, right?"

I smile, "did you record the whole conversation?"

"I did." She nods and pulls out her phone for me. The screen shows a red button and microphone and an hour of recording.

"That's great, we give that to the school. Only after we cut a little part of it. Right here…"

It's where Shizuka changed her vote.

Sohee being smart as she looks, frowns. "S--Sunbae… but this is…"

"Playing dirty, I know. But it's the only way. I'd never win if I didn't do this…" I look at Sohee still uncertain and grab her hand. She looks at me confused as I say, "look, Sohee, I beg you. Go along with me. It's for their good anyway, right?"

"But what if the girls find out?"

I put the phone down. Her eyes glance on it. She soon will decide, to help me or help herself.

"They will, I know but that'd be a long time if we don't say anything. And at that moment, maybe they'd start to change and accept me--well, if somekind of situation where it'd get me kick out from the position, decide I'm promise the least that they'll be not what they're now. But better."

I rub her hand, "who are you and why are you on my side now, Sohee?"

"I…I'm just a volunteer from the student's council to assist the tutor assigned…"

"Wouldn't it be nice if it's me?" Wouldn't it be nice if you just pointed out how weird am I to stroke your hand like this instead of enjoying it?

Sohee nods and with that, the deal binds us.

"Thank you," for letting me use you for a while. I swear by god's I make it great.

Sohee wiggles her head, "I--it's okay, Sunbae. You did more for me."

Her eyes glance up at me, probably saying 'do you still remember that' and I gave her a smile, 'nope.'

But she takes it as yes, "it's the least I can do…"

We take our moment to gulp down everything that has happened.

"Sohee, I'm afraid I have to ask you."

She tenses up as her throat pushes down, "yes, sunbae?"

"Er," I think this is going to kick her high hopes for something but I only want to ask, "what does Carrie meant by something in next month?"

"Haa…that girl, she meant the next election."

I wait and an answer comes as she continues, "We'll hold a vote again to either keep you as the tutor or kick you out and choose another a month later."

"Am I a president something?"

Sohee chuckles, "well that's the thing in this school--the negative girls are important anyway, so democracy is the only way to improve everyone's situation."

"Did they pay a lot of money to make this…reconcile room's lesson a thing?"

Sohee raises her thin eyebrow, "well, yeah. Just look at Sunbae's salary."

I don't remember or know about any incoming money but when even Sohee didn't put it in numbers, then it should be a lot, eh?

Sohee stands and bows at me slightly, "you did amazing, Sunbae. I have to report the votes to the student council now before they close the door, I…I will make sure to use the recording."

I said my farewell and Sohee left the room.

It has been ten minutes after the bell rung; a new ten minutes I'm feeling in this life; a new air; and finally I can lean on the sofa and breathe out heaviness. The calm silence makes me having an erection.

I should go--


Before I could even touch a thing, knife.

I hold up my head as the cold steel caresses my throat.

Oh goddammit, did I go wrong somewhere? Does the school didn't accept the voice recording message? Did Sohee's phone drop and break somewhere?

"Nope. You passed well."

The knife is pulled back and a white-haired girl with no pupils appears from behind. "You made it; you made the first step."

"That's one long step," I say with a sigh of relief, "I died more than I could ejaculate a day."

"Weird joke," says the girl--er that comes wrong; as if I'm making a sexual joke with a minor so scratch that. Weird joke, says Life. Better.

She continues, "how much did you think you died?"

I know the answer, "Five."

Giggle, "are you sure about that?"

What does she mean by that? Have I died more than the five missing pills?

Before I can ask, she slaps her finger on my lips. "Stop looking for answers from me when it's your fault you can't remember, Sunbae."

"Oh come on…Sunbae again? Have some mercy and tell me who am I?" I can't remember anything about who am I both in my last life and current life. Just the who.

As if I only have part of memories that someone wants me to remember; both myself and the old user's.

Yes, I remember the building I jump off; the glaring eyes of Lilly the old user's little sister. I remember how I live in debt and lust, how he lives to study all night and help people; where my old high school is located, and the apartment room where he lives with his sister.

Like I remember the excuse I came up with when tearing up in front of five teenage girls.

I doubt my request would be accepted by Her.

Life hmmed as if considiring and then says, "Okay."

Well, what about that. "Seriously? I thought that's what You were trying to keep away from me."

"You got that right."

I'm so confused.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you your name…now listened here, very attentively, very slowly, and very careful…"

I stare at her ready to hear and read her lips.

Soon, I can know who I am, though I don't know why but it's just a need.

To be human is to have a name.

After what it seems to be an hour in a second, Life moves her lips.

"Your name is--------------- timeisgod

Time moves forward and time moves forward and time moves forward and time moves forward.


Not Us even time kills god when time is.

Time moves forward forward. Time moves forward. To be human is to walk beside it and stop.

"To be you is to walk, walk, walk, walk, walk beside it and stop."

Why? +1

-1 happens when I am unsatisfied with how they live and die.

And you're perfect for the imperfect. What a world. Inside their.

Make them right, All four of them--

The Negative -Girls.

'Hey, you've made it. The first part of the story. I know, it's a little bland, no one really 'died'. But this is just an introduction you know, like the first boss to show you how to fight the other. the next loop--promise--would be a creamy hemogoblins hanging on top of a cone.'

Little_Foxxycreators' thoughts