
Necromancer System From Beyond The Void

In the year 2100, the world changed. 90% of humanity gained abilities through the appearance of a new energy. The 10% born without these abilities are known as regulars, and Atlas is one of them. Society looks down on him, he suffers from bullying and discrimination. But one day that changes. Everything about him, his whole world, changes.

Steelex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Day The World Went Dark

It happened in the year 2100, without any warning or time to prepare.

Dimensional Portals leading to another dimension allowed monsters called deviants to invade our realm, these deviants were immune even to advanced firearms effective one day but useless the next.

Humanity working together and fought back against the deviants. They slowly lost more and more ground with Continent after Continent falling.

Europe was the first to fall, then Africa, all fell until 2 Continents remained.,North America and Asia. Asia due to its giant size and North America due to the power the nation there held.

Eventually, scientists discovered a new energy emanating from these portals and leaking into our world. They called this energy Chaos energy.

Chaos energy was exactly that, chaotic and out of control. It had to be purified before it could be used, and the deviants had a whole lot of it in store.

Slowly, this new energy made its way from the dimensional Portals until the Earth was made up almost entirely of this energy. After this, the Portals closed as if they accomplished their mission.

People everywhere around the world awakened superhuman abilities through this energy and fought back against the deviants.

They seemed to fight on equal terms with each other and neither gained any ground, until at the end of this catastrophe Humans barely won this round.

Deviants were still at large and could easily regroup for a second invasion, however instead of leaving through their Portals they stayed on Earth in areas now unpopulated by people.

Nobody knows why they didn't leave, whether it was because they chose not to or simply couldn't after the portals closed but even with 90% of the population gaining abilities it still wasn't enough to eradicate every deviant entirely.

Even after a decade has passed, they still remain a large threat capable of taking out entire cities. This event came to be known as the awakening.

Atlas closed the book he was reading and set it aside on the nightstand. He was in a room with 2 bunk beds and a nightstand in-between the two.

The walls were gray and colorless with a single chair in the corner facing towards the wall. Looking towards the wall next to his bed a calender read the date December 5th, 2129. 29 years since the awakening began.

Getting up from the bottom of one of the two bunks, his bed, he walked over towards the nightstand. A picture rested on top of the nightstand, it showed 4 people.

2 kids and 2 adults, both had 1 girl and 1 boy. It seemed to be a family picture, Atlas looks towards the picture fondly saying "If only you were still here, then maybe I wouldnt be in the state I am today."

Putting down the picture softly Atlas looked around the room once more, he was alone. There was a light knocking sound on the door as 3 people came into the room. "Is it time for classes?" Atlas asked looking towards the 3.

One way a boy with black hair although a cap was covering most of it, he had a jacket and jeans on that covered most of his tan skin, his name is Adonis.

Another was a boy wearing a T-shirt and shorts with brown hair and a necklace around his neck, his name is Star

The final was a girl, she had long brown hair, a coat on covering most of her form. The only thing visible in her winter getup was her hair, and eyes which were a bright blue. Her name is Luna.

All 4 of them were regulars while those with powers were called paragons, paragons were put into multiple categories but the most dangerous one was irregular.

The irregular group consisted of this with one unique or never before seen ability or multiple of known ones. The Paragon with the highest number of abilities was a villain with 4 abilities. However, Liam has 5 making him incredibly strong.

Atlas looked at the 3 of them as they started chatting amongst themselves, completely ignoring his question "honestly I don't know how you do it." Luna stated shooting her gaze towards Star, "neither do I, I just don't get cold." He replied while looking away.

Adonis chimed in saying "Let's just get some rest, we have classes in a few hours so we should be prepared." Atlas stood there lost in thought when Luna walked up to him and stated "lost in thought again are we?" Snapping him out of his trance.

"Come on, I have something important to show you" she said before Atlas could respond. Following her to the laptop sitting on her bed Luna took out a chip and showed it to Atlas

"Liam and his group went out this weekend, I used the chance to sneak into their room and I got this." Luna took the chip and put it into her laptop.

Skimming through the photos and videos Atlas first was shocked but that shock soon turned into bubbling anger.

There were pictures of corpses, not just any corpses but mutilated Corpses as if they were tortured before death. The worst part was they were all regulars just like Atlas which infuriated him even more.

Regulars were the 10% of the population without abilities, this means they were born without a chaos crystal. A chaos crystal is the source of these abilities allowing people to use them and is located inside the brain as a new functioning part of it.

Regulars were considered lower class citizens and were often bullied or discriminated against, however he knew he could use this chip to his advantage.

"This is very valuble information, with it we have a chance at getting Liam and his group kicked out of thunderblitz academy." Atlas stared at the screen thinking of all the bullying he went through because of them.

Thunderblitz academy was a hero school at the lowest in the rankings, previously only paragons could attend but recently the law saying that regulars couldn't attend a hero academy was lifted.

Just then running steps were heard outside the door, not just 1 or 2 but 5 people running through the hallway and towards the door to their room. "Damnit if those brats hadn't stolen that chip we would still be out right now!"

Atlas recognized the voice, Liam, he thought quickly taking the chip out of the laptop and placing it in a hidden area beneath a floorboard, perks to having a broken down room as a dorm.

Just as the floorboard returned to its original position the door flew out from its hinges revealing a furious figure standing where the door once was.

Charging with superhuman speed, Liam grabbed Luna by her collar and hung her in the air. "We saw everything you did last night you little bitch, we have security cameras in our dorm that alert us when there is any unkown activity." With a sinister smile coursing from ear to ear he then added "where is the chip? Give it to us and we'll let you go" Atlas knew Liams personality, he wouldn't let them go even if he did get the chip back.

"We have it hidden, let her go and leave then we'll give it to you." Of course this was a bluff, it was hidden but Liam could easily kill them and tear the room apart to find it.

This was a lose lose situation where nothing they could do would benefit them, Atlas only focused on surviving this with his friends.

Adonis and Star were outraged yelling to put Luna down however Liams already sinister grin widened even more as he stated "you want her put down? Understood."

With that he punched a hole straight through her chest, blood spurting from her mouth and giant wound, intestines and organs slowly falling onto the ground. Finally, Liam let her go and she fell to the floor, limp.

Liam then looks towards Star and Adonis who were frozen in terror, all they could do was look towards Liam as he walked forward. But then, he stopped.

"Midnight, get over here." With that a girl with black hair, clothes, and jacket along with purple eyes appeared in front of Liam and asked "am I beating up the small fry again? Where's the fun in that?" Liam stared at her coldly and whispered something to her.

Midnight slowly smirked as she used her chaos abilities to take control of Atlas's mind, he could feel everything, hear everything, see everything.

His senses still worked but he wished they didn't, his body wouldn't listen to him as he jumped towards Star and started punching the living daylights out of him.

Star tried to get out from underneath Atlas but the difference in size and strength was too great and he couldn't get out from the flurry of punches.

Slowly, he fell into unconsciousness before a well placed hit to the head killed him. Atlas in his subconscious watched everything going on as if he was the one doing it out of his own free will.

Adonis soon fell under the same fate, with the mind control being lifted soon after he returned to himself just before a hand barreled through his flesh and grabbed one of his lungs.

Tearing it out of his chest, Atlas fell to the floor in pure agony as Liam laughed at the pain he witnessed Atlas undergoing. Before Atlas could die a nearby Paragon healed him.

He still felt the pain and he was dying faster than he was healing, he understood their intention "they want me to suffer until the last moment for even thinking of messing with them, damnit!" Atlas thought.

"They view me as nothing more than a toy that could be broken at any moment if they so wished, thrown away and forgotten"

"You could've avoided this if you just didn't decide to sneak into our dorm and steal our things, it's your fault that it came to this." Liam stated calmly as his 4 gang members behind him snickered.

He struggled to get up but he couldn't, his legs weren't answering him and he was running out of oxygen. He was dying quickly.

Atlas heard the laughter of the Paragons who were unable to keep it to snickering. Paragons always looked down on the regulars, they always looked down on people like him. He wanted revenge, he needed it. Not just on Liam, not just his gang, but everyone who looked down on him for being a regular.

"I'll take my revenge you fuckers! Even if I die today, I'll haunt you till you take to the grave!" Laughing like a mad person he suddenly choked on his own blood and everything went dark.

I apologize for the work being less than stellar, I'm a new writer and have Still been learning the ropes. I'm willing to take suggestions when possible. Let me know of some things you'd like to see in the story and I'll see if I can incorporate them.

Steelexcreators' thoughts