
Necromancer of Ice and Death

-Atos was betrayed. He put his life on the line protecting the city with his necromancy. But instead of thanking him for saving the city, the church decides to kill Atos while he is weakened. Atos is quickly surrounded by an army and killed. However he was able to release one last spell before he died. "Hades return". The story of the Necromancer of Ice and Death follows Atos ascent to the realm of the gods and the adventures which follow after his ascent. -Voting with power stones and energy stones is very helpful, but only vote if you truly enjoy the story. You can also leave a comment with some criticism to help improve the story. * I do not own the Book cover and do not claim to own the book cover* *If you do own the book cover and wish for it to be taken down leave a comment and I will make sure the problem is fixed for you :))))* -This story is not for those who want an story where the MC has a harem, but for those who enjoy a story with an OP MC in an fantasy world :)))).

SolarFlare_2268 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

[Prologue] The World of Mages

[10 billion years later, on the planet of Mistrir]

A party consisting of two men and 2 women were dragging their kills back to the city to exchange them for cash, which could be done at the city's adventurer guild. As they walked back they talked about random things to kill time. Lexis one of the two women in the party was the least talkative. However this didn't mean she never talked, she simply chose only to comment on important things. Jui and Terc casually talked about their adventure and many of the rumors that they had heard with the other girl of the group, Aisa. Aisa loved to talk about rumors and gossip about all of the things that happened in their home city, Xelir.

They continued to walk back to their home city, until they had finally reach the gate of the city. They were all relieved to be back home, but they all just wanted to cash in the monsters corpses and take long earned naps. However when they entered the city they noticed that the entire city was on edge. The usually calm and orderly streets of vendors, was in disarray as all of the merchants were trying to quickly pack up and leave. The mages of the Mages association were usually calm and cheerful, but now they could be seen running around frantically carrying boxes of what looked to be health potions. "What the hell is happening!?" all four of them almost said simultaneously. The entire city was in a state of pure chaos. Ignoring the frantic state the city was in, the party once again set off for the adventures guild to cash in the corpses.

Although the entire city of Xelir was in a complete state of chaos, the adventures guild was in a state of what could be called orderly chaos. All of the mages running around the adventures guild carrying boxes of supplies to various shield generators did so orderly. The guild staff running in and out of the vault which held all of the branches resources also did so orderly as they all rushed to gather the necessary mana crystals to power the shield generators. Seeing this the party of four were slightly relieved that the adventures guild had managed to control the situation regardless of the chaos around them. However they still did not know what was causing all of the chaos throughout the city. Terc grabbed one of the guild staff that was about to run by them. "What is happening? Why are all of you in such a rush?"Terc asked the staff member. The staff member seemed to be panicked but understood and explained the situation to them. "The head of the Mages association has informed us that a rock from space is going to crash into this area in less than 4 hours" the staff told the party. Hearing that a space rock was going to fall here was shocking to say the least. According to the knowledge written in the book of records which holds all of the world's history, a space rock had only fallen on the land a few other times, and each time the rock spelt doom for the surrounding area of the crash site.

"We're fucked" Jui pointed out. Aisa lashed back, "Thanks for pointing out the obvious Jui.".

"We'll just have to hope we get lucky" the calm and collected Lexis added. "y-yeah" they all agreed.

[Back in space]

Atos was awoken by his detection of a planet in his pathway. The planet was quite a longways away but Atos knew that he would destroy the whole planet if he kept traveling at the speed that he was. So Atos slowed down almost to a dead stop in order to inspect the planet he was about to hit. The planet looked just like earth, but the land formations were different and the unlike earth the land was greatly untouched. He could see some cities here and there but most of the land was still uncovered. Now that he had mana he could also feel lots of really small mana signatures, and even some medium sized mana signatures. "Interesting" he thought. After a minute or two he finally decided to descend on the world.

[Back on Mistrir]

The party of four had left the adventurers guild and just like everyone else in the city they were entranced and staring up at the sky. The sky which they were staring at seemed to be splitting in two as streaks of blue, gold, and black could be seem dashing around in a circular motion. The very essence of the planet seemingly being dominated by the strange energy coming down from the sky. All eveyone could do was to just stare up at the sky in awe. However, there were a few people who were trembling in fear. These few were all people who could see very far with the assistance of mana. There ability earned them the title of scouts. But now they could be visibly seen shaking in fear as they each stared up at the center of the energy. The rest of the people around them simply looked at them like they were cowards until they too had noticed a shadowy figure in the center of all of the energy. Everyone in the crowd turned back to the sky, all to look at the center of the energy. However they were all too awestruck to do anything else. In the center of all of the energy a man could be seen, looking down on them all as if he was a Supreme being.

"It's a Go-" a man had tried to say in a shaky voice, but he was cut-off by an immense and intolerable aura which seemed to freeze the very air around them. The man had dropped down onto the planet until he was only 15km away from the ground. But even though he was still so far away from the city, his aura could still be felt clearly by all of the city's citizens. The man's very presence was enough to cause many of the citizens with weak mana signatures to collapse, their bodies being smothered by the man's aura. Only the stronger citizens and adventures remained standing, all of them staring at the man with looks filled with fear and awe.

Although not one citizen had dared to utter a word, they all had generally come to the same conclusion about the man. He was a God. Whom of which they were all the first witnesses of his descent on the land.



As he descended on the planet he could feel the air reacting to his being. Swirls of blue, black, and gold aura slammed against the stagnant mana in the air around him causing a vortex of pure aura to erupt around Atos. Ignoring his aura, Atos looked down at the surrounding area. To his east he could see an expense of trees riddled with rivers and fields. To his south he could see large clearings of flatland, containing crops which appeared similar to the crops found on Earth. To his North he could see distant mountains, each easily reaching heights in the hundred of kilometers. In between the mountains he could see multiple large cities, but each of the cities seemed to resemble the kind of city you would see in an fantasy novel on Earth. The kind of city with a large castle at the center and tall stone walls built to protect the city from intruders and monsters. However his thoughts were confirmed when he looked over to the North of his position. There he could see a large city with a lot of buildings which seemed to be pulled straight out of an fantasy novel. Using his aura Atos was able to see lots of people looking back up in his direction. Most of these people were wearing armor or robes and carried what looked like swords and staffs. Upon further inspection Atos could sense some stronger mana signatures among the crowd of people, but they too simply stood there and stared up at Atos. Atos didn't want to sit there in the air forever so he finally resumed his descent towards the ground. However once Atos was only 5km away from the ground he could see the life force of everything below him being drained and absorbed by his aura. In a panic to avoid killing this planet as well, Atos shot up until he was 80km away from the ground. 'That was way too close!' Atos thought. Had he not noticed what was happening to the life force below him and had continued his descent he could have accidentally killed this planet as well.

Atos had decided to stand stagnant in the air as he thought about what he should do in this situation. Seconds, minutes, and even an hour had passed all the while every being in a vast area felt as though they were on deaths door. Atos's aura held everyone in place as if they had been locked in place.

As they all began to wonder how long this was going to go on for, they all looked at the sky near the God, as the sky had begun to split open once again. This time however the split in the sky was not caused by the man and was due to something else.

Almost immediately after the second split in the sky had appeared another separate part of the sky had split in two. And then another, and another, and another. Finally, the sky had stopped splitting after 21 cuts could be seen in the sky.

Every being in the vast area looked up at the sky as 20 beings other than the first God descended from the splits that had appeared in the sky. Immediately the pressure everyone had felt before had now been stacked almost 10-fold.

Now, almost every citizen had passed out on the ground with blood visibly oozing out of their bodies. Even the stronger citizens and adventures had coughed up blood and were struggling to remain conscious under the sheer aura being sent down from the sky. Those who were still conscious looked up towards the first God, curious as to whom was responsible for the increase of aura, they did not expect to see what they did. 20 beings stood stagnant in the air, all of which forming a giant circle through the sky. Their bodies radiated golden energy making the circle of beings resemble a golden ring. In the center of the ring was the God who first showed up. The first God radiated a blue, black and slightly golden energy, which appeared to be the complete opposite of the other beings energies. Their energies collided against each other as if they were complete opposites. The energies resembled a battle between the essence of life and the essence of death. The other beings stood on the side resembling life, whilst the first God stood on the center resembling death.

Many minutes passed with the beings simply staring each other down as if evaluating each other, until one of the Gods finally spoke. Almost like it was in preparation for the Gods words, the air surrounding the vast land rippled, sending weak shockwaves hurtling across the area. Anyone who was still conscious looked up at the God expectantly, willing to take to heart any words that they may speak.

However silence weighed down on the air for what seemed like an eternity, until finally, the God started to speak. His voice carried with it the weight of the heavens as he told the first God who had arrived "You have intruded onto our planet, carrying with you the essence of death." The gods words echoed throughout the lands, passing with them the judgement of the heavens. The God then continued, "For the safety of all that is life, you need to die."

The Gods words carried something very important to all of life.

They carried the judgement of the Heaven's.