
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Huha lulu B

Considering the commotion, Erdeta had swiftly pierced the sky and landed on the camp. She brought Driola along, who had insisted on putting up a fight against any enemy.

Thankfully though, the situation was in no way severe, they didn't either have to fight or flee. Audera forced everyone to sleep, so there weren't any risks at hand for a while.

"Wow… this doesn't look so pure." Driola whispered, she pointed out the obvious.

Bardeelus dominated the only enemies who could have fought back. He wasn't one who insisted on killing enemies, typically he'd look for other alternatives, but the rage he felt now had to be poured out somehow!

He successfully killed Kutal, which slightly tamed his rage. To do this, he unleashed countless attacks on this man's heart, until its metal coating was breached.

It took some effort, but now, both Kutal and those two guards were dead, had been resurrected, and were under his direct control.

He wanted some information now. A portion of Kutal's head was blown up by a thunderstrike, but regardless, he still forced Kutal to speak.

Bardeelus could resurrect a person he killed personally, regardless of how torn or bent that person was. He considered this as a special type of punishment, too, it would be sufficient even if this man was slightly conscious.

"Did you kill my little brother? Or did one of those old farts order you to?" He asked.

"Huha lulu B," The other answered.

"That's kinda hilarious," Driola added, she enjoyed the darker sides of humor, though she tried not to intervene that much.

Every fraction of Kutal's answer had been gibberish, and worthless. Bardeelus enjoyed it nonetheless, so he forced Kutal to speak several times more, until he got an ounce of satisfaction from the other's sour condition.

At last, he did something efficient, and asked this same question to the enslaved guards. "Who killed my brother, and why?"

"Kutal the Sturdy chopped his head off. The elder, Bob the Swift, sealed the command." The fire mage said, and maintained his composure even as an undead man.

Before Bardeelus could throw a fit, that thunder-summoning mage added. "The command was Bob's, but your brother came up with the idea. He sacrificed Tim."

At first he considered that as nothing, but when he took a moment to think about it, he realized what the other actually meant and felt beyond heartbroken. Bardeelus had two brothers, the youngest one was dead, but from the looks of it, his older brother was alive and tremendously guilty.

It was difficult to believe this, so he asked again for clarity's sake. "Who sacrificed Tim?"

Indefinitely cooperative, the other said. "Fenik, your brother. To save his life, he volunteered Tim as a sacrifice. Then, he also agreed to trade your sister off, to a camp of 'scorpion earth strikers'. The elders were scared of fighting, so this was the best alternative."

"Scorpions, huh? At least they aren't as insane as you fuckers, she's probably working in the mines." Bardeelus sighed in relief, "Though… I have to get her back."

The thought that his sister was alive, and somewhat well, forced him to make entirely new calculations. His initial idea had been to burn this camp to the ground, but now all ot a sudden, he needed plenty of men and women to fight for him, and didn't want to use his friends for the job.

The murderous urges he had to resist for the same matter, snapped him back to reality; This wasn't his way of dealing with things. A killing spree hadn't even been a part of the goal before he snuck into this camp, and yet, murder was the only option he considered once things got bad, which was alarming!

He couldn't process these feelings thoroughly, but eventually, he remembered that he didn't have to massacre everyone in the campsite. He'd feel extremely guilty later on for sure, especially since Audera and Erdeta had some family members here. He forcefully considered other options, for their sake too!

Most people wouldn't be able to make such decisions in the heat of the moment, nonetheless mutter over ethical values too, it wasn't easy. Thankfully though, Audera gave him all the time that he needed.

Her basic illusion spells kept everyone asleep, even while several thunder-shots had dotted from the sky. The infiltration was successful, and dominant, so there was no point in rushing things now.

"Can't kill them all… can't enslave all of their strong mages either, cuz that would leave everyone else defenseless." Bardeelus debated with himself, "Maybe I should just enslave the assholes, like that geezer Bob."

It was the most reasonable option, in many accounts. He had already enslaved two mages from this camp, along with Kutal, who was technically a wizard. If he enslaved Bob the Swift as well, then he'd have four strong people under his command, and he intended to use all of them as cannon-fodder!

He wanted to make a deal with those 'scorpion earth strikers', and if things went bad along the way, then these four slaves would face the enemy's firepower. The slaves would likely die in the process.

This was the best plan, and while he debated on who to kill and recruit, his older brother Fenik felt like a good option too. He hadn't fully decided on this yet, as families had to stick together, but it was an option nonetheless, Fenik had magical powers too.

With that in mind, they went on a search for both Bob and Fenik. The camp was small, so they found Bob in no time.

Sure enough, Bardeelus wasn't having second thoughts. He killed the old man right away, without suffering any consequences because everyone in the camp was asleep.

"You lived long enough… too long. I can't count how many people you sacrificed for your own ass." Bardeelus said.

Afterwards, he reattached the geezer's heart, for the sake of resurrection. The deed was done quickly, feelings aside, everything took less than a minute.

He walked out of a tent with a new slave, and that was when Audera called out for attention. "I found Fenik, come over here!"

Bardeelus beamed through the camp as fast as he could, and expected the worst, which was fair. His friend's panic spoke volumes, yet, it didn't reveal anything concrete.

He reached the said tent, and figured out why Audera was so high-strung. Within this storm of sour feelings and self-indulged ethical debates, he found something to laugh about.

He cackled, and asked. "What's the matter? Never saw a penis? You scared me shitless."

"Why would I want to see a penis!" Audera yelled, she was vocal, as she knew that no enemy could wake up. "I like holes!"

Her answer sounded random at least, but Bardeelus didn't pay too much attention to it. He focused on the tent instead, which really had a sight to see!

Fenik's girlfriend was in this tent, and he was deep in her guts. Audera had put both of them to sleep with her spells earlier on, so obviously these two lovers couldn't have covered themselves up, or reacted to the slightest.

"Alright, wake them up, let them. I'm not pulling my brother's penis out of her." He said.