
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs


This little battle was more like a ticking bomb, rather than a battle itself. Bardeelus wasn't in any danger now, but if these goblins decided to bring the corridor down, they could do it, very easily!

For that matter, he had to disarm these creatures before disaster could unfold. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking one thing over and over again.

"Why would that idiot take these risks? What's the point of destroying an ancient ruined place anyway?" He thought.

It was a solid question, but for now he couldn't think about it for too long. Instead, he focused on one of the goblins, and considered its heartbeat a melody!

"Sounds about right, it's beating..." He joked, and slowly backed away.

At last, he attempted to blow a goblin's heart up, although he was still skeptical about these things being alive. Thankfully though, his attack worked almost effortlessly, which didn't quite feel right at first!

Bardeelus had expected to fight for this result, and his butt-cheeks were clenched for the same matter! There doesn't seem to be a twist to this, however, so now he could move towards the next step; He resurrected the goblin, whose heart he just blew up.

That part was successful as well, so now, this goblin was under Bardeelus' command. In a way, this meant that he stole one of the enemy necromancer's slaves! This move might be unheard of, but he couldn't really know for sure ~ it was interesting either way!

He immediately put this fat-footed 'slave' to work. All it took was a kick, to shift the tides of this little battle. Instead of kicking the floor, though, the goblin kicked its former comrades away, and quite explosively!

"Wow! Didn't know they could do that!" He slightly yelled, but tried to keep his composure.

Six goblins were torn to shreds, because of a single kick! Apparently, these goblins could grow spikes on their feet too, which kept them grounded at most times. The slave used those same spikes, to tear through its former comrades!

The impact of that half-a-meter long foot was heavy enough, but when it was paired with spikes, those six victims had no chance!

Their upper bodies were knocked away, which accounted for most of the damage. Unlike their feet, every other part of their body was pretty weak, so they fell apart pretty easily.

Their feet remained grounded still, but it wasn't like they could use them anymore!

Anyway, Bardeelus used the same method on the rest of the goblins, and slaughtered them all off. He popped the slave's heart afterwards, and ended this battle thoroughly!

"This was easy," He thought.

The battle should've ended there, but a second later, he spotted several shadows which suddenly flew out of the goblins. They weren't flying around randomly either, no, they were heading right towards Bardeelus!

"Oh shit," He sighed, "They can possess people? That's not what we came here for… we want to get Erdeta cleansed, damn it!"

That complaint was blank, he couldn't do anything about this. Twelve, potentially thirteen shadows struck against his chest, and that felt like a hard physical kick too ~ he was knocked down!

Bardeelus felt extremely sluggish afterwards, as if he had chugged down ten big bottles of beer! That feeling didn't go away, for what felt like an eternity, and he put in quite some effort just to stand up!

Once he stood up, what he saw felt just as weird. Those couple of lady friends were right in front of him, and apparently, they brought a third, fine woman along!

"Who this?" He asked.

Bardeelus still felt sluggish, so it was difficult to utter a full sentence, let alone understand what was going on. He even felt irritated now.

"The necromancer," Audera answered, "Your plan worked, we caught her!"

"Oh," He grunted, and then added something half consciously, quite gibberish too. "How dare you? Thistle tea stealer you, heh!"

No one understood what he meant, or what he was angry about, but that was suddenly put to an end. He fainted, crashed out cold, which was rather expected at this point!

"What did you do to him!" Audera shouted, and punched the captive in the gut.

Apparently that was enough to seep some information out of this lady. Necromancers weren't the fittest people, mostly because they depended on magic to survive rather than physical strength ~ Likewise, a punch in the gut would feel like death itself to them!

She spoke almost immediately, "Don't hit me! It's not my fault, he was the one who absorbed the goblin souls!"

"The hell does that mean?" Audera exclaimed, and her question was more of a threat too. 

One would get amazed by her blonde hair which bounced around in rage, but this captured necromancer was close to pissing her breeches, so she ignored the beautiful features, and just chirped again.

"Your friend is strong! Since he killed all the goblins, he pulled their souls right out of me, and took them for himself! It's like a battle, the best necromancer gets all the souls, no matter who killed the goblins first." She said.

"So you're weaker… but he's almost dying while handling the same souls? You're full of shit!" Audera's tone screeched, and then she tried to punch the other on the gut once more.

One would assume that she was exaggerating, but she didn't see these ruins as soft and holy. Any inhabitant was an enemy, and there was no sparing an enemy!

However, the same necromancer managed to bounce off. She dodged the punch, took a few steps backwards, and started yelling out what she felt at a deeper level.

"Get away from me you ass-torn slut! Your friend stole my goblin souls already, and I worked for days to get them! Do you know how hard it is to kill thirteen fat-footed goblins without bringing this place down!?" She yelled. 

"Why do you need souls anyway?" Audera asked, and for once she spoke out calmly.

She wanted to keep Bardeelus alive, and that wouldn't be as easy if this enemy necromancer ran away. She needed some information!

If she had seen the frustration beneath the necromancer's hood, however, Audera would be ten times more careful. She was oblivious within this darkness, and therefore couldn't predict what happened next.

"You want to fight, huh?" The enemy grunted, and then jerked one of her hands forward. "Fight then, surface-slut!"

A shadowy figure emerged from the enemy's hand, and sure enough, it hit Audera almost immediately. She didn't see it coming, and certainly couldn't fight it back either!