
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs

Demonic slap!

This team of three did not have any fire-power. They weren't the best with weapons either, and didn't have any bows or spears to pierce through danger before it got to them. The level of vulnerability they had was sad, even.

There were plenty of swords around them, latched onto the walls, but even if they grabbed one of them, it would be ineffective to fight back! The threat in front of them didn't sound so light.

It sounded as if tens of skeletons were approaching them at once, there was no fighting that! This level of severity was especially odd, considering that these corridors were empty just moments ago!

For a second, Bardeelus thought that some war-commander lived down here, but later he figured that it was not the case. This attack wasn't the result of grand organizational skills, but it was quite the opposite ~ One huge enemy was attacking them instead. 

The reason why it sounded like many skeletons approached, was because this enemy was more of a beast! It was very bony, seemingly unstoppable too!

"Is that a fucking snake!" Bardeelus yelled, as they were getting ready to jump. 

There was no point in staying quiet anymore, so he didn't contain his excitement. All that noise which Audera made, probably lured this thing in to begin with!

Right now, she shamelessly corrected him. "That's a boa, actually. A snake, yes, but most snakes are way smaller."

"No shit!" Bardeelus continued to panic, and right at that moment, they leaped towards the corridor's ceiling.

The best idea was to flee, as even the toughest soldiers wouldn't be able to fight this thing. A boa's skeleton, in other words, was just a painfully extended rib-cage!

Its main attack likely ranged from that fact. If this skeleton as much as slithered across someone's foot, one would get stabbed about twenty times in a few seconds!

It wasn't the nicest way to die, and not the bravest either. Anyway, this thing was apparently lengthier than they had imagined. The situation was quick to escalate!

When the team became airborne, the boa apparently noticed it, so it flexed almost half of its lower-body upwards, just to strike against the team! The result was perplexing.

"What the fuck…" Bardeelus grunted. 

He was the only one who's torch shone still, and what he witnessed was the definition of nightmare fuel. The snake's trajectory had been painfully accurate, so the team should've been dead by now, yet they weren't!

Before the snake could've bashed eight-ich holes through their heads, something had prevented it. A creature, darker than a shadow, suddenly appeared and smacked the boa's tail away!

Bardeelus was the only one that saw it, and he only had a fraction of a second to observe it. All three of them bounced off towards some random direction right after, because the collision was almost sparky!

Erdeta's 'cricket-leap' spell was very powerful, so the dramatic impact was understandable. They ended up on the other side of the corridor, where she bounced off the walls again, which further got them away from the threat. 

Bardeelus' torch dimmed as well, after all of that commotion. He didn't need to see, however, to figure something out. That shadowy creature couldn't have been random, and it couldn't have been just flying by, it rode along with them!

Quite accurately, he figured. "Erdeta's demons just saved our lives!"

He wanted to talk about it immediately, but these ladies didn't let him. The boa's crackling movements made them all nervous, so all the panic hadn't yet met an end.

Audera's whisper pierced the air, "Can't you control that thing? We brought you here for this necromancy bullshit!"

"I'd love to shit necromancy on that thing, but it's already dead. I haven't killed it, so I can't control it." He argued.

"That can't be all you are," Audera insisted, "Do something meat-breath!"

At this point, Bardeelus almost forgot what he saw a moment ago, and focused on the boa instead. He was sure that it was impossible to control its skeleton, but there was no shame in giving it a shot.

"Nope! That thing is brainless." He thought, before he even tried anything.

Erdeta found a ledge for them to hang on, so through the first few seconds, he didn't feel the need to rush. They were safe enough for the time being, but it wouldn't be a surprise if that gigantic skeleton could climb walls; It was best to prevent that beforehand!

For that matter, Bardeelus finally focused on the skeleton, and tried to use his powers on it!

It was impossible to find a heartbeat on this thing, but he did find something else. Hidden in corners where no one would think of, this skeleton carried traces of a spell.

"Red?" He thought.

Within seconds, he tracked more and more traces of this spell. Inch-wide dots were spread across the boa, and all together, these dots portrayed a strong, illuminating spell! 

Bardeelus did not have a torch lit, nor did any of his friends, but now he could see the boa's skeleton as clear as if sunlight had pierced these ruins. The red dots shone, and revealed every move which the boa made!

"Y'all see that? A spell's keeping this thing going!" He yelled, and felt more excited than ever. 

"We don't need a scholar for that, and we can't see shit. Can you stop it? That's all that matters, we can't die yet…" Audera followed along, and she was beyond nervous.

"It's a spell, how tough could it be? I kept my slaves going without a spell, through my mind alone. These necromancers are a joke." He said.

It wasn't as easy to convert his words into action, however. The boa still approached, and if he didn't react within ten-to-fifteen seconds, every bad thing could happen at once!

Bardeelus sprung into action right away, as he thought. "I can't resurrect this thing, it's already kicking… Maybe this has nothing to do with resurrection? Hmm… maybe I should just mess this red-ass spell up?"

That thought gave him an idea. He saw it as useless to control the boa, so it was better to cut its fuel-source off instead.

He never looked at necromancy this way before, and what gave him the idea, were those countless red-dots which were painted across the opposing skeleton.

Now, for the first time ever, he tried to unleash a spell of his own, and yelled it out too as half a joke. "Cleanse thy darkness!"