
Necromancer, new branch - I can enslave the living!

Follow Bardeelus' journey as he discovers the wonders of 'pure necromancy', one of the rarest types of magic out there. Some despise it, while some adore it, but ultimately, he was free or any demonic influences and was as pure as a mage could be! Though, training was a different story. lt wasn't easy to uncover the secrets of pure necromancy, as those secrets were locked in the 'old world' of magic. Ancient and cryptic languages were a must know, if any progress was to be made, and the tag-along dangers were ten times worse! Bardeelus' goals were greater than any threat, however, as he wanted to enslave the living, without killing them. Although this was almost unheard of across the dark arts of magic, it was possible! ~ For the sake of power, he'll find a way to do it. Besides... a greater threat awaited them, the clock was ticking. He had to be ready! ~

Enkamos · Fantasy
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172 Chs


Overall, this island hadn't been so welcoming for the team, so at this point it became difficult to respect the inhabitants. Bardeelus caught up with what happened here, while he and Driola had been falling from the sky before, and now he was fuming with rage! 

After kicking one of the unconscious bodies, he cussed. "Fucking egoistic gardeners! We met a fucking queen, and she didn't act this retarded! Why are they so proud of themselves? It's ridiculous!"

He wanted to kill all four of these mages, and certainly was able to do so, but had to resist the urge. Kaya was disturbed, and begged him to calm down. These were her people after all!

Regardless of how these monks almost killed her, she still had to protect them. However, the overall situation was still messed up, and these issues couldn't be hidden under a rug.