
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 8

June and Tanya came up with a semi-good plan after some time had passed. Fifteen minutes later, they were ready. They took everything into account as much as possible, including the relocation of the hobgoblin, the possibility of sneak attacks from other goblins, the event of deaths, and Tanya's injury. Everything was said and taken in. They were ready to fight.

While planning, Dave had also gathered the necessary bodies and weapons for the soon-to-be skeletons. June saw this and gave him head pats for being the good soldier he is, even though he most likely murdered someone before, but that's irrelevant. Using the needed mana (I can't remember how much it actually is), June gained new skeletons. After quickly revising the plan with Tanya, they set out.

The plan was that Dave would lead the other skeletons out and act like normal mobs lurking around while also scoping out the area in order to locate the hobgoblin. While they were killing their way down the hall before encountering the hobgoblin, June realized that she was more in tune with Dave. At first, with all her summons, she could only give them basic commands. But over time, as seen with Dave when he caught June's attention to the danger behind the door, the elite goblin, he seemed to evolve a bit. Now there's an even stronger link between them, allowing them to communicate in a sense. June can feel his "thoughts."

A little while later, after Dave had been wandering around, she finally felt a message from him about the location of the hobgoblin. Now, June isn't an expert in anything. If someone broke into her house at 2 a.m. while she was awake, she'd probably take a seat and tell them to go ahead and take what they want. This now leads to her high probability of death, lol. Her only knowledge about fighting comes from all those karate movies with the over-exaggerated grunts and drunken fists that she used to watch as a kid and her swinging a broomstick around to intimidate a sword.

Creeping towards the area Dave reported the hobgoblin being at, June hid behind a half wall that was connected to some chairs on the other side. In front the chairs was the hobgoblin. It was there munching on some poor soul that died earlier. Jumping the chair like some "cool" dude, June crept behind the hobgoblin while silently commanding the skeletons to flank it on all sides available. Dave returned to Tanya, who was hiding around a near by corner, in order to protect her while also being in reach of June for when she needed help.

A surge of adrenaline went through June as she closed the distance to the unsuspecting hobgoblin. The stench of dead bodies got stronger with each step and so did the audible crunches of bones between teeth. Gripping the axe tightly she prepared to attack.

With a swift and silent motion, June swung the axe at the hobgoblin's back. The blade connected, tearing through its tough hide. The hobgoblin let out a guttural growl, dropping its meal and turning to face its assailant. The skeletons closed in and attacked with the planned coordination.

June struggled a bit to pull the axe from the hide and managed to back away just in time to miss a swing that was an inch from hitting her. There were five seconds before the skeletons reached her and she almost died twice. The second time being when the hobgoblin's swing was followed up with a jab of his claws aimed at her stomach. It was barely blocked with the axe head and the force behind it caused her to trip and fall backwards.

Scrambling to stand up as the hobgoblin approaches, the skeletons finally arrived and distracted it. They were better fighters than she was so June had a little moment to breathe before getting back into the fight.

Swinging the axe at the back of the hobgoblin's knee, it lodged deep and hit bone. The guttural roar that came from it made June cringe. It sounded horrible and very disturbing. The hobgoblin focused on June as it knew she was the source of the pain and that was the first mistake it made.

Taking advantage of its guard being let down to the skeletons, Dave, the trusty knight managed to lodge his sword into its eye. The moment axe went into the knee June telepathically called for Dave as she knew getting the axe back would be a pain.

After stabbing the eye, Dave wrapped the rope they found around the hobgoblin's neck effectively cutting its air supply in half, the hobgoblin does have a thick neck after all.

With its oxygen dropping the hobgoblin went into a panic trying to shake Dave off but June wouldn't allow that to happen. Reaching into her pocket for one of the knives she had stored earlier in the dorm she rushed to it with a yell.

Jumping on the axe she managed to grab onto its shoulder and stabbed the knife in its neck. The panicking hobgoblin let out an angry roar and violently shook its body managing it stand and run into a wall. The force jerked both June and Dave off its back but unfortunately for it the knife also moved cutting open a jagged line through its throat down to collarbone.

I would’ve liked to write some more but I think an update is wayy overdue. My first time ever writing a fight scene so i hope it makes sense.

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