
Necromancer in the Multiverse

This is about a guy that has Sun Jin Woo's Resurrecting powers and go's to GAME ANIME AND MANGA WORLDS I Don't Own Any Of The Worlds They Belong To There Respictive Studio/Company

WEIRDBRUH · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

1 So Lame

In a dark room with the only light coming from a computer voices can be heard

"why WHy WHYYY" A boy says in a raspy voice as he is staring at a woman with men behind her

"Why" A woman with short brown hair says as she has a look of disgust on her face looking at her son.

"Because you are 17 and are always on that damn thing this would have never happend if you would of just got off your ass" As she says that 2 men wearing suits come from behind her.

One of the men wearing glasses shout at the boy "Boy Just come with us already we don't have all day" He says as he walks over to the boy and grabs him "STAY AWAY" the boy shouts as he starts swinging his arms at the man accidentally falling and hitting his head on the corner of his desk dying.

"THOMAS" the boys mother shouts running to him. In the far distance a short girl with blonde hair and green eyes can be heard laughing "HAHAAHAH" "HAHAHAHA THAT WAS SO LAME HAHA"

as she says this a boy materializes in front of her.

As the boy opens his eyes he sees he's in a office with lots of books all over the place with a girl laughing "OH I DIDN"T SEE YOU THERE HA" the girl still laughing annoying the boy "What's so funny" He said seeing the girl wont stop laughing " YOUU AH YOUR SO LAME HAHA" She says confusing the boy even more "What are you talking about what did I do" he says getting pissed that this little girl is laughing at him

"YOUU YoU died in such a lame WAYY HAH COUGH" She says trying not to laugh anymore "Here" She says as she waves her hand and a screen like thing appears in front of him showing him how he died "NOOOO" The boy screams with tears coming from his eyes "I know right soooo lame" She says while smiling like a cat still trying not to laugh

"No I don't care about that sniff I was just watching solo leveling the anime i've been waiting for years and I haven't even finished it sniff" Said the boy while crying his eyes out while the girl was looking at him like he was the lamest person shes met and she has seen alot of people.

"Uhmm ok well anyway lets get on with why your here" She says already wanting to get this over with "What do you mean" He said as he is still looking at the screen sobbing "Your Reincarnation" she says pulling out a piece of paper from a cabinet "REINCARNATION WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER" The boy said already getting over the fact that he just died.

"Because I wanted to laugh at you some more but you ruined it by making it to easy" She said while looking at the paper " So lets get this over with you get 3 wishes wish WAIT WHAT how do you have enough points for 3" She says while rubbing her eyes see if its real "Whats so special about 3 wishes" He asked expecting something more after ready all those novels.

"You should be grateful that you are even getting 3 wishes normally only important figures in your world would get them" She says still looking at the paper confused "Well whatever can we get on with it then" he said to the girl looking at him with disgust "Ye Yeah lets get on with it what are your wishes" She said expecting something idiotic.

"I want the power of ressurection that Son Jin Woo had but no limitations"

"I want to be able to go to the worlds of the Anime Manga and Games i've watched and played"

"And I want to be a Saiyan " He says confidently

"I can turn you into a sayin but the worlds with no Ki you will be unable to use moves or something"

As she said that the boys face turned ugly "Don't show me that face you look hideous you miss understood me you will have the strenght of a sayin but no super sayin and power beams until you go into a world with either KI or some other energy or until you figure out a way to do it with out either of those" As she said that the boys face still didn't change.

"Because of your seconed wish what world do you want to start in" When she said that the boys face lightened a little "If i choose a game world will mods be present like Monsters Spells and stuff"

"Hurry up and tell me" she said annoyed and after he told her what he wanted he was ready "I want to start in the Elder Scrolls Skyrim" Tired of this kid already she just waves her hand again and he disappears into little particles.

"Damn that kid is lame"

DON'T WORRY HE WON'T ALWAYS BE A LOSER I Have Never Wrote Anything In My Life Please Keep That In To Consideration.

If You Guys Have any ideas Please let me know as I will see if I can put it in THANKS FOR READING IT MEANS A LOT

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