
Necromancer In The Harry Potter World (Break)

Into the world of Hp with a new version of mine, you have to read to follow, i just want to say that i am doing this for fun and it can be dropped at anytime. I don't any of the harry potter series characters mentioned. The first part will be Harry Potter and then the other movies and shows. Also, you could take this as an AU of Harry Potter as well as I am going to make changes.

stay_at_home_pig · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 24: Helia

It's Christmas today, and for the first time since I came into this world, I am getting a present.

To be fair I did have presents from my father, just never really bothered to take them, but I decided to take it this time.

I also got presents for my parents, I didn't really know them well, but I recently say my mother starting to knit. My father has had a hobby for Quidditch for a long time, him and his friends play together sometimes. So I got them both something related to this.

I even got the house elves something

We were all around the house chimney, and my sister was passing her gifts. She didn't really have to buy anything, but she was adamant on getting us something since I participated for the first time this year.

She gave me a dairy, it was specially made so that I could dictate what I wanted, and the diary will right it down.

She gave my parents something similar, but we were all happy because she at least got us something.

Now it was my turn, I passed my father a Quidditch set while using runes to boost the effectiveness of the whole set. I also gave my mother special wool, the best quality one I could find.

I even gave the house elves a new uniform.

"Master, are you kicking me out? Tilly is sorry," my house elf straight up started crying, but then I convinced them, saying if they work in our house, they have to be dignified.

I then gave my sister a special perfume I created, with it, people around her will smell whatever they like the most. So she will smell good no matter what. I am glad she licked the gift.

Now it was my parents turn, they passed My sister the latest fashioned robes, to which she was really happy.

They then turned to me, and said," Well, we saw that you were really happy with the Phoenix of Headmaster Dumbledore, so we were able to search, and found one of the last remaining Phoenix eggs." They then passed me a fist sized egg carefully.

Okay, wow, like, wow. Doesn't mean this makes up for the shit they have pulled, but it is the first step.

"WHAT, I GET CLOTHES AND HE GETS A PHOENIX," my sister shouted, but we all collectively ignored her.

"Drop you blood on the egg, and after the Phoenix bonds with you, it will get out of it's shell, look we even prepared food for it, we heard Phoenixes like worms, so we got it the most expensive type, Sea worms." My mother said as she happily took out a bag of worms.

I looked at the egg, and then bit on my thumb. A drop of blood formed on my thumb, as it dropped onto the egg.

Runes appeared in the egg, as I felt an instant connection to the egg. This seems like a different bonding then Fawkes and Dumbledore, apparently Fawkes was found in the wild, while this little fellow in my hand is not even born yet.

After about a minute, the shell started to crack, and a small yellow beak could be seen.

Then, after chirping and trying to break free for a long time, the Phoenix came out of its shell.

It was blue in colour, with a yellow beak, and big dark blue eyes. The Phoenix which is on the palm of my hand, looked at me, tilted its head and started pecking my hand.

It then chirped," Mama." And seemed really happy.


"Papa," I said slowly so it can understand. But the bird just titled its head and said again," Mama." GOD FUCK.

"Why are you saying Papa to the Phoenix son." My mother asked worried I have gone crazy. And I have to say, after taking a regular dosage of potions so that she doesn't relapse, she seems to be doing well mentally.

"Oh I didn't tell you two, I can speak with any living creatures." I said nonchalantly.

"WHAT" my parents shouted, as my sister giggled, after all she say me talking to trees.

"Yeah, it just kind of happened and I have been able to speak to living creatures since I was around 5." I said while trying to tell my Phoenix to say PAPA.

"And this little guy, keeps calling me Mama," I said while rubbing the Phoenix's chin.

Also I don't know why, maybe it's due to my connection with it, I know the Phoenix is female. Again, I don't know why.

"Sigh, you can speak to animals and I didn't even know about it," my mother said exhaustedly.

"So, what you gonna name him?" My sister asked. While looking closer at the Phoenix.

"She is a female, and I have decided to name her, Helia. It's Greek for Sun, and since Phoenixes are creatures of fire, it seems like a fitting name." I said while rubbing Hellia's chin.

"Mana, hungry," she chirped.

I took the bag of sea worms from my mom, and fed it to Hellia.

As soon as she ate one worm, he eyes brightened up and blue sparks appeared near her. "Delicious," she said as she continued to eat.

Note to self, buy out the largest company which sells Seas worms. Nope, by out all the companies which sell any type of worms.

(Last parts a joke, or is it?)


I are soon going to return to Hogwarts, and since I didn't actually bring a pet to Hogwarts, the Headmaster said it will be fine to bring Helia. But he also told me to be extra careful with her.

There will be many people who want a rare blue coloured Phoenix, or any for that matter.

Helia hasn't really showed any of her abilities, she is just trying to learn the human language properly.

And luckily, she started to call me 'papa' the next day. Was it because I repeatedly to told her to, or because I wrote the word , 'papa' everywhere.

Currently I am showing Helia around our private forest and my sister joined in as well.

She was chirping at everything she saw. And surprisingly, I found out she can communicate with trees and other animals too.

'What the, is it due to bonding with me? But she couldn't speak with my parents or sister. Wait I should just ask. Maybe she will know.'

I took the Phoenix from my shoulder to my palm, and she started to chirp angrily, "Papa, why did you do that I was talking to the tree."

"Helia, how come you can talk with the tree without touching it?" I asked, because unless I kept Magic into my ears, which I could do since the sorting ceremony, I can't hear the trees without touching them.

"I just can." Was her reply.

"Then can you understand my sister," I said as I raised Helia, to my sister Julia who was behind me.

Helia jumped off of my palm, and went to Julia's cheek and started to peck it.

"HHAHAHA, WAIT, HAHAHAA, ASK HER TO STOP!" Julia started laughing like crazy.

I didn't understand why pecking the cheek would be ticking. Maybe it's a Phoenix thing.

But I when I observed carefully, I saw Helia pecking her the more Julia asked her to stop.

I quickly took Helia away from my dying sister.

"Haha, papa that was so funny," she started chirping happily.

"So you did understand her?" I questioned.

"Yes but only when I was on her shoulder, but I think I can understand you even if you are far away." She replied while using her wings to communicate with me. It looked suuuuupeeeer cute.

'That's weird, I need to test this more, but maybe later,' I said as the three of us went to meet the animals inside the forest.

And I have to say they were all happy and angry that I was back.

Trees mostly angry that I didn't come back sooner, and the snakes were also angry that I brought a bird which keeps annoying them.

The best were the deers, they are so peaceful just sleeping near me.