

Chapter 241: Finally Found, Reunion with the Abyssal Demons

The group of Abyssal Demons that stopped in the air were all dumbstruck. Lin

Lin Moyu surprisingly sat down, looking as if he was pondering over the problem.

Only casting skills every few moments to strengthen the defense on his body.

The Red Moon Demon's attack was completely ignored by him.

Even the back of Lin Moyu took out food and ate it slowly and methodically.

An Abyssal Demon looked numb, "What is he up to?"

The other demons were also surprised, "Why do I feel like he's not afraid at all, he hasn't even killed a single skeleton after all this time."

"This skeleton's attributes look low, I feel like I can slap a bunch of them to death."

Phantom Alice let out a cold smile, "You can try if you want to go to your death."

At this time, she also wrinkled her pretty face, the development of things was completely different from what she had expected.

"I should have known that I should have asked Lord Demon King to send over a more powerful Red Moon Demon."

She felt that a level 55 Red Moon Demon was too weak, and that a level 60, or even a level 65 Red Moon Demon should be sent over.

But how could she know that being able to send a level 55 Red Moon Demon into the Ancient Battlefield was already the limit.

It can't be any higher, the Phantom King doesn't have the strength.

On second thought, Alice sneered, "Then let's spend it, I'd like to see how long you can last."

The Red Moon Demon was completely chosen to target Lin Moyu.

It was also evident from the performance just now that Lin Moyu could do nothing with the Red Moon Demon.

Now that the Red Moon Demon and the boundary were connected as one, Lin Moyu was like a trapped beast.

The Red Moon Demon's attacks wouldn't stop until he was killed, endlessly.

In the end, the one who dies is bound to be Lin Moyu.

Alice's face looked much better at the thought.

Just as it thought, Lin Moyu was indeed in a difficult spot at this point.

Various methods were tried.

He tried casting Skeletal Spikes towards the ground and also tried locking onto the spikes to use Soul Flame.

The results were all ineffective.

The Red Moon Demon attacked as usual.

Even if it breaks the spikes and bursts into slime, it is quickly absorbed.

It has no effect on it.

The Skeleton Warrior didn't counterattack any more; not only would counterattacking be ineffective, but it would also cause himself to be corrupted by the slime.

Lin Moyu analyzed the various possibilities.

The Red Moon Demon wasn't immune to elemental attacks, and even the light element had an increase in damage against him.

Also, it is not immune to physical attacks.

It meant that he possessed an entity, he just hadn't been able to find it himself for a while.

Lin Moyu thought about whether the Red Moon Demon Origin would be hidden amongst these spikes.

But the spikes were too many, too dense to count.

When the curse was put on, it looked over to be patches of cursed shackles.

It's exactly the same, nothing else.

Lin Moyu pondered over the possibilities, but never found a way.

Another bite into the flesh of the tentacle god's leg.

The leg meat was delicious.

The spiritual energy that had just been consumed was quickly replenished.

Compared to the Red Moon Demon, Lin Moyu preferred the Earth Touch Dragon God.

Not only did he contribute such good leg meat, but he also gave himself poison crystals and poison gems.

Increased immunity to toxins by 50% and also gave himself a poison skill.

Although in the past few days, the Toxic Astral Ring skill had only risen to level 3.

But the effect is still noticeable.

Lin Moyu suddenly raised her head, her eyes glowing.

How had I forgotten this skill myself.

Seeing Lin Moyu's move, Mo Yun asked in a sharp voice, "Thought of a way?"

Lin Moyu hmmmed, "I'll try it, it might work."

Aiming at an area, Lin Moyu pointed his finger.

Skill: poisonous astral ring.

A bit of green light appeared where Lin Moyu was pointing, then exploded and turned into a green circle spreading outwards.

After the talent increase, the range of the Toxic Asterisk reached 120 meters, with the same 120 damage per second for 120 seconds.

Wherever the astral rings passed, the air was also filled with a greenish color, forming a faintly poisonous atmosphere.

The area Lin Moyu had chosen had a similarly large number of spikes hidden under the ground.

But the spikes were clearly not attacked by the poisonous astral rings.

Their shells protect them.

Lin Moyu walked within the boundary, casting the Toxic Star Ring over and over again.

A piece of poisonous fog was raised within the boundary.

"What is he doing?" The Abyssal Demons in the air looked at Lin Moyu, and one revealed a puzzled expression.

They don't know what Lin Moyu is going to do.

They had long since stopped attacking at this point.

Their harassment does nothing for Lin Moyu, it's wasted effort.

Might as well watch the show in peace.

Holding the flesh of the Earth Touch Dragon God's leg in his left hand, Lin Moyu cast the Poisonous Star Ring over and over again without tiring of it.

It's almost like stepping over half the boundaries.

Suddenly, an unusual shade of green entered Lin Moyu's field of vision.

The green gas gathered into a ball and emerged from the ground.

Someone's been poisoned!

I should say that a monster has been poisoned.

These days Lin Moyu experimented with the Poison

 Star Ring skill and was already very familiar with the manifestations of poisoning.

After being poisoned, the poisonous gas will come out in a steady stream, even forming a column of poisonous gas mist several meters high.

That's the way it is now.

"Found it!"

Where the poisonous gas bubbled up, there was the same shackle symbol.

Lin Moyu sneered and a red light flashed in his hand.

Skill: Damage Curse!

Lin Moyu meanwhile firmly locked onto the poisoned target that was bubbling green.

A red light flashed in his palm!

Skill: Soul Flame!

There was no sound, but the whole earth shook violently.

Before, no matter how you attacked the spikes, there would be no reaction.

This time.

Lin Moyu knew that he had found the Red Moon Demon's main body.

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, "You won't be able to run away now."

The Red Moon Demon's main body began to run away, only the poisonous gas that kept rising betrayed its location.

Lin Moyu wasn't in a hurry, and unhurriedly replenished it with a highly poisonous astral ring.

120 seconds is plenty of time.

Now that we've found it, the rest is easy.

It's time for the battle to end!

Lin Moyu looks up at the Abyssal Demon. ....

The Abyssal Demons had a creepy feeling all of a sudden.

"Let them down."

Speaking towards Mo Yun, he simultaneously put on a layer of skeleton armor for her.

Mo Yun chanted, sitting on the summoned beast and instantly flying straight up into the air.

The holy white light cut through the sky and rushed towards the Abyssal Demon like lightning.

Mo Yun seemed to have erupted with some kind of skill, and her speed was faster than Lin Moyu could imagine.

In less than a second it crossed a distance of a thousand meters to the Abyssal Demon.

Before the Abyssal Demon could react, a light exploded, illuminating the sky.

Skill: Prohibition of Flight!


"Why can't I fly."

"What kind of skill is this, and why does it have an air-ban effect."

"Isn't banning air something only top mages can do? Why is she okay."

The Abyssal Demon suddenly lost its ability to fly and fell from the air in panic.

Halfway there, they had seen Lin Moyu on the ground, as well as his undead army.

One by one, row by row, group by group, thousands of skeleton warriors were already waiting to be ready.

The large sword in his hand emanated a red light.

The Skeleton Mages also drummed up the power of the elements.

They can't help but feel like sheep in a tiger's mouth.

"No, don't!"

"Fly, I want to fly!"

The Abyssal Demons struggled frantically and flapped their wings hard.

But it didn't help at all, with a 30-second ban on air, there was no way they could fly.

With panic in her eyes, Alice reached out and pulled out a delicate talisman.

Activating violently, Alice disappeared into mid-air with a brush.

The Advanced Random Teleportation Talisman, which it had gotten from somewhere, had just saved its life now.

As the Abyssal Demon was about to hit the ground, red light filled the air and the damage curse came as expected.

Then it was all Skeleton Warrior's skills going full blast, and Skeleton Mage's fire gathering.

At the same time, Lin Moyu's Skeleton Fangs also powerfully exploded at close range.

In almost the first second of 4.8, two level up to 50 Abyssal Demons were critically injured.

In the second, an Abyssal Demon was killed.

Before the other Abyssal Demons could react, there was a loud boom.

A large number of Abyssal Demons died.

Then there were a few more booms, and then all became silent around them.

Hundreds of Abyssal Demons that were over level fifty, regimentally destroyed.

The sergeant's badge flashes with credit.

Every Abyssal Demon above level 50 killed was a full 2,000 military points.

He and Mo Yun can share 1000 even if they are half each.

He got a full 100,000 military credits.

The same goes for Mo Rhyme.

It didn't matter how many stars Mo Yun had been an ensign before.

At this moment she went straight to Colonel, and the Sergeant at Arms president turned a pale gold color.

Mo Rhyne was stunned.

A second lieutenant that he himself had fought and worked for over two years to reach.

Now in a flash, it's Colonel.

That's a little too perverted!

Looking at Lin Moyu, Mo Yun was speechless for a while.

This guy is, indeed, a bit of a pervert.

The Abyssal Demons were killed in less than five seconds before and after.

Lin Moyu spoke with a light smile as his sight turned to the Red Moon Demon. ....

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