

Arcadia, world full of fantasy and destruction. Powerful foes and immortal beings. Millions of achievements waiting for our necromancer to grab. And unveiling the history you have never heard ..........................THE NECROKING.........................

Bobby007 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Assault : fame spread

A figure was descending through stairs, place was dark and gloomy. Rays of light couldn't penetrate the thick walls of the place. A person opened his eyes and was totally unaware of his surrounding. Coming back to his senses, he immediately tried to stand but couldn't because he was being tied to the chair as he grasped his surrounding. He sees his fellow mates being tied up like him and some dark figures were watching over them.

"seems like you have awake"

the voice startled him as he was trying to find the location of the voice, Magnus came out of shadow.

Feeling of despair took over spy,

"are we captured, damn"

"what will happen, its all over".

Many questioned aroused in his mind,

"don't be afraid, I won't harm you"

"you are human then why are you tying us up? "

"I am no human, you foolish spy".

Magnus claiming not to be human, startled spy as humans can't see the mana flow in bodies, they can be deceived easily but that wasn't in the case of demihumans. Even though appearance of Magnus was humanlike but the mana flow around his body was that of an mythical beast. Spy came up with a scheme to threaten,

"you don't know about us, we are members of Vestry if you don't release us, your city would be perished "

"hahahahah..you really think you are in state of threatening others, since you exposed the power behind you I don't have much use of you".

As Magnus paused, the vision of spies become blurry and they went unconscious, an evil grin covered Magnus's face,

"I have got my hands full of new spells, lets test them on these lab rats".

Painful screams can be heard, echoing throughout the place. Some spies lost hope of survival begged Magnus to kill them but Magnus wasn't that merciful. Due to the torturing those who lost hope died but some were able to endure it. Out of 15 spies only 3 were still alive.

Curses are one of the main skills of demons which can be activated and maintained forever if enough power is supplied. As Magnus was an Arcmage i.e the highest level, a mage can achieve, he can practise them. Three black flames appeared on fingertips of Magnus and went into the bodies of the survivors.

One of the spies woke up and found himself in open grassfield, his memories were fuzzy. He had no memory of being captured or tortured, he immediately woke his comrades and headed towards the holy city of Mesnor.

Holy city of Mesnor,

Vestry , an huge organisation which holds immense power in terms of economy and military. But the higher ups of Vestry were all hypocrites, rather than promoting peace and harmony, they promote hatred and war. Vestry played a huge role in driving demihumans out from their lands. On pretext of Gods, they manipulate the massess into following them.

Heroes were also associated with Vestry. Due to the otherworldly talents of heroes, they gain enough power that no other kingdom can go against them.

Pope Primus was the head of Vestry. He was an total phycopath who can conquer anything. Many people has suffered because of him but noone can exact their revenge.

In deep shadows of the holy city, an mysterious occult have been watching over Vestry for a long time and has been waiting for the opportunity to overthrow it.

It took several days for spies to reach Mesnor. As soon as they arrived, higher ups were informed about them. Pope Primus who send them to the mission personally, immediately ordered to summon all the members of Vestry council to take stock on the report.

Spy entered an huge hall, its walls were beautifully decorated with portraits of Gods and heroes. On an heightened place, Primus took his seat and after the descending of pope, all other members also took their seats.

Spies knelt before them showing their utmost respect,

"we have returned with shocking report, your highness"


"Bortos city has been captured by demihumans".

Dead silence spread throughout the hall, some council members declared the report as false because for several centuries demihumans never revolted against humans.

"And an mysterious power was detected by our magic tools residing in the city"

"is there anything out of place"

"yes, your highness"

"city was guarded by black troops, they seem to be emotionless but their Battle prowess is several times greater than our holy army"

The report puzzled Primus and he began evaluating the powers who can go against the city which was backed by The Vestry.

"do you know anything about their leader?",

one of the council member asked.

"no sir",

After the discussion , council came to the decision of sending more spies to examine the whole situation.

Primus spoke up,

"we have to immediately gather more information about their leader otherwise the maintained power balance would be shattered".

As the conversation was progressing, a chill spread through hall and an spy who was quite woke up,

Possession magic

Eyes of the spy were brimming with black flames and everyone was shocked on the scene,

"you wanna know me".

This shocked the whole council and Primus spoke up

"who are you?"

" I am someone, you mustn't provoke"

"stop spouting nonsense "

"I aint, I have the power to kill everyone present here with this puppet".

As the conversation was progressing, holy knight ambushed the hall and attacked Spy. Spy who was standing still engaged into Battle with the knights and pushed them back. Seeing the strength of puny spy against bulked knight surprised everyone.

"now you can see the difference in our strength",

"do you think you can threaten me like this",

"bandits also used to spout the same thing and now they are all dead"

"let me show you an example so that you won't misunderstand"

Transformation magic, demonification

The spies who were present at the scene started transforming into big ugly monsters and went berserk in the hall. Knights can't withstand monster but suddenly a golden spear pierced through monster, injuring him.

An golden light was brimming from the person and one can conclude that it was none other than summoned heroes. Since heroes were entities from otherworld, they remained youthful throughout their life and to end an hero they have to severe the connection of hero and the spirit that they were contracted to.

"oh, you are the first monster who survived my direct blow"

Hero underestimated monsters and they ganged up on spear guy. The battle got on the streets in the public, hero was totally enjoying the moment without worrying about safety of anyone.

Finally spear guy defeated all the monsters but portion of the city was destroyed in process. Hero was brimming with excitement as after many years he had finally found an worthy opponent. Primus filled with hatred, he wasn't angry on the destruction of city but on the disgrace he has to face.

The news of assault spread throughout continent like wild fire and the unknown mage who attacked Mesnor became an hot topic. It got attention of many unknown elements who were hiding themselves for many centuries.