
Nebula Throne: Conquest of the Void

Ultimately, humanity triumphed. As the last of the Nimian fleet vanished from Earth's sky, a glimmer of dawn appeared on the eastern horizon. Scholars of later generations would call this "The Battle of Dawn." The Battle of Dawn marked humanity's escape from colonization and their entry ticket into an era of advanced cosmic warfare. And for this, we owe our gratitude to the extraterrestrial beings who brought us hope. They called themselves the Aedahwans! The summer of 2031 heralded a new epoch for Earth. The survivors united to form the Earth Federal Government. This year also marked the first of the Dawn Era. The story, however, was far from over. On the contrary, it was just beginning.

Xia_0745 · Fantasy
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23 Chs


"Reward?" Asher couldn't help but take another bite of the fruit known as fireberry. As the succulent flesh turned to juice and flowed into him, he felt his Source Energy awaken, coursing through his veins. The Source Energy, like flames, found perfect fuel in the juice. By the time Asher had finished the entire fireberry, his Source Energy blazed so fiercely that his body temperature rose by two degrees, his skin flushed with heat.

"Kid, go sit over there and calm your Source Energy tide before anything else," Hudson grunted.

He then glared at Totonis, "You idiot, fireberries can cause Source Energy fluctuations, leading to a tide. If not settled and combed through in time, not only will there be no benefits, but it could also cause injury. And you let him eat it so carelessly."

Totonis seemed unconcerned, "Aren't you here, Major? With you watching over him, my darling can't get into trouble." He ended with a wink at Asher.

Shivering, Asher hurried to the training area and sat down. Following Hudson's instructions, he settled his mind and gathered the surging Source Energy within him, stirred by the fireberry. As he focused inward, Asher "saw" the normally calm Source Energy now roaring through his veins like waves of luminescent flame. He had to use his will to control and soothe these turbulent forces.

Gradually, the flames of Source Energy condensed and refined, forming into swirling vortices. Although their number had not increased, their color had deepened, indicating a richer concentration after the fireberry's stimulation.

Five minutes later, Asher's complexion had returned to normal, and his body temperature had dropped. As he opened his eyes, Totonis and Hudson appeared to be discussing something. Seeing that Asher had settled the internal tide, Hudson muttered, "I need to step out," and left the hall.

"Come here, Asher," Totonis beckoned.

Approaching, Totonis led Asher to the boxes, "These are full of fireberries. You've already tried them, and they stimulate your Source Energy, making it more condensed. They won't drastically increase your Source Energy, but they'll solidify your foundation. With long-term consumption, they can even strengthen your body, giving you a better chance at breaking through that first layer of Source Energy Binding."

"Who are they from?" Asher clearly hadn't forgotten the word 'reward.'

Totonis patted his shoulder, "You earned them yourself, darling. Remember, these are valuable but consuming too many can lead to overburning of Source Energy. If it goes out of control, you could be ruined. You need to progress gradually, allowing your body and Source Energy to get used to their stimulation."

"Now, I also need to tell you something else." Totonis picked a fireberry, "You don't mind if I have one, right?"

Asher nodded, and Totonis, not shy, took a big bite, "Even though they're of limited use to me now, they do taste great. Let's talk business. Remember what I said? From the moment you set foot in Babylon, your competition with the other contestants began."

Recalling his clash with Lucen earlier in the day, Asher nodded. Totonis shook his head, swallowing the rest of the fruit, "You don't understand, Asher. When I speak of competition, I'm not talking about some vague concept. It's precise, down to the numbers. First off, I must congratulate you. In the first round of public opinion polling, you emerged as the top-ranked contestant with an outstanding score. Coupled with your altercation with Lucen today, your score remains firmly in the lead. Hence, you received this reward from the committee—these boxes of fireberries to refine your Source Energy."

Asher was taken aback, "What's public opinion polling?"

"When you first arrived in Babylon, the people of the floating island welcomed you and got to know you. Then, based on their impressions of different contestants, they gave a score, which the committee collects and registers within the week. Your image and background have left a deep impression on the residents of Babylon. So in this round of public opinion polling, your score was the highest, putting you at the top of the weekly assessment rankings," Totonis explained, adding, "I hope you continue to maintain this. Remember, your every word and deed are under the committee's scrutiny. They will use your actions as a basis to add or subtract points. Your score in the reflex training, and your defeat of Lucen, these are all scoring points. Conversely, Lucen lost to you, so he will be docked points accordingly. You're a smart kid, you should be able to deduce some of the committee's scoring rules from this."

"The evaluation ranking is updated weekly, and the top scorer each week will receive varying degrees of rewards. This time it's fireberries, next time it could be a Tier-One magic gun. In short, these rewards will enhance your strength. But..." Totonis paused, then spoke seriously, "The most important function of the ranking isn't the weekly rewards, but the advantageous conditions you can secure when the Death Arena begins. Of course, it also has other functions, like attracting the attention of noble families. If they're willing to invest in you, whether in scoring or other aspects, you'll have a huge advantage over other contestants."

Totonis stayed for an hour before leaving. After the lieutenant's departure, Asher sorted his thoughts. Just as Totonis had said, from the moment these youths from the surface stepped into Babylon, the omnipresent competition began, specific down to the numbers, to their evaluation scores. These scores not only allowed Asher to receive rewards like fireberries but also played a crucial role in the Death Arena.

When the Death Arena started, the committee would determine the starting points for the youths based on their different scores. According to Totonis, the higher the score, the more advantageous the starting point. For example, they might be placed in uninhabited areas or receive a bounty of supplies. On the flip side, the lower the score, the more dangerous the placement. As for the last seven ranked, they would be placed in the same area.

The result of such a scenario was predictable. Those seven would almost certainly have to fight for their lives upon landing, with only one emerging alive.

For now, Asher was in the lead, ranking first. Right behind him was Lucinda, the girl whose very presence seemed to conjure images of flames. Remembering Lucinda, Asher realized he had yet to return her ribbon.

Taking the elevator to the 17th floor, he stood nervously outside the door. He rang the electronic doorbell, and moments later, a woman opened the door. In her thirties, she wore a sheer nightgown so thin that the contours of her body were nearly visible. The woman looked at Asher curiously, "Aren't you the kid from District 13? What do you want?"

Taking a deep breath to maintain his composure and not look at the points protruding from her chest, Asher said, "Hello, ma'am. I'm Asher. I'm here to see Lucinda. Is she in?"

"What a polite little guy, come in," the woman beckoned with a finger, "I'm Lucinda's mentor, Eliza. Wait here, Lucinda might be bathing."

"Bathing?" Asher said awkwardly, "Then maybe I should come back later."

"No need, she should be out soon. Or are you afraid I'll eat you?" Eliza lifted Asher's chin with a finger until his face turned red, then she laughed and walked away.

Moments later, she waved from Lucinda's bedroom door, "Go in, kid. That girl is calling for you."

As the automatic bedroom door opened, Eliza gave Asher a push from behind, sending him inside. The layout of the bedroom was identical to his own. The bathroom door opened, and a cloud of steam billowed out. Lucinda emerged in a bathrobe, walking through the mist. Seeing Asher, she didn't shy away but casually waved him over, "Hey, you came. Come sit over here, why stand there like a dummy?"

Just as Asher sat on the sofa, Lucinda shed her bathrobe, revealing a youthful, healthy body. Asher gasped as Lucinda's skin, under the room's light, was like fine satin, gleaming with a lustrous sheen. She stretched casually, revealing intimate areas to Asher's gaze.

Though Asher quickly turned away, the brief glimpse had already revealed an enticing landscape. He heard Lucinda dressing and her husky laughter, "I bet if that fatso Lucen were in your place, he'd have pounced by now. I must say, Asher, you're quite the gentleman."

"Alright, I'm dressed now."

Asher dared to look back, and Lucinda had donned loose clothing. The points protruding from her shirt hinted at the bare body beneath, but it was less intense than the direct assault on his senses moments before. Her laughter at his awkwardness rang out, and she plopped down beside him, "Hey, you're not still a virgin, are you?"

"Have you?" Asher countered.

Lucinda snorted, "So far, all the males who've tried to pounce on me have ended up as corpses. I didn't like them, but I like you, Asher. If you want something to happen..."

Feeling overwhelmed, Asher hurriedly said, "Actually, I came to return something to you."

He quickly produced the ribbon, and Lucinda let out an "Oh." She picked up the ribbon, twirling it around her finger with a smile, "You sure you don't want something to happen?"

Asher gritted his teeth, "If you keep provoking me, I won't be responsible for the consequences."