
Neali, that’s what you left me with?

The only sister of the prince Alastair, Neali, was murdered, becoming the monster that killed those who hurt her. The madness came to halt after the witch by the name Arika came to the land. Being the best friend of princess, yet the keeper of secrets, Arika tries to help Alastair with getting continent back on track. Although the others in power seek to destroy the land and let it be ravaged by the creatures of old myths. The tiresome promise made between Arika and Neali has the witch in a pinch, yet through her unwillingness to interfere with matters of politics she still takes it upon self to help Alastair.

ArcDreamer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

'Really, honey, really?' - Arika had her hands on her hips, as she paced the room. Looking frustrated.

Alastair was sleeping like a log until the evening of the next day.

Throughout this time, few maids came by to check on him, then the doctor, then all the madness was calmed down by the spell of Arika that got them to leave the sleeping prince alone.

With said magic she was invisible to the rest of the people in the castle, so she took her time to find some food, nick some items to make tea, even found the library and got a few books to read to pass time.

But right now she was quite bored, thinking that it's dear time to find the room that belonged to Neali and check what else she left.

'Alright, this sleeping beauty should wake up around now...' - Arika looked at prince that began to move.

Alastair yawned, sat in the bed and wiped his eyes.

'Oh good, about time, young lord.' - Arika let out.

Alastair froze for a moment, then slowly turned to side to see Arika, his expression surprised.

'Oh yeah, that's the greeting I get? After you sleeping so well and resting so well. I'm having to deal with this sour face of "why you're here?" really?' - Arika rolled eyes.

Alastair looked around the room, taking notice that candles are burning and it's late evening.

'How long did I sleep?' - He asks, as he starts getting out of bed.

'A full day, m'dear. All for the wellbeing of ones body and soul.' - Arika points out to the table with few cups and tea pot that is still steaming. - 'Go on pretty, get that good brew inside of you. There's a lot to go through.'

Alastair lets out a sigh, yet does as told. He pours the tea of purple colour into the cup, then looks at it for a moment in confusion. There was never in his life a tea that was purple. Then he looks at Arika, his eyebrow raised.

'Oh don't worry, that's the type of vine from forest, works well to recover and boost energy. Go on, don't be shy.' - She gestures with a hand for Alastair to try it.

He raises cup closer to his face, aroma seems oddly sweet, yet he still does not really trust the brew.

'Ah, kids these days...' - Arika takes a seat opposite and pours self a cup full. - 'After you're done with this, please do make self pretty with bath and all that, we need to check Nealis room after. Although I can't go in it by myself.'

Alastair cocked his head, as he watched Arika.

'What do you mean by that?' - He asked.

'Means that only you have the possession of the key to her room.' - Arika drinks the tea.

'But it's open. Maids go there to clean.' - Alastair could not understand.

'Yeah, the human room, which is seen by all, but the veiled room is a different thing. Ehh... Why did I teach her all them magic tricks, geez.' - Arika wiped her forehead with fingers, wrinkles to disappear.

'You what?! Magic?!' - Alastair jumped from the seat. - 'Neali knew magic?!'

Arika let out a sigh.

Yeah, right the older brother of the Neali did not know any of this. Although there's so much more he has no clues about. Oh how tiresome this would be for Arika.

'You see, she asked me to help her, yet I taught her just small bits. But in some letters - I created magic she kindly asked for, for protective reasons. So her room is one of those things. Even though it's my spells, it still requires her family bloodline to enter with me, so she chose you. Congrats.' - Arika looks out the window.

'Just why did I agree to this whole conundrum...' - She mumbled.

Alastair could not gasp the situation.

'Can you get out of my room while I prepare?' - Alastair threw to Arika as she sat at the table.

'Oh how sensitive humans are... Sure, once you're done - go to the Nealis room. Shall be waiting.' - Arika left.

Alastair called out the maids to help him clean and change. They were still a bit restless due to prince sleeping this long, but after seeing his rested self, they were happy to know he's alright.

Dressed in a more casual way, for ease, as it's almost night time, Alastair walked to his sisters room.

The thoughts about his sister working with a witch, or having to use magic still baffled him. What was more - he never noticed. The mages of court do not typically use magic beside the lessons and practical things - creation, alchemy and requests by his majesty. So mostly the rest rely on technologies and science.

The court mages were all trained in a special place, edge of continent, but the one opposite the Forest of Magic - The Royal Academy of Magical Arts. With absolutely small amount of mages graduating, having no more than 26 at most, a year, and they stay there mainly, as the magical powers wither away if they leave the Academy for too long. Therefore there is a portal between academy and court mage study - so they'd recover. As it were known - magic is harmful to human body.

Through the history there were the witches, old crones - who could work with magic beyond imagination, but they had all been in hiding after royal decree that went in power 100 years ago. So no magician with ability to withstand magic like the old crones ever showed in decades.

And Forest of Magic... That place is a forsake grounds, where no living beings set foot in - it's dangerous and destructive. That's why it is kept off-limits to all the continent.

Now a good question - who is Arika?

The hallways were dark and chilly. Alastair walked, consumed by his thoughts. But as he approached his sisters room, he saw Arika leaning against the door. She was no lady. Wearing the clothes that of adventurers. The pants, boots, shirt, belt with small pouches attached, short hair to the shoulders and a strange, small leafy crown on top of her head. What indeed was she?