

A young boy, have encountered strange artifact. He formed contract with in haste, but the events which he go throught in future, makes him look back at this choice as greatest decision. This is story about the journey of young teenager, who entered the society with only access to knowledge, and slowly created a legend, unlike any others.

0niknight0 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Mysterious Beach

Vikram slowly regained consciousness, his vision still blurry and his body throbbing with pain. He winced as he realized the extent of his injuries—his left leg, right shoulder, and head were the worst affected. As his vision cleared, he took in the wreckage of the car they were in. It was completely mangled. Turning to his right, he saw Basant, his friend's cousin, lying unconscious with the deflated airbag beside him. Glancing behind, he found his friend Dhruv in a similar state.

Through the broken window, Vikram spotted several other cars and buses in a similar predicament, swept away by mud. Determined to seek help, he mustered all his strength and shouted, "Help!" His plea managed to attract some attention before he succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

When Vikram woke up again, he found himself lying on a sunlit beach. Beside him, Dhruv had also regained consciousness, but he was seriously injured. Dhruv noticed Vikram's awakening and exclaimed, "Viky, how are you feeling?"

Vikram took a moment to assess his pain and replied, "Just some slight pain."

Concerned, Dhruv asked, "And you? Do you feel pain anywhere?"

Reluctantly, Vikram responded, "It seems I have a fracture in my left leg and arm." While they exchanged their injuries, Basant returned with a backpack in hand. He handed them a water bottle and warned, "We should use it sparingly since we don't know how long we'll be stuck here."

Confusion and curiosity filled Vikram's mind as he surveyed their surroundings. They were no longer in Nainital or anywhere near the lower Himalayas. Instead, they found themselves on a pristine, sandy beach. Mud flowed from a nearby cave, creating an abnormal scene that contrasted with the picturesque beauty of the place.

"We tried to find our way back to where we came from, but it seems to be a one-way route," Dhruv explained.

Taking in the information, Vikram sat beside Dhruv and said, "We were on our way home when a landslide struck us. We were swept away along with others and somehow ended up here, as if we were teleported."

"It's like one of those web novels we often read," Dhruv remarked, teasingly.

Excitement twinkled in Vikram's eyes as he wondered, "Could there be magic here?"

Dhruv's expression turned solemn as he replied, "I hope not. If magic exists, then so do magical beasts. Here, most of us here can't even fight a street dogs. Imagine encountering ferocious magical beasts like the ones described in those novels."

Vikram's excitement waned instantly as the possibility of danger sank in. The potential perils of facing mythical creatures made him fear for their safety, along with the others who were fans of fantasy novels and anime.

Several hours had passed since their arrival, and most of the other survivors had been rescued. It was already past 2 pm, but their phones and communication devices remained without signal.

Suddenly, the sound of clapping hands caught everyone's attention. Two individuals stepped forward, an Indian man accompanied by a Caucasian. The Indian man introduced themselves, saying, "Hello, I am Binny Rodel, and this is my friend Peter D'Souza. While rescuing is important, we also need to explore this place. Water and food are our most critical resources, and we are seriously lacking them."

The announcement sparked a heated discussion among the survivors. Some recognized the need for exploration, while others were apprehensive about venturing into the unknown. A verbal war ensued, with some openly opposing the suggestion.

Amidst the chaos, a voice from the crowd proposed a compromise. "Why don't we let those who volunteer take the risk? If they choose to explore, they can do so while the rest of us wait for rescue."

In an attempt to resolve the issue peacefully, a vote was conducted. The results were narrow, with the majority favoring exploration.

Basant looked at the outcome, and with a mixture of uncertainty and determination, he asked Vikram, "What do you think we should do?"

Vikram contemplated their options, his mind filled with thoughts of magic and adventure. "I would like to volunteer," Dhruv chimed in, but his injured state prevented him from doing so. He sighed and continued, "Unfortunately, my condition doesn't permit it."

Concerned, Vikram questioned Dhruv's lack of fear, "Aren't you afraid of the potential dangers?"

Dhruv responded with a question of his own, "If the rescue team doesn't arrive within 24 hours, what do you think will happen?"

Vikram found himself at a loss for words. They argued back and forth, grappling with the uncertainty and the risks that lay ahead.

Meanwhile, at the site of the incident in Nainital, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) were engaged in the rescue operation. An officer monitored a device's reading, realizing the severity of the situation. They immediately contacted headquarters and reported, "Sir, it's Code F."

The voice on the other end inquired cautiously, "Are you certain, officer?"

With conviction, the officer replied, "That's what this device is telling us. They are in danger, and we need to hurry."

Determined to help, general replied, "the headquarters promptly dispatched a request for assistance. If possible, they planned to send an Awakened, someone with unique abilities, to aid in the rescue efforts."

"In the meantime, ensure that no one enters the portal, until next order."

Hearing the orders, officer could only sigh, and prayed for their safety.

I have edited this using ChaptGPT. I failed several times, hardly could write few chapters, thought of experimenting with chatgpt. Hope you like it, please share your view.

Thank you

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