
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

The Side Effects Of Devil Fruit Are Eliminated!

In the early morning, amid the cheers of the female warriors, the modified pirate ship set sail.

The ship was propelled by two large sea snakes attached to its bottom. For the journey to the North Blue, crossing the Calm Belt from Kuja was the fastest route. They planned to enter the first half of the Grand Line, head to the Sabaody Archipelago, pass beneath the sea of the Red Line, and then cross the Calm Belt. The two sea snakes were crucial for navigating these challenging waters.

While not as massive as the two giant snakes on the Perfume Cola at Nine Snake Island, this ship was only one-third of its size. It still featured two slightly smaller large sea snakes.

Onboard, Arias, Hancock, Salome, and Shakky were present. Shakky, desiring to return to the Sabaody Archipelago, chose this smooth-sailing boat.

Rayleigh remained on a small island near Nine Snakes, silently guarding it and studying the Qi technique taught by Arias.

Before departure, Arias waved goodbye to Rayleigh. Interestingly, the old man had invited him to swim in the sea the night before. It was a clear test of whether Arias possessed Devil Fruit abilities. Arias didn't refuse, and during the swim, their bond grew stronger. Rayleigh even offered some tips on Haki.

"Don't you fly the pirate flag?" Shakky asked.

During the voyage, Shakky and Arias chatted.

Arias explained, "We are not traveling as Nine Snakes this time, so naturally, we cannot fly the flag of the Nine Snakes Pirates. I haven't thought about establishing other pirate groups for the time being, so this is how it is. Also, not flying the pirate flag helps us avoid trouble with the Marines."

While Marines wouldn't attack, other pirates tended to act aggressively upon spotting a ship.

Dealing with these lesser pirates proved easy, and they captured a considerable amount of treasures.

At the Sabaody Archipelago, Shakky disembarked and introduced them to a coating craftsman. This process was essential for pirates entering the New World, and Rayleigh wasn't the only coating craftsman, although his skills surpassed the others.

Unaware of the specific timing of the Op-Op Fruit transaction, Arias preferred not to delay too much at the archipelago.

After the coating process, they set sail directly into the sea.

"Is this the world under the sea?" Wrapped in bubble wrap, Arias found everything around him to be novel.

It was Hancock's first time witnessing this scene as well.

She despised the Celestial Dragons. Since escaping from Mariejois, Hancock rarely ventured to the Red Line, usually sticking to the region around Kuja. Her activity area primarily covered the first half of the Grand Line and the South Blue.

"Arias," Hancock suddenly spoke.

Arias, confused, responded, "Huh?"

"I feel like I'm not afraid of the sea anymore."

"Eh?" Arias was surprised.

After consuming a Devil Fruit, individuals usually developed a fear of the sea, a natural repulsion instilled by the mother of nature. Even those with Devil Fruit abilities instinctively rejected the sea, though this aversion could be overcome with time.

Now, Hancock looked at the sea water before her, feeling an unusual calmness. It was as if a child abandoned by its mother had returned to her embrace. She felt no rejection from the sea anymore.

If they weren't currently at the bottom of the sea, she might have leaped in to test it.

Arias quickly speculated, "Maybe it was the work of the Immortal Thief Liuku."

The Immortal Thief of Liuku represents the pinnacle of body refinement. By creating the most perfect digestive system to process all entering energy, the body eventually reaches its zenith, often referred to as "the sanctification of the body."

The side effects of Devil Fruits typically include physical defects, and it's conceivable that Liuku Immortal Thief could repair such issues. If this speculation holds true, it instills confidence in consuming Devil Fruits.

Previously, there was hesitation about whether to eat the Op-Op Fruit if obtained. Now, it seems there's no need for further contemplation.

The question remains whether a body evolved by the Liuku Immortal Thief can withstand the blessings of multiple Devil Fruits simultaneously. This could be verified later.

As the ship sank deeper, light appeared not far ahead, signaling the location of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.

"Would you like to visit the Dragon Palace Kingdom?"

At this moment, Shirahoshi was only three years old, Fisher Tiger hadn't died, and the efforts of Princess Otohime had maintained a fragile peace between fish, mermaids, and humans. Vanderdeken IX hadn't confessed his love to Shirahoshi, Celestial Dragons hadn't arrived, and Princess Otohime hadn't met her demise.

Considering the potential changes in the fate of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, especially if Hody Jones could be preemptively dealt with, there was a high probability of being rewarded by the system.

While contemplating these possibilities, Hancock's voice interrupted, "Arias, why is there light at the bottom of the sea?"

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