
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Scatter Senbonzakura! The Supreme Sharp Sword: Juelong!

"After returning, I heeded your advice and decided to stage my own death, allowing Jinbei to assume the role of the Sun Pirate Ship's captain.

However, Arlong expressed his desire to seek retribution against humans who had betrayed us. He saw an opportunity to announce my demise to the world and took it upon himself to go to Forchart Island alone. Unexpectedly, Kizaru was also present.

Arias was truly impressed by Arlong's strategic thinking. Arlong's previous successes had been fueled by his ability to stay informed through Marine news in newspapers. For instance, the refusal of humans to donate blood led to Fisher Tiger's tragic death due to excessive bleeding.

Subsequently, Arlong found himself imprisoned in the underwater facility, Impel Down. Despite this setback, Jinbei, renowned as the Sea Knight and recognized by the Marines for his prowess, was willing to assume the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea in exchange for Arlong's freedom.

This intricate web of power dynamics seemed unalterable, and even if I were to intervene, the course of events appeared unchanged. However, an unforeseen twist occurred. Fisher Tiger, thought to be deceased, was alive, and this revelation could potentially prevent Arlong from descending into extreme actions.

Before Tiger's eventual passing, he entrusted me with a message for Jinbei: "Inform Jinbei that upon Arlong's release, he must be kept in check, preventing him from leading other fishmen astray. Arlong's hatred towards humans mirrors the animosity some humans harbor against fish-men. Allowing him freedom without restraint would shatter any hopes for peaceful coexistence."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Tiger emphasized the importance of preventing Arlong from forming the Dragon Pirates. With this directive, Jinbei would ensure that Arlong did not unleash havoc on the villages of East Blue."

"After spending an additional week in Dragon Palace City, Koala gradually emerged from the haze of her mother's death under Tiger's guidance.

"We're leaving, Koala. Do you want to stay here or come with me?" Tiger asked, adding, "Go with Sir Arias and follow him to see the world."

Although Koala was reluctant to let go of Tiger, who had become like a father to her in the absence of any remaining relatives, she felt her current weakness might be a burden. Ultimately, she decided to stay on Fish-Men Island.

After leaving Fish-Men Island, they first headed to Marineford to exchange bounties and then returned to Nine Snakes. Having not seen his other two wives for a long time, Hancock refrained from competing with his sister for Arias's favor, allowing them to enjoy some peaceful time.

A week later, Daybreak set sail again, this time targeting East Blue. Crossing the Grand Line and navigating the Calm Belt, Daybreak entered East Blue. It was almost May, and Arias was concerned about catching up with the events in East Blue. He decided to head straight to Windmill Village.

The journey was uneventful, thanks to Garp's cleanup of East Blue. Only a handful of pirates with bounties over 10 million remained, and they became Hiyori's training targets.

Upon arriving at Windmill Village, there was no sight of the Red-Haired Pirates' ship at the port, indicating that Shanks had likely moved on.

"Arias! We're here!" called out one of the crew members.

In the refining room, Arias inspected the long knife in his hand with satisfaction, completing the final royal object and its transformation. The scabbard and handle of the knife were entirely black, and the straight blade measured a total length of 108cm."

The blade, measuring 81cm in length, possessed an extremely sharp and chilling edge. Fashioned in the shape of a Tang Dao, it differed in that it could be wielded with both hands, unlike the typical one-handed Tang Dao.

A proud smile adorned Arias's face as he exclaimed, "Let's scatter, Senbonzakura!" With a mere thought, the blades separated.

First to emerge was a slender throwing knife, equipped with four handles and a three-inch length to ensure lethality while avoiding unnecessary contact. Following suit were a staggering 48,000 tiny blades. Some were as large as a human fingernail, while others resembled bee stingers.

Enriched with seastone extract, the blades not only possessed incredible hardness but also provided a means of countering individuals with special abilities. However, manipulating such an array of objects simultaneously soon left Arias drenched in sweat.

Controlling numerous fragments simultaneously proved taxing on the mind, as the mental strain became evident. Despite the overwhelming display, Arias reflected on his developing mental prowess. Within his dantian, the Qi seed had matured, and the evolution into a Nascent Soul seemed imminent. It was only a matter of time before he could masterfully control the magic sword.

As mental fatigue set in, all the fragments seamlessly converged, and the blade returned to its original Tang Dao form. Not a single crack was visible; it appeared as if it had never transformed.

This harmonious transformation was a result of the combined properties of the memory alloy and the Stone of Life. Arias carefully sheathed the sword and secured it at his waist.

However, he recognized that refining the blade was merely the initial step. The subsequent cultivation with qi was crucial. In the parlance of the pirate world, the blade needed to be transformed into a black sword infused with Armament Haki.

However, inserting it into the Qi Xiang would nullify this ability.

After Yamato and Hiyori reveled in the novelty of the first bite, they decided to keep their weapons with them at all times, imbuing them with Haki for added security.

Exiting the weapon refining room, Hancock quickly spotted the Tang Dao on Arias's waist. Curious, she questioned, "Why are you carrying a knife? I recall you always fought bare-handed. Have you spent the past few months in the weapon refining room just for this?"

Arias grinned and replied, "Carrying a weapon makes fighting safer. Besides, this knife of mine is supremely sharp!"

He went on to explain that only twelve supreme swords were passed down through generations. Among them were the First Generation Kitetsu, Night, Cong Yunqiri, and Ace. Shanks's Saber Griffin was likely another ultimate sharp sword, stemming from the Second Generation Kitetsu. However, it had been forged into a large sharp sword due to the lack of skill at the time.

Arias, using his expertise in weapon refining, had transformed it into the best among the supreme sharp swords. Not only could it split into multiple blades, but it also possessed magical properties, making it both a weapon and a formidable artifact.

"The Supreme Sharp Sword?" Hiyori was intrigued upon hearing the name, realizing why Arias had willingly given Tian Yu Yu Zhan to her. It seemed he didn't favor his father's sword at all.

"What's the name of your knife?" inquired Hiyori.

Arias pondered for a moment before responding, "Jue Long."

The revelation shocked all three women.

Hancock mused to herself, "Doesn't it mean that the Celestial Dragons are extinct? Arias truly loves me!"

Yamato and Hiyori wondered about the implications of the name. "Dragon? Are you planning to confront Kaido? I knew you would help me!"

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