
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Kill Orochi And Find Kozuki Hiyori!


The transparent cover spread out and enveloped Kurozumi within its confines. He swiftly threw up a pebble, and in the blink of an eye, the pebble swapped positions with the enormous snake behind the magical barrier.


Arias placed a hand on the big snake's shoulder, offering a bright smile.


The massive serpent was bewildered, wondering how it had ended up in the opponent's clutches. Fear etched across its face when it beheld Arias's friendly expression.

"Hey! Why are you running? Don't you want my wife?"

Arias's hands were like iron pliers, restraining the big snake completely.

After hearing Arias's words, Da She glanced at Hancock beside him. The woman seemed to grow more beautiful by the moment. Especially at this close range, Da She's body couldn't help but respond to her allure. The initial fear in his heart dissipated, replaced by a bolder desire.

Hancock frowned. She detested being stared at like this and harbored a strong urge to dispatch the big snake. However, as Arias had the serpent firmly under control without taking direct action, there had to be a specific reason. Consequently, she gritted her teeth and endured the situation for the time being.

The big snake contorted its face into a ferocious expression and taunted, "Do you think you can catch me like this?"

Suddenly, the massive serpent's body underwent a rapid transformation, expanding with tremendous force in an attempt to break free from Arias's grasp.

Before long, a colossal creature emerged before everyone— a snake with eight heads!

"Ah! A monster! General Orochi is also a monster!" exclaimed onlookers in the distance, shrieking and hastily retreating. Having been in seclusion for many years, they were unfamiliar with Devil Fruits and saw the transformed snake as an outright devil.

Even the soldiers who had initially considered intervening dared not approach, fearing they might become the monster's prey.

"Guhehehehe! Your death has come!" roared the snake, now transformed into Yamata no Orochi. However, as Orochi looked at Arias and noticed the man's amused expression, he was puzzled to find the man laughing as well.

"Hey! What are you laughing at?" Orochi demanded, feeling a momentary embarrassment that turned into anger at seeing the other party's laughter.

"Me? I'm just waiting for you to take this form!" Arias responded with a grin.

Arias understood the power of Yamata no Orochi, knowing that each head was a separate life. Dealing with a murderous serpent with eight heads would be troublesome. Instead, he opted for a different strategy—provoking Orochi to transform directly into the powerful form of Yamata no Orochi. This would make it much easier to deal with and eliminate the threat by cutting off its eight heads.

"Arias, can I handle this?"

Hancock, who had been standing behind Arias, couldn't bear the unsightly appearance of the big snake any longer.

"Huh?" Arias pondered for a moment. "Okay!"

Hancock nodded and unleashed Mero Mero Mellow directly onto the big snake.

The lustful serpent, lacking sufficient Haki, was instantly petrified by Mero Mero Mellow.

Observing the petrified snake, Hancock couldn't help but chuckle. Despite its unattractive appearance in life, as a stone statue, it now served as an interesting street ornament.

Arias, upon hearing the system's notification sound, paid no attention to whether he wanted to smash the stone.

"Eliminate the Kurozumi snake, and the world line of Wanokuni will be altered. Your reward: [Ghost Shadow Walk]!"

Arias felt a strange movement technique seamlessly integrate into his body. Suddenly, he felt as light as a swallow, experiencing a significant boost in speed, jumping ability, and other skills. The technique even allowed him to erase his own presence, making others subconsciously overlook him.

Equipped with these new skills, a sense of excitement overcame him, prompting his body to move. Wanokuni's soldiers only witnessed an afterimage as they fell under Arias's swift strikes.

In the midst of his killing spree, Arias caught sight of a little girl on a street corner not far away. Though her body appeared somewhat soiled, her long emerald hair was striking. Despite her thin figure, the natural beauty of her face was apparent beneath the dirt. Moreover, her clothes were identical to the ones she wore when he encountered her at the anime brothel.

Without a doubt, it was Kozuki Hiyori!

During his journey in Wanokuni, Arias successively took down Denjiro and Kurozumi, acquiring [Great Compassionate Hand] and [Ghost Shadow Walk] along the way. With the discovery of Kozuki Hiyori, his mission in Wanokuni was essentially complete.

Utilizing the Ghost Shadow Walk, Arias appeared before Hiyori in the blink of an eye. The young girl, who had been quietly observing the battle, suddenly found herself in the presence of the formidable man who had just defeated the giant snake. Before she could express her surprise, Arias swiftly picked her up, placing her under his arm, and began to make his way.

"Let's go."

As they arrived at Hancock's side, the remaining Wanokuni soldiers who had surrounded them were all petrified by Slave Arrow.

"Who is she?" Hancock inquired with curiosity, observing the little girl held under Arias's arm.

The girl, aged around twelve or thirteen, displayed hints of her original beauty beneath the mud. Hancock couldn't help but wonder why Arias had taken an interest in a child.

Arias, as he walked, replied, "This girl is not ordinary. I'll explain everything when we get back."

He had no intention of revealing his true motive to Hancock. The fact was that Hiyori, at thirteen, was a real little girl, and Arias had no plans of raising a loli for any untoward reasons.