
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Everyone’S Fruit-Maid Form!

Garp's eyelids twitched when he saw the girls heading toward the back hill, but he still didn't stop them.

Subconsciously, he felt that it would be fine as long as Arias didn't go.

The three of them and one snake walked aimlessly towards the back hill. Unseen, a hidden figure was informing Qianxing.

Bai Ou, in the phantom body barrier state, sprinted towards the back hill.

"Haha, you think you can save Luffy by making me drink?" Arias raised his head and took a sip of wine. I have to say that Marine's special offer is indeed good.

Garp self-defeated and provided himself with an alibi!

He was smiling and chatting with the Marine hero without any thought.

Garp also laughed, attracted by Arias's humorous remarks, and his opinion of the young man improved.

"It must be my misunderstanding. Why do I think this young man wants to kill Luffy? How old is Luffy? It's impossible to provoke him!"

Bai Ou hurriedly walked, thinking that he would find Dadan's family soon.

However, he still underestimated the size of the mountains.

Finding a person in the vast mountains and forests is a challenging task!

On the other side, the three Hancocks, strolling leisurely, picked small flowers and caught small snakes.

Occasionally, butterflies hovered around their bodies.

At this time, Hancock did not have the particularly aloof appearance she would have in the future. She still maintained a hint of girlishness, and gradually, 863 and Yamato played together.

Salome followed Hancock step by step, sometimes swallowing some wild fruits to taste.

"Sister Hancock, this island is so beautiful!"

The little lolita Hiyori played on the grass, her hands raised in joy. When a forest beast suddenly rushed out, she swiftly cut it into two pieces with a flash of her blade.

Suddenly, Salome, who was following them, twitched her nostrils and stuck out her tongue, desperately sniffing the air. She vaguely sensed a strange aura, one that attracted her intensely and made her heart throb.

"What happened to Salome?"

Hancock soon noticed something unusual about Salome. This time, Salome abruptly left her side and darted into a bush at an incredibly fast speed.


Hancock hurriedly followed, and Yamato, glancing at Hiyori, also trailed behind.

Upon reaching the spot, they found Salome drooling while fixated on a strange wild fruit.

"What is that?"

The group stared at each other, witnessing Salome rushing over and devouring the wild fruit in one gulp.

"Devil Fruit!"

The girls were certain; they had indeed seen a Devil Fruit. The fruit's peculiar appearance and unusual patterns were unmistakably those of a Devil Fruit.

"How did Salome find this Devil Fruit?"

Several people expressed their surprise.

Arias, holding two Devil Fruits—one Paramecia Golden Fruit and one Zoan Bear Fruit in giant panda form—hadn't seen Salome display such a desire before. Given her close relationship with Hancock and Arias's affection for her, they believed that if she wanted to eat a Devil Fruit, Arias would not refuse.

"But why are you so eager for this Devil Fruit now?"

"Salome, how do you feel?" Hancock looked at Salome nervously. She wasn't concerned about the value of the Devil Fruit being consumed but rather hoped Salome wouldn't face any adverse effects.

Water snakes have no sense of taste. After eating a Devil Fruit, Salome didn't experience the typical human reaction of vomiting.

The mystical demonic power entered her body, and Salome sensed that her body was undergoing a transformation.

The perfect digestive organ crafted by the Immortal Thief Liuku gradually expelled harmful substances. In the gaze of everyone, her body underwent significant changes in just five minutes.

Her body stood upright, her face becoming more human-like, and her tail bifurcated, transforming into human legs. Arms as white as humans sprouted beneath her head and on her shoulders.

In a matter of seconds, the original water snake vanished, and a cute and charming girl stood before them.


Hancock attempted to speak. Despite the complete change in appearance, the connection between them reassured Hancock that this girl was Salome.


A captivating voice echoed. Even as three women, they couldn't deny the enchanting quality of Salome's voice; it was so alluring that they pondered if a man would immediately surrender upon hearing it.

"Is this the power of the Devil Fruit you ate?"

They recalled Arias mentioning that he wanted to find a human fruit for Salome, enabling her to become human and cultivate like one. However, Arias also stated that Renrenguo was on Cigu Island in the first half of the Grand Line, while they were currently in the back mountain of East Blue Windmill Village.

Moreover, Salome's current form was too peculiar.

This peculiarity didn't imply she wasn't human; on the contrary, her current human form perfectly resembled that of a normal person. Chopper's human form paled in comparison to hers!

The peculiar thing was that she brought her own clothes—a rare occurrence. Typically, regardless of the Zoan consumed, the transformed body would take the shape of the animal, retaining the original clothes. Yet, Salome now wore a black maid costume with a white skirt. Black short sleeves with lace adorned the cuffs and skirt.

On her legs were black knee-high stockings, and between the stockings and the maid uniform hem was a delicate white area. Her blue hair matched the original mane color. Though human-like, vertical pupils, two curved horns on her head, and four canine teeth sharper than a human's revealed her unique features.

Standing at 1.85 meters, her face bore a striking 50% resemblance to Hancock. She looked like Hancock's biological sister.

"Master, this Devil Fruit is in the form of Renren Fruit!" Salome, having familiarized herself with the characteristics of the Devil Fruit, informed them.

"And this Devil Fruit?" The girls were surprised. Having flipped through the Devil Fruit illustrated book during their boat travels, they didn't recall such a fruit.

Hancock was astonished. Salome's transformation into a human meant she could fully practice the magical skills taught by Arias. This was significant because her effectiveness with the Inku Immortal Thief had been compromised in her snake form.

"Stop calling me master; you'll be my sister from now on! Call me sister!" Hancock declared.

Salome obediently responded, "Sister!"

"There's me too!" Hiyori chimed in.

Salome smiled shyly. With her intelligence not being low, she already had a good relationship with Yamato and Hiyori.

"Yamato sister, old Kazu sister!"

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