
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Convince Tiger And Reward [Qi Ti Origin]

Jinbei swiftly returned with all the health packs, accompanied by Aladdin and Arlong. Following Jinbei's orders, the other fishmen withdrew.

"I don't want human blood! That's dirty blood!" Tiger screamed and struggled as he saw Arias preparing to transfuse blood. Despite being saved by humans, the emotional pain within him remained.

In response, Arias directly covered Tiger's mouth with a quilt, inciting anger from Jinbei and the others. "What are you doing!" they protested.

"He called me dirty!" Arias defended himself, maintaining composure.

Jinbei retorted, Aladdin looked surprised, and Arlong declared, "Big brother is right! Human blood is dirty!"

Arias's expression turned cold. Using his powers, he transformed a wooden stick in the corner into an object and struck Arlong on the head. "If you insult me again, the consequences won't be as simple as punishment," he warned.

Arlong, infuriated, was restrained by Jinbei. "Arlong! Calm down! This person is saving Tiger's life!" Jinbei urged, trying to diffuse the tension.

Tiger, with his mouth covered by a quilt, continued to struggle, but Arias, emphasizing the importance of his life for the system rewards, couldn't tolerate the resistance. He decided to tie Tiger up and proceed with the forced blood transfusion.

"Do you hate humans? Want to kill them all?" Arias interrogated coldly while administering the transfusion. Despite the tears in Tiger's eyes, he couldn't resist Arias's determined actions.

Arias continued, dropping a bombshell, "You hate humans because you were once a slave to the Celestial Dragons." Tiger's tearful eyes widened in shock. It was his life's biggest secret; how did this human know?

Even Jinbei and the others were stunned by this revelation. "Impossible! How could the boss be a slave!" Arlong protested, refusing to believe it.

Undeterred, Arias explained, "You use the Sun Iron as the symbol of the Sun Pirates to conceal the Celestial Dragon's slave mark on your body. You've witnessed the depths of human evil, yet you are so naive to believe that these wicked individuals can be reformed."

"You could have avoided such severe injuries, but you didn't want to kill those Marines. Tiger, in this world, regardless of race, we should respond to kindness with kindness, and similarly, we should respond to malice with force."

"Repay evil with kindness, repay kindness with kindness?" Arias questioned.

"Repay kindness with kindness, repay hatred with kindness!" he continued. "Every race has good and bad people. While education may change individuals slowly, the root of evil in this world should be eradicated with decisive action."

"The source of this evil is the Celestial Dragons!" Arias declared.

Tiger, no longer crying or struggling, absorbed Arias's words, deep in contemplation.

Removing the quilt that covered Tiger, Arias began to speak. "There are not only humans and fish-men in this world, but also many races. Regardless of the race, including humans, they are all oppressed by the Celestial Dragons."

"Killing all the Celestial Dragons is Hancock's goal, and it is also my goal," Arias declared. However, Arlong, still resentful, interjected, "But those humans who betrayed me!"

Tiger intervened, "Arlong, it's not the fault of those humans. They have never interacted with merfolk. Their knowledge about us comes from the World Government's propaganda, painting us as evil. To change this, we need to alter the world so that fish people and humans can understand each other."

Arias, however, disagreed, "No! It's normal for you to want to retaliate against the villagers who betrayed you." Shockingly, Arlong found himself resonating with Arias at this moment.

"Just like how I risked being wanted to save Tiger, if any of you betray me, I will kill that person anywhere in the world!" Arias asserted. "Betrayal is betrayal, and it will not change because of the betrayer's identity, race, or beliefs."

Hastily, Arlong nodded in agreement. "Brother! This human is right! I will kill all the humans on that island right now!"

With the blood transfusion, Tiger's body gained strength. He shouted, "Arlong is going too far! Jinbei, restrain Arlong!" Jinbei effortlessly restrained Arlong, who struggled but couldn't break free.

Tiger sighed, "That's Koala's hometown, and there are her relatives there. They were also deceived, so let's spare them this time."

Looking into Arias's eyes, Tiger asked seriously, "Your Excellency Arias, you said you wanted to kill the Celestial Dragons and change the world. Is that true?"

Arias nodded firmly, "Of course!"

Tiger nodded and affirmed, "Okay! Whenever you start a war against the Celestial Dragons, I, Tiger, will definitely come to help!"

Jinbei echoed, "And I, Jinbei!"

Arlong, now calmer, joined in, "And me! Our entire Sun Pirates are going to help!"

He addressed Arias, "You, as a human, are different from others."

Arias smiled and admitted, "My strength is still too weak to openly oppose the Marines."

"Including you, Tiger, who freed the slaves and defied the Celestial Dragons, it's better for you to take this opportunity to lay low. It will prevent the Marines from targeting the Sun Pirates. Meanwhile, you can quietly develop strength from behind the scenes."

After careful consideration, Tiger agreed, "Okay."

Simultaneously, the system's voice resonated in Arias's mind:

"Rescue Fisher Tiger, change the plot related to the fishmen, alter the future world line, and receive one of the eight mystical skills: [The Source of Qi Body]."

Arias was overjoyed at the prospect of gaining another mystical skill. The Source of Qi Body allowed a small Qi seed to appear in the Dantian, capable of moving independently. This meant Arias could practice Qi seamlessly throughout his daily activities without interruption. It would significantly enhance his strength and soul power.

Excited about the possibilities, Arias envisioned the potential to control millions of blade fragments akin to Senbonzakura, contingent on strong mental power, a problem the Nascent Soul could resolve.

The next day, Fisher Tiger's injuries were mostly healed, and they were eager to return to reassure the fish people.

Arias explained, "I can't let the Marines discover my relationship with you, so I can only send you this far. You need to swim the rest of the way by yourself."

Tiger bowed gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Arias, for coming to the rescue. The Sun Pirates will always heed your call!"

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