
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Cat Fruit-Lynx Form, Cat And Dog Battle!

"Thunder Eight Trigrams? Who are you?" The pirate captain, displaying some knowledge, recognized Kaido's distinctive technique.

Yamato, at the mere age of fifteen, still exhibited signs of immaturity despite her formidable skills. The pirate captain, armed with a pair of axes, managed to withstand the impact of Yamato's mace, though he was forced to take several steps back. This encounter showcased the captain's experience, having earned a place in the New World.

Not wanting to divulge her relationship with Kaido, Yamato lifted her mace, Takeru, and pointed it at the pirate captain. "The dead don't need to know!" With those words, she leaped into action once more.

The captain responded with an angry laugh, "Haha! You think you're Kaido? How dare you be so audacious? I, the butcher Hume, have never feared anyone! Even if you are Kaido's daughter, I dare to ravage and kill you!"

Hume's body underwent a rapid transformation—yellow hair sprouted, and black Madara dots adorned it. His hands morphed into sharp claws, and his face took on the appearance of a large cat. However, an unusual detail remained—his buttocks bore only a very short tail.

Surrounding pirates gasped at the sight. "Captain Hume is using all his Devil Fruit abilities! How strong is this woman?" The air was thick with anticipation as the clash between Yamato and Hume unfolded.

A voice in the crowd immediately exclaimed, "No matter how strong you are, it's useless! Captain Hume possesses the Cat-Cat Fruit - Lynx Form! His strength, agility, speed, defense, and recovery abilities are unparalleled! This woman is about to be torn apart by the captain!"

The onlookers quickly dispersed; since Captain Hume had personally taken action, they dared not interfere arbitrarily.

Though Hume rarely unleashed his full strength in one move, Kaido's Thunder Eight Trigrams was renowned, and caution was the better part of valor when facing someone associated with him. While uncertain about the relationship between the girl and Kaido, Hume activated his fruit ability, transforming into a formidable human-lynx hybrid. The speed and strength of his axes increased significantly, forcing Yamato into a continuous retreat.

"Devil Fruit? Think I don't have one?" Yamato roared, her body covered in white fur. Fangs, claws, and a large fluffy tail complemented her transformation. A freezing air enveloped her, significantly dropping the ship's temperature.

This was Yamato's Devil Fruit ability—the Inu Dog Fruit, Phantom Beast Species: Okou True God Form!

"What kind of fruit is this?" Hume was taken aback, recognizing the other party's Zoan-type Devil Fruit. However, the grandeur of Yamato's transformation surprised him.

Suddenly, a legendary notion crossed his mind. "Is it a species of phantom beast even rarer than Logia?"

Yamato, silent and determined, didn't provide an answer. Instead, she welcomed Hume with a swing of her mace. Despite Hume's formidable lynx form, he couldn't compare to the might of the Okou True God.

With every swing of her mace, a chilling gust of wind accompanied Yamato's blows, causing Hume to shiver involuntarily.

Yamato noticed that by channeling Qi through the meridians in her body, she could more effectively control the potent power derived from the phantom beast species. As the battle intensified, she realized that Qi and the phantom beast's power were gradually merging.

It seemed that she had once possessed only the right to utilize the True God's power, which didn't truly belong to her. However, as the integration between Qi and the phantom beast species progressed, she felt that the power would become wholly hers—an ownership rather than a mere right to use.

With this realization, she refrained from relying on air-conditioning abilities like Wu Shi Bingya and opted for physical combat, enhancing it with the phantom beast species. This strategic choice aimed to expedite the integration of Qi and fruit power.

Unbeknownst to Hume, he served as a whetstone for Yamato, seemingly engaged in an equal and intense battle—one cat against one dog. Even Hume's crew, witnessing the rare spectacle, marveled at the closely matched fight.

At the bow of the Dawn, Hancock had observed the battle silently for some time. She concluded, "This Yamato is quite formidable." Realizing that her assistance wasn't required, Hancock reclined against the ship's bow, cheek in hand, adopting a charmingly lazy posture.

Suddenly, she shouted, "Yamato! Don't ruin the head! That thing can fetch a handsome bounty!"

"Got it!" Yamato shouted in response, using her mace to disarm Hume's two axes before delivering a crushing blow to his chest. With his sternum shattered and heart destroyed, Hume reverted from his lynx form and collapsed limply onto the deck.

The crew members stared at Yamato in horror as she lifted Hume's head to leave. However, before she could depart, a Slave Arrow covered all the pirates behind her. When she turned back, she discovered that all the pirates had been turned into stone statues.

"Why did you have to kill them?" Yamato expressed dissatisfaction with Hancock's decisive actions.

Hancock, unbothered by Yamato's discontent, retorted, "They attacked us; they are the enemy. Should we show mercy to our enemies? Besides, they're pirates! Everyone has blood on their hands—they deserve to die!"

Yamato fell silent, contemplating her father Kaido's actions that had ruined countless families in his quest to rule over Wanokuni. Yes, they were all pirates, each with their share of atrocities. But could they all be condemned to death?

As Hancock noticed Yamato's eyes clearing, she understood that the girl brought back from the ghost island by Arias was not entirely without insight.

"Go and retrieve all their treasures!" Hancock ordered, emphasizing the ruthless reality of their pirate world.

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