
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Bliss Bar, I Want All His Information!

The physical injuries of Salome improved significantly, and she regained consciousness as the extraction of life stopped. Affectionately, she raised her snake's head and rubbed it against the tear-stained Hancock, expressing gratitude towards Arias. Yamato observed this touching scene and recognized Arias's magical ability at work. She felt a deep appreciation for Arias's care towards Hancock and his genuine regard for Salome as a close companion.

"Arias, and Hiyori!" Yamato quickly handed Rihe to Arias, hoping he could also treat her.

Arias carried Hiyori to the cabin and laid her down on the bed next to Yamato. Hiyori's injuries were not as severe as Salome's. While Salome could benefit from the Immortal Thief of Liuku, Arias hesitated to teach Hiyori directly, considering the trust factor.

"Room!" The transparent cover unfolded, and using the Op-Op Fruit's ability, Arias cleaned Hiyori's wounds and performed simple sutures on the larger cuts. With Qi flowing through her body, Hiyori could recover quickly. Now, she only needed rest and proper nutrition.

Reflecting on the incident, Arias realized the vulnerability of their ship's defense. Leaving Salome alone to guard the ship was adequate against ordinary threats, but insufficient against stronger pirates. However, leaving Yamato or Hancock on guard would lead to boredom.

It was time to enhance the ship's capabilities. Arias decided to improve the phagocytosis, increasing its internal space so that the boat could be stowed away when docked in port.

During this period of recuperation, Hiyori stayed on the ship, postponing further study in the Cave of Miracles. The cave was always accessible, and there was no rush. Arias decided to temporarily sail away from Forchart Island, intending to hunt down the pirates responsible and look for traces of the Sun Pirates.

"Jesse, you're truly dead!" Arias declared, his determination clear.

As the villagers on Forchart Island gradually regained consciousness after being stunned by Conqueror's Haki, Guy cautiously approached the Cave of Miracles. To his shock, he discovered the corpses of the more than one hundred pirates led by Jesse halfway to the cave.

"Did those youngsters defeat them?" Guy wondered, suppressing his nausea as he circled the corpses to reach the Cave of Miracles. However, there was no sign of Arias and the others.

"Did they leave, or were they captured?" Guy pondered, sensing that something significant had occurred on the island.

Simultaneously, on the vast sea of the Grand Line, a large ship adorned with the flag of the sun sped across the waters. However, the crew members were peculiar.

"Koala, a little girl should wear a pretty dress!" Fisher Tiger laughed, lifting the little girl high. After spending time with the Sun Pirates, Koala gradually accepted them and regained her cheerful and optimistic personality.

"We've obtained the permanent pointer to Forchart Island, and you'll be able to return to your hometown soon!" Jinbei added, sharing in the laughter and fondness for the cute little human girl.

"Boss Tiger, I believe that one day, humans and fish-men can coexist peacefully!" Koala expressed her sincere belief. Her time with the Sun Pirates had been the happiest since she was captured by the Celestial Dragons and enslaved.

However, Arlong's voice cut through the moment, proclaiming, "It's impossible for humans to coexist peacefully with fish-men. Humans are an inferior race! We should drive them out!"

Koala's happiness vanished instantly. On the ship, Arlong remained the one she despised the most.

Following the guidance of the chart, Arias arrived at an island with an area of less than 200 square meters.

The island was more of a reef than a substantial landmass, with a seemingly ordinary bar perched on top. However, several pirate ships were scattered around the area.

After docking the Daybreak at the port, Arias disembarked alone. Given Hiyori and Salome's injuries and the numerous pirate ships in the vicinity, Hancock and Yamato stayed on guard.

As Arias set foot on the island, he caught the attention of pirates from the surrounding ships.

"Arias? Has he come to the New World?"

"What a handsome man! I want to capture him!"

Ignoring the chatter around him, Arias headed toward the bar named "Bliss." Despite the name, the establishment didn't exude a blissful atmosphere. Pushing open the slightly worn door, Arias entered.

The bar was more than it seemed. In this narrow space, New World's prominent pirates found it challenging to drink freely. It was the legendary underground emperor's intelligence station, where a vast array of information could be purchased. Rumors even suggested that the intelligence available here surpassed that of the World Government.

Inside the bar, a dozen people sat in silence, sipping their drinks. At the bar, a waiter quietly wiped glasses.

"Guest, what would you like to drink?" the waiter asked.

Arias, familiar with the rules, responded, "There's a group of pirates who make a living by selling people. Their leader is called Jesse. Here's his photo. I need all his information."

The waiter took the photo, sent it to a secret area, and soon returned with a glass of red wine, along with a piece of paper on the tray.

"A total of three million beli spent!" The waiter declared, stating the cost for the information.

Without haggling, Arias took out three million beli, placed it on the bar, downed his drink in one gulp, picked up the piece of paper, and prepared to leave.

Though the information concerned an ordinary pirate, the price tag of three million beli underscored the darkness of the underground world.

Before Arias could exit, a towering man, four meters tall, blocked his way. Unfazed, Arias turned around, his eyes cold, which sent a shiver down the big man's spine. Stepping back involuntarily, the man realized his mistake, his fury rising, and he seemed ready to attack.

"If you want to fight, please leave the Bliss Bar. Anyone who damages anything here will be hunted to death!" The waiter's calm voice quelled the man's brewing aggression.

Quickly putting away his threatening stance, the man warned Arias fiercely, "Boy, I'm waiting for you by the sea!"

"Oh," Arias responded nonchalantly, turning to leave. The man, still seething, failed to notice a swift, cold glint as Arias turned.

As Arias stepped out, the man's body crumpled to the ground, blood spreading beneath him. The sudden demise left everyone in the bar stunned, as they hadn't witnessed how the big man met his end.

"Stop!" The waiter called out to Arias.

"You're calling me?" Arias turned back, indifferent.

Though frightened by the piercing gaze, the waiter, recalling the underground world's rules, gritted his teeth and said, "Fighting is prohibited in the Bliss Bar, but you broke the rules here!"

"Did you see me take action?" Arias responded as he exited.

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