
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

An Old Friend Comes To Visit, I Want Both Of Them!

Shimotsuki Village stood as a humble enclave, its Wanokuni heritage evident in the architecture that adorned its streets. Among its residents dwelled the samurai of Wanokuni, lending an air of tradition and strength to the otherwise ordinary hamlet.

Arias surveyed the tranquil scenery, his piercing gaze briefly interrupted by the commotion of a scuffle. With a nonchalant flick, he dispatched a troublesome warrior who dared challenge him, prompting an immediate shift in demeanor among the villagers.

"Troublesome beauties," Arias muttered to himself, a sigh betraying his exasperation. "Seems they always attract trouble wherever they roam."

His original intent, however, was far from trivial. Seeking directions to the famed Yishin Dojo, Arias had hoped for a more civil encounter. Yet, his inadvertent display of strength had sown fear among the villagers, prompting them to summon the village's formidable defenders.

Among them stood Shimotsuki Koshiro, distinguished by his glasses and genial smile, flanked by a young man and woman—Kuina and Zoro.

At this juncture, Kuina remained very much alive.

"I apologize on behalf of those ignorant ruffians who crossed your path," spoke a gray-haired elder, his demeanor belying his age with a latent vigor. Though their gestures appeared hospitable, Arias noted the readiness in their stance, hands poised at the hilts of their blades.

Preferring diplomacy over confrontation, Arias extended a courteous introduction. "I am Arias. Might I inquire your name, esteemed elder?"

The old man, visibly relieved by Arias' approach, responded with a warm smile. "I am Kozaburo, a bladesmith from Shiji Village, known as Seymour. If it pleases you, esteemed guests, I would be honored to receive you at my humble abode."

Recognition dawned upon Arias as he regarded the elder anew. Kozaburo—Koshiro's father, renowned for his craftsmanship and mastery of the sword, responsible for forging Enma and Wado Ichimonji.

"Very well," Arias replied, a hint of respect coloring his tone. "Lead the way."

Arias and his companions followed Kozaburo into his home, where the elder gracefully dismissed several other swordsmen, leaving only his son Koshiro, Kuina, and Zoro to accompany them.

Within the sanctuary of Kozaburo's family, the group settled as Koshiro himself served tea to Arias and his entourage, while Kuina and Zoro found themselves relegated to a modest corner.

"I wonder what brings you to our humble abode?" Kozaburo inquired, his keen eye noting the remarkable demeanor of Arias and his comrades. In a land long secluded like Wanokuni, such distinguished visitors piqued his curiosity. After all, the Shimotsuki family branch had maintained a low profile since their departure from Wanokuni. What could draw such attention now?

Arias paused for a moment, then caught sight of Hiyori, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. With a subtle smile directed at Kozaburo, he replied, "A reunion with an old friend."

"Friend?" Kozaburo's surprise was palpable.

Could this young man be associated with Wanokuni's noble families? Perhaps the Fengyue, Tianyue, or Yuyue clans? Or even the Chu family? The demise of the Kurozumi Daimyo had reshuffled the power dynamics, ruling them out as potential allies.

Arias gestured towards Hiyori, introducing her as Kozuki Hiyori, daughter of Kozuki Oden.

Hiyori, taken aback by the sudden attention, puzzled over the notion of an old friend. What connection did she have to this stranger?

Kozaburo's gaze shifted to the petite figure of Hiyori, lingering on the blade at her side. He had noticed it earlier but hesitated to inquire until now.

"Kozuki..." His voice trailed off, lost in the currents of memory. After a moment's reflection, he addressed Hiyori directly. "Little girl, is that sword of yours the Tianyu Yuzhan?"

Tianyu Yuzhan—a blade forged by Kozuki Sukiyaki. As a friend and fellow bladesmith, Kozaburo recognized it instantly.

Hiyori blinked, momentarily startled. "Ah, yes!"

The realization began to dawn on her. Was this man somehow connected to Wanokuni?

"I never expected to encounter Kozuki's descendants here," Kozaburo mused, his tone tinged with nostalgia.

Kozaburo sighed heavily, his gaze clouded with concern. "I can't help but wonder about the state of Wanokuni now."

Having unlawfully departed Wanokuni four decades ago during its lockdown, Kozaburo had remained ignorant of its fate ever since.

Arias somberly relayed the grim reality: "Kurozumi colluded with Kaido of the Beasts, manipulating Sukiyaki to seize the shogunate. Oden was defeated and met his end in the boiling pot. Now, Wanokuni is under the oppressive rule of Orochi and Kaido."

"But I returned to Wanokuni last year and slew that Kurozumi snake!" Arias declared defiantly.

Kozaburo absorbed this revelation in silence, grappling with the implications of Wanokuni's downfall.

"What of Shimotsuki Yasuie?" he inquired, his heart heavy with concern for his clan brother.

"His whereabouts remain unknown, but I suspect he's still alive," Arias replied, choosing not to disclose Yasuie's current guise as the enigmatic figure hidden within Ebisu Town. Some truths were better left unspoken.

The news of Wanokuni's tragedy weighed heavily on Lang Songjue, the farmer, his distress palpable.

Koshiro, however, remained stoic. Born after Kozaburo's departure, he lacked the visceral connection to Wanokuni shared by others.

Hiyori's determination shone through as she vowed, "I'll follow Brother Ye's lead in training, and one day, I'll reclaim Wanokuni from Kaido!"

Her resolve overshadowed any mention of Momonosuke, sent twenty years into the future by Lady Toki. Hiyori's focus lay solely on defeating Kaido herself.

"Your Highness, your ambition is truly admirable!" Kozaburo commended, marveling at the courage displayed by the granddaughter of the late Sukiyaki. "I wonder if you're capable of anything this old man once was?"

Implicit in his question was a reluctance to involve the Shimotsuki family in the conflict.

As Rihe prepared to dissuade any further involvement, Arias intervened, seizing the opportunity to extend an invitation: "Upon hearing of a member of the Shimotsuki family residing here, I felt compelled to pay a visit. If you're willing to lend your aid, you're more than welcome to join us in our cause."

Kozaburo chuckled heartily, relieved by the light-hearted exchange. "Ah, Laozi, always so serious!"

Arias, sensing the tension dissipating, shifted the conversation towards a more congenial topic. "I've long heard of the unparalleled swordsmanship of the Shimotsuki family. Would you be willing to impart some of your wisdom upon me?"

Kozaburo's expression softened with genuine pleasure. "Of course, no problem!" he agreed readily, eager to share his expertise. "Is there anything else you require?"

"We do require two more individuals to aid us," Arias continued, prompting a flicker of concern in Kozaburo's eyes. Was this about to take a darker turn?

"Truth be told, Kozaburo's talents in swordsmanship may not suffice for the task at hand," Arias explained, though Kozaburo braced himself for a more dire request.

To his surprise, Arias shook his head, dispelling his fears. "No, old sir, it's those two youngsters we seek."

Kuina and Zoro, who had been idling in the corner, exchanged bewildered glances. Why were they suddenly the topic of discussion?

"Us?" they echoed in disbelief, pointing at themselves.

Kozaburo shared their confusion. "Your Excellency Arias, they are but children. How could they be of assistance to you?"

Arias' smile remained unwavering as he spoke with conviction. "No, no. Despite their youth, their talent is exceptional. They'll grow into unmatched swordsmen. I foresee greatness between them—the very pinnacle of swordsmanship."

Zoro straightened in his seat, a surge of gratitude towards Arias filling him. "Brother, you truly have a keen eye for talent," he mused inwardly, newfound respect blossoming within him.

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