
Navigation: Start On Nine Snakes Island, Rewarded With A Bone Scraper

The game started on Nine Snakes Island, and Arias happened to fall into the empress's bath. Facing the beautiful scenery in front of him and the murderous intention of the empress, he smiled. Once the system is credited, you will get Xia He's special bone scraper from the alien world. Empress: Why am I attracted to him? Arias: I will destroy the Celestial Dragons! Empress: I want to marry you! As long as the original world line is changed, Arias can continue to obtain alien skills: Eight Wonderful Techniques, Shaolin Wudang Tang Celestial Master's Mansion Kung Fu, Three Levels of Reverse Life, Samadhi True Fire... Shirahoshi: Brother Arias, help me! Yamato: It turns out that Oden was wrong. I want to follow Arias to create a New World! Hiyori: I'm already in the form of Brother Arias... Arias looked at Salome who had eaten the Renren Fruit - the maid form, It's not impossible to be Xu Xian once...

Lisandrin32 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

Abducting Yamato And Leaving Onigashima


The sudden explosion infuriated the previously perplexed pirates surrounding Arias. Disregarding Yamato's orders, they brandished their weapons, ready to attack Arias.

In a daze, Yamato was snapped back to attention when Arias added, "Kozuki Oden's daughter, Kozuki Hiyori, is on my ship right now!" This revelation ignited Yamato's fighting spirit, and she swiftly wielded her mace, knocking down the attacking pirates.

"Alright! I'll go to sea with you!" Yamato declared, a sudden shift that left the surrounding Beasts Pirates utterly bewildered. In just a few minutes, the two went from adversaries to allies.

Amid the confusion, some pirates, overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events, ran away screaming: "Go and report to Mr. Quinn! Master Yamato has been influenced by the intruders!"

Arias refrained from killing the fleeing pirates, instead choosing to grab Yamato, who was still brimming with fighting spirit. "Is there seastone here?" he asked urgently.

Confused, Yamato responded, "There's a warehouse containing seastone, but why do you need it?"

Arias explained, "Take me there quickly!"

Amid the confusion, Yamato led Arias to the warehouse where seastones were stored, and with an iron rod, she forcefully smashed open the door.

Witnessing the abundance of seastone materials, Arias eagerly took out a capsule and filled it up. The distant sounds of approaching violence and Quinn's voice indicated that the situation was escalating.

"Let's go! Quickly!" Arias urged, recognizing the urgency of the situation. Yamato, still curious about where Arias hid the seastones, was swiftly pulled away as they made a hasty escape.

"What did you do back there? Why did those seastones disappear?" Yamato inquired between breaths as they fled.

"It's just a small device. When you join us, I'll give you one too!" Arias replied casually, unaware of the wild thoughts crossing Yamato's mind. She pondered if this ability was some sort of treasure, but Arias casually offered to share it.

Feeling a sense of camaraderie, Yamato contemplated repaying Arias for his generosity. Arias, oblivious to Yamato's thoughts, urged her to keep running, while Luffy hurriedly approached the Dawn.

Upon witnessing Arias pulling a girl and leaping onto the boat, Hancock and Kozuki Hiyori were astonished. Countless beasts were in pursuit.

"Did you come to Ghost Island just to kidnap and traffic girls?" Hiyori accused Arias.

Arias swiftly clarified, "She's Kaido's daughter! Let's go! The enemy is coming!" The gravity of the situation struck them both as they hurriedly boarded the Dawn.

So Arias came to Ghost Island just to abduct Kaido's daughter?

"So, Arias came to Ghost Island just to abduct Kaido's daughter?" Hiyori questioned, exchanging incredulous glances with Hancock.

Their attention turned to Yamato, who seemed solely focused on Hiyori. Yamato's eyes locked onto her, and with urgency, she asked, "Are you Kozuki Hiyori?"

Hiyori, confused by the sudden inquiry, wondered about the intent behind Yamato's enthusiasm. "Yes, but why—"

Before she could finish, Yamato, in an unexpectedly excited manner, grabbed Hiyori's hand and declared, "Great! I will accompany you to defeat Kaido in the future!"

Hiyori's expression shifted from confusion to sheer bewilderment. She attempted to withdraw her hand, but Yamato's grip held firm. With a determined look, Hiyori added, "Yes! I will definitely defeat Kaido in the future!"

Yamato, seemingly more excited by Hiyori's commitment, continued, "This is Oden's diary. I read it every day! I exist just to be like Oden! From now on, I am Kozuki Oden, and I am your father!"

Hiyori's eyes widened in disbelief. The daughter of her father's enemy not only declared her intention to defeat Kaido but also claimed to be her father. Hiyori felt like she was caught in the midst of a bizarre and surreal situation, and her response was nothing short of shock: "! ! !"

Hiyori's mind felt as though it had been greatly perplexed, and her brain seemed to shut down in response to the surreal conversation. Hancock, growing bored of their exchange, interjected, "Are you planning to be a fool like Oden?"

The simultaneous, vehement response from Yamato and Hiyori was, "Oden (Dad) is not a fool!" In that moment, Hiyori found herself oddly drawn to the girl aspiring to be her father.

However, their newfound enthusiasm waned as they recalled Arias's earlier words. Reflecting on Oden's actions, they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair, both lowering their heads in contemplation.

Observing their expressions, Hancock whispered to Arias, "Are they injured up here?" pointing subtly to his head.

Arias, slightly amused, maintained his calm demeanor. With the cheerful Yamato on board, the atmosphere lightened.

"What! You're only fifteen?" Hiyori exclaimed, eyeing Yamato's towering presence in disbelief. The contrast between Yamato's height and her youthful appearance was startling. It was hard to fathom that the girl aspiring to be her father was only two years older than her.

Furthermore, Arias knew that Yamato's current height was not the limit. In the future, she could grow to a towering 263 centimeters. On the other hand, Hiyori's petite stature wasn't solely due to her genetics. Years of homelessness and malnutrition had undoubtedly impacted her physical development.

As one of the three beauties in the pirate world, Hiyori found herself contemplating how her figure had suffered in comparison to Yamato's robust physique.