1 birthdays

there are some days u never forget as girl turning 13 is a day I will never forget turning 16 is day I never forget turning 21 is a day you never forget so when i turned 13 my mom gave me special party i even received a barbie from my sister who also shares most my birthdays as we are 6 years and 1 day apart but I also received an infant horse no bigger then a gray hound dog when I got her she was incredible and we endured a lot together including my first boyfriend and heartbroken tears as she grew so did I started to develop my hips breast and ass that just wont quit yes as a teen I was strikingly beautiful I had brown hair with incredible blue eyes and boys began to notice me but I was not yet quite ready for boys so I beat them up or ignored them for the most part at 16 well that is story all in it's own but still a party and fun at 18 not much different except I wore tie dye clothes and a crown bought a lottery ticket and a pack of cowboy killers for non smokers that's a pack of Marlboro red 100s I won on the lottery ticket I still got it in my year book yes I was a spoiled princess I was also pregnant and that is another story in its self I am sure u want to know about 21 of course I went bar hopping and got wasted dyed my hair black but no this particular story I want tell takes place at 28 years old and over dozen lovers and driving fast and misbehaving in general

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