
Naive beginnings.

'Do not be too quick to judge people, do not conclude on things you do not know and love the people around you' my mother would say. I was only but just a teenager and high school was not easy. I am Sam, my mother is Mom Thuli and she is a single mother.

We lived in the eastern part of Eswatini and Musa, Mdu and Phila are my siblings. I am the eldest and not having a father figure in my life was very hard.

I was the best in all that I did, from my academics to sports and volleyball was my favorite sport.

It all started when my mom had this 'male friend ', uncle Fred. He would come by the house even when mom wasn't around. We would play and talk about boy stuff and I was really relieved to have someone to talk to. He was really cool and when my mom was working night shifts he would sleep over.