
Natural Disaster (Paused)

It is the year 2764. Russians have established a lab in London. The four elements, fire, water, earth, and wind we're their desires. The elements were placed in four teenagers, they we're created to rehabilitate the world. A doctor named Lucas Henricks has the secrets to their plans. Emma, Noah, Lily, and Troy must find this doctor and figure out a way to stop Ballestin, the name of the laboratory. The group of elements have never meet before but they can feel that they are connected in some way, and they are correct. Noah is the only one who knows what lies inside the lab and he will need to be the one to lead the group through their quest.

RudyGasparrini · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 3

Troy finished his food. Normal he would have chores to do around the house but not today. He was bored of the television though. Every year that's all he did was watch television on his birthday, or play his guitar in his room. His mom gave it to him, she thought it would calm him. Give him happiness. Last year for his birthday, his mother gave him a dog. He was so exited about it. Troy names him Maverick. He kept him company, they were best friends but his mother wouldn't even let Troy take him out for walks. Instead she did it. Maverick followed Troy everywhere around the house.

Troy knew it was wrong but he really wanted to go outside. It's all he's ever wanted. 'What's the worst that could happen?' he thought to himself.

So that's what he did.

He got a collar and leash for Maverick that his mother used and hesitantly put his hand on the door knob. "Mum won't be back until late Mav. We have time," he said to his dog. He slowly and carefully turned the handle and left his home.